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Analysis of Starling Case Study

The Concept of Strategic Leadership

Strategic leadership guides an organization’s goals, vision and results by matching its strengths with outside chances in a changing world. It means making a solid plan, deciding what is best for the company and helping it reach its big goals in the future (Samimi et al., 2022). In the world of company changes, top leadership is critical. This helps guide businesses through different moves like new goals, how they are built or run and ways people work together in teams.

Good leadership requires considerable thinking, flexible planning and strong choices (Parolek, 2020). It is about seeing and handling changes in the outside world, dealing with new problems, and using chances to make the company better at competing. It also includes the skill to share a clear and exciting plan that drives people at work towards shared goals.

Looking at the Starling PLC case, Edward Banks’ leadership plan was focused on changing the big company into a ‘connected tech group (Walker & Morris, 2021)’. This idea of change wanted to widen what businesses do beyond everyday car-making work to high-tech businesses. Banks tried to copy successful big companies worldwide and wanted Starling as a top tech-focused leader. However, even with a clear plan, putting it into action was challenging because of problems and unexpected events from the bought companies.

Strategic leadership and organizational change are closely connected. Leaders help change happen. They plan the future, encourage new ideas and flexibility, and guide their group through changes in direction. Starling PLC’s big plan to expand into many different businesses needed great leaders. They had to keep all parts of their company in line and help them get used to working together across varied fields.

Strategic leaders are critical in helping to create a suitable environment for change (Lewis, 2019). Leaders need to explain the reasons behind significant changes, get workers involved and feel powerful, and build trust in how they handle change. However, there needed to be better talk between people and cultural problems in the Starling case. As well, workers needing to be happier with it made clear that adjusting them to fit the big picture plan was hard work.

Leading with strategy is very important for making an organization change. It is about imagining a future path, dealing with complications and creating conditions that encourage change (Kotter et al., 2021). However, its success depends on more than intelligent choices. It also needs the leader to talk well, get people excited and ensure that everyone in the company agrees with what they want from change.

Analysis of Starling Case Study

The Starling PLC study is a strong example of how leaders make big decisions and their connection with company change. Edward Banks’ plan to change Starling into a ‘combined tech team’ shows what strategic leadership is all about. Banks tried to copy big businesses like Mitsubishi and General Electric. They hoped for a change from the everyday making of cars and trucks towards many new technology areas. However, this case needs fixing to make this significant change. It brings up important questions about leading people and changing organizations.

Banks suggested a significant change in the direction and culture of the company with his plan. It needed people from different business parts to cooperate and promote cooperation across various areas. The aim was to use the same technology and materials for all of them. However, the plan seemed unclear and needed more convincing to workers. This made them resist and feel unhappy about it. Unclear guidance and communication from the central leadership made group unity harder for successful organizational changes.

Also, unexpected things about the environment – like more robust money from Europe after Brexit and political changes that affect how much is spent on defence – added more problems. These outside things changed how Starling worked. It showed that good leaders who quickly adjust to changing situations are needed.

The enormous buying case shows problems getting a large company, especially AGP and Hotpoint. These needed help mixing cultures and fought for products that did too many different things at once. Not having clear plans in these groups led to significant losses. This shows how important it is for leaders to make sure their strategies are aligned and focused on what they do best.

Leading a group in making changes needs more than thinking up big plans (Blank & Dorf, 2020). It also means talking clearly with others, creating an understanding environment and getting different teams all working together to achieve the same aims. In the case of Starling PLC, the problems faced show how critical leadership is in dealing with complex changes. This can be done by clearly discussing plans, getting everyone on board to create a place suitable for changing new things, and making forward-thinking ideas happen.

How good leadership helps create and grow a positive atmosphere for change

Leadership that works well helps create a suitable environment for organizational change. For Starling PLC, CEO Edward Banks’ move to make it an ‘all-in-one tech group’ shows how top leadership can bring change to a company. A big part of good leadership in encouraging a pleasant environment that supports change is the skill to excite others about an exciting goal and explain why it is needed. In Starling’s case, Banks wanted to copy big groups that did well. His goal was for the company to be a world leader in high-tech industries. However, the unclear and weak way of showing this plan caused workers in many companies to oppose it.

It is essential that leaders can match the group culture with big goals. Leaders should support teamwork, creativity and flexibility in a suitable environment for change. However, Starling needed help combining bought companies into the new group because of cultural differences and not paying attention to the primary skills. Not blending different cultures with the main plan held back strong and united company culture.

Good leaders who help bring about change must listen to workers’ worries and ensure everyone can talk openly. Starling had problems with bad communication, health, and safety and needed to care about their workers. This made the people unhappy, which led to a culture against change.

Theories like transformational leadership and Kotter’s 8-step model stress the importance of being a visionary leader, talking well with others, and involving workers in change (Ziataki, 2023). Great leaders inspire and encourage workers by sharing a clear plan, supporting creativity, and helping groups bring change ideas to life. Kotter’s model says making a group feel like they need change now is essential. They must agree on the same goals and speak clearly if you want successful change in your company or organization.

In simple terms, leadership and creating a positive environment tell the vision. It must match how the company acts with big plans and solve workers’ problems. Then, it helps employees feel strong and take part in changing things around the workplace themselves!

Theories And Organizational Examples

When we look at serious leadership in connection with Starling PLC’s story, it is essential to study how leaders affect change within groups. The change in Starling’s plan, led by CEO Edward Banks, wanted to turn the firm into “a group that does tech all together.” This big move needed strong leadership from someone who saw where they were going and motivated others across different businesses.

A big idea that can be used in this situation is the Transformational Leadership theory by Bass and Avolio. Great leaders, with their charm and big dreams, inspire employees to put the company’s needs ahead of just themselves (Fowler, 2023). Edward Banks wants to make Starling like big companies Mitsubishi and General Electric. He is trying a new way, aiming for more than just cars with his idea.

However, the gap between what they wanted and putting it into action made workers unhappy. This shows there needs to be better leadership guiding how an organization changes. The teamwork setup that pushed units to work together without proper guidance or talk from the main boss led to unhappiness and unnecessary problems. This showed a mess up in putting big plans for change into action.

Also, Starling had to deal with problems like money changes after Brexit. This included political moves affecting the army and worries about natural issues that needed a change in leadership style. Heifetz and Linsky’s Adaptive Leadership theory says that good leaders must change with what happens around them (Daubin, 2023). They also need to use everything available in their team well. In Starling’s case, being unable to adapt well to the changes in their environment caused significant problems. This shows that they made a mistake as leaders when handling unexpected situations.

Good leaders should create a suitable environment for change by encouraging openness, clear talking, and ensuring workers participate. People at Starling talked about problems with talking, fitting in and being safe. This shows that the leaders needed to learn how to make a good place for changes.

The Starling PLC case shows how crucial big-picture leadership is for successfully implementing organizational change. It shows that leaders must link their views with action, adjust to changes around them and grow a good atmosphere. This encourages worker participation and helps the company shift forward successfully.

Reflecting on Specific Insights

After thinking over what we learned in the program and doing a deep study on Starling’s case, I gained important knowledge about leadership strategy and how organizations change. The situation showed how important it is for exemplary leadership and successful change management to work together within an organization. It showed how important good leadership is in helping businesses change and creating a positive place for growth.

The Starling case showed that being a good leader does not only mean making big visions. It also means linking these ideas with reachable goals while thinking about what everyone involved needs and worries over. Edward Banks wanted to make Starling like big companies around the world that use technology, which showed how great a leader he was (Skinner, 2020). However, no clear plan for the change and insufficient talking caused workers to be against it and unhappy.

Also, the case stressed the importance of having a plan and bringing people together during changes. Getting different companies like AGP and Hotpoint without a clear plan or way to combine them caused problems in culture and running things smoothly. It showed that good leadership during company changes needs big ideas and practical planning (Sternberg, 2023). Communicating and getting others involved is essential to ensure the change goes smoothly.

The study of the case has shown how important it is for leaders to be adaptable and flexible and think ahead in their work. It pointed out that good leaders not only imagine change but also can adjust plans when unexpected difficulties arise, like money changes after Brexit and environmental shifts affecting the car and aeroplane industries.

Looking back at this part and the case study, being a good leader is not just about big plans. It’s understanding how an organization works, talking well with others and creating a place where changes can happen quickly. This knowledge is essential as I start to grow into a leader. It shows that it is crucial to balance our ideas with ways of putting them into action, speak well, and care for all people involved when making organizational changes.

How it will assist me in my trip journey

Looking at the Starling situation regarding leadership shows essential parts of good leadership and how it changes companies. The main point of this story is how important it is to connect a big plan with what an organization can do and its way of thinking. CEO Edward Banks changed Starling PLC’s plan to make it an ‘all-in-one technology group.’ They followed big companies like Mitsubishi and General Electric. However, this change faced objections and problems because of its too wide range, unclear messages and differences in customs between the new companies they bought.

When I think about this example and what we learned, it shows how much good leadership needs a clear plan. Good leaders must tell their plan well and involve workers from every part (Atwood, 2020). This helps create a good environment where change can happen. Understanding how big choices affect different parts of a business, like Starling’s trouble with combining bought companies, shows why it is essential to bring all things together and keep them in line within the company.

Additionally, unexpected environmental problems for Starling, like Brexit and the climate crisis, show how important it is for leaders to adjust quickly when changes happen outside the company. It shows the value of being robust, adaptable and planning to handle complex business situations.

This study helps me understand leadership better by showing how important it is to have a united company culture, good talking and being able to change when needed (Stein, 2021). It highlights the importance of understanding and dealing with cultural differences when linking various business parts to shared big aims. As I want to grow as a boss, these points will help me build teamwork and talk freely inside my group or place. It shows the importance of continually learning, adapting and taking action ahead of time. This helps us deal with unexpected problems well and make successful organizational changes.


The Starling PLC example shows how hard it can be to lead strategically and change an organization. Good leadership is critical to guide change, especially in big companies changing their business plans. The job focused on a new plan led by CEO Edward Banks, trying to change Starling into various businesses like successful big companies worldwide. But, no good way to talk and plan led to unhappy workers. This made working well together hard for people from different parts of the business. Unexpected issues with the environment, changes in money value and differences in culture made it harder to manage change when new companies were bought.

Good leadership in strategy is not only about big dreams but also talking and following through with a clear, united plan across the whole company. This story shows why matching a vision for change with the company culture and handling resistance well is essential. For example, when AGP bought other companies, there needed to be a clear focus on joining. This caused big money problems and showed how important it is to align different working methods with a bigger plan.

This case shows how important it is to encourage a suitable environment for change. It showed how bad talking, not caring enough about employees’ worries, and ignoring big problems like health safety hurt a company’s ability to change. A good leader should create a pleasant environment that welcomes change, promotes teamwork and deals with staff worries.

Thinking about these ideas from the lesson and the Starling story, it is clear that good leadership for strategy is not just about seeing change happen. It includes ensuring everything is aligned in different business parts, doing things carefully, and creating a helpful environment for changes to occur. Ambitious leaders can learn from this story how vital it is to communicate, understand, understand bosses, and plan goals well when managing organizational changes. These lessons are essential in forming a person’s journey as a leader. They stress the importance of having a vision, communicating well and creating the right organizational culture when handling difficult change situations successfully.


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Fowler, S., (2023). Why Motivating People Does not Work… and What Does: More Breakthroughs for Leading, Energizing, and Engaging. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

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