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Alcohol Addiction Essays

Personal Experience With Addiction

As a college student, I have come across many addicted people; hence, I have honed my knowledge about addiction. Based on past knowledge and experiences, I knew addiction was a social ill that lowered the quality of life that people lived. Therefore, in this paper, I will delve into a personal experience I have had ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3042

Dangers of Excessive Alcohol Consumption and How to Quit the Habit

Dear Anonymous, Recently, I have been learning about modifiable risk factors that cause illnesses in our country. I have learned about the dangers of excessive drinking and this knowledge has prompted me to write to you to discuss your excessive drinking habit. I hope at the end of the letter, you will appreciate my good ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1123
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Protocol For A Systematic Review: Exploring the Psychological Aspects Behind Alcohol Consumption

Background/ Rationale There isn’t a single, clear-cut reason why some people have alcohol issues. Numerous studies examining the psychosocial origins of alcohol use have shown various ways to engage in harmful behaviour that includes alcohol use. Alcohol consumption is caused by a combination of biological and psychological variables, and it is wrong to think of ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3849

Why Do Youth Use Drugs and Alcohol?

A drug is any chemical substance that causes a relative change in the psychology or physiology of an organism when consumed by the body. Alcohol, also referred under the chemical name of ethanol, exists as a psychoactive drug that is an active ingredient for various drinks such as wine, beer, and distilled spirits. In most ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1913

Alcoholics Anonymous and the 12-Step Program

Addiction is not a choice. Alcohol addiction is an illness that affects individuals of all gaits of life. Professionals have attempted to pinpoint race, sex, genetics, or socioeconomic factors that may predispose someone to alcohol addiction. However, it has no particular cause. Behavioral, genetic, and psychological factors may contribute to the disorder. Alcohol use illness ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1655
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