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An Experimental Study on the Effect of Processing Rates on Memory Retention


The levels-of-processing method, developed by Craik and Lockhart in 1972, examines how the storage of memories is impacted by treatment level. This hypothesis holds that memorizing information enables more thorough digestion. While deep processing includes semantics or meaning manufacturing, rapid analysis only involves the most basic evaluation of sensory inputs. This experiment aims to investigate the relationship between cognitive speed and data recall.


A total of 30 people, evenly split between 15 males and 15 women, were sought out for the research; they were all between 18 and 30. The major goal of the study was to employ an unbiased method to investigate how different processing levels affected retained memories. For the trial substances, a list of fifteen phrases was meticulously compiled, encompassing a variety of topics like fruits, animals, and colors. The word groups were changed to ensure that the outcomes were not limited to specific semantic domain names.

In a systematic manner, the people in question created three distinct processor groups—shallow, center, and deep—. Each group was given a specific cognitive task throughout the study period suited to their allocated degree of processing. The superficially processed group, the initial category, was tasked with choosing the color matching each word’s typeface. If, for example, the word “apple” was typed in blue font, respondents were required to define the shade “blue.”

The subsequent group, which had medium cognitive skills, engaged in a more difficult cognitive task. The members of this group had to choose if the term supplied belonged to a particular category. For instance, if the phrase “apple” appeared, the audience would pick if it was edible (MacLeod & Bodner, 2017). The third group performed the most complicated mental tasks, also referred to as the advanced processing unit. The members of this group were instructed to use the term to create poignant sentences. If given, respondents were asked to come up with a phrase including the word “apple” in a description of a lunch.

Each group was given a list of words according to their designated processing level once the study period got underway. A brief pause was followed by introducing a distractor activity to discourage participants from using immediate rehearsal and recall techniques. Afterward, participants from all three processing groups were instructed to recall and recite as many words as possible from the initial list as part of the experiment’s recall phase. This stage intended to evaluate how memory retention and recall abilities were affected by various levels of processing.


On average, participants in the shallow processing group remembered 4.2 words from the first list. The mean number of words remembered was larger (7.8) in the group with intermediate processing. Recall performance was particularly strong in the deep processing group, with a mean of 11.6 words remembered. These results point to a definite pattern whereby higher levels of processing are linked to improved memory retention (MacLeod & Bodner, 2017). In addition, the recall performance of the deep processing group was noticeably better than that of the intermediate processing group. Similarly, the intermediate processing group outperformed the shallow processing group regarding memory recall, supporting the general tendency that deeper processing levels lead to higher memory recall outcomes.

Best and Worst Performance

The deep processing group displayed the most impressive performance of the three processing groups by retaining the most words—an average of 11.6 words remembered. On the other hand, the shallow processing group performed the least well, recalling, on average, the fewest words. These results support the levels-of-processing framework’s predictions by highlighting the crucial roles that meaningful involvement and semantic analysis play in enhancing memory retention and recall.

Rationale for Differences

The experiment’s results are consistent with the levels-of-processing framework’s guiding principles. Deep processing’s beneficial effects are linked to its ability to create significant connections and associations, ultimately promoting improved memory retention. While shallow processing primarily engages sensory qualities and is less effective at facilitating memory encoding processes, intermediate processing also uses semantic analysis.


There is clear agreement between the findings and the predictions made by the levels-of-processing theory. The results of this experiment support the theory’s hypothesis that deeper processing always increases memory retention. The stark contrast in recall between deep and shallow processing was remarkable, highlighting the crucial role that semantic involvement plays in forming memory (de Lima & Jaeger, 2020). Several variables influence the results of the experiment. Individual differences in cognitive ability, attention span, and distinctive information-processing techniques can significantly impact results. A further layer of possible variety is added by the choice of terms and categories and the detailed instructions given to participants.


This levels-of-processing study supports the idea that increased cognitive effort considerably improves memory recall. The findings highlight semantics’ crucial role in encoding information (de Lima & Jaeger, 2020). This study sheds important light on the intricate nature of memory functions and the complex elements that influence memory performance outcomes.


de Lima, N. K., & Jaeger, A. (2020). The effects of questions versus post questions on memory retention in children. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition9(4), 555-563.

MacLeod, C. M., & Bodner, G. E. (2017). The production effect in memory. Current Directions in Psychological Science26(4), 390–395.


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