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Agenda-Setters in Public Policy

Public policy is the decisions and actions the government and other institutions take in response to societal issues. It is a process that involves setting goals and priorities, identifying problems in society, and implementing solutions to bring about beneficial outcomes (Wickert et al., 2021). The development of public policy involves multiple stages and a variety of actors. For instance, issues or problems are identified by the government or the interest groups such as the media. Then, policymakers analyze the issue through data collection and evidence and develop potential solutions. These institutions also debate alternatives to the solutions, and the best one is selected for implementation. After implementation, evaluation starts to gauge the effectiveness of the chosen solution. Identifying critical agenda-setters in public policy involves an interplay between diverse actors seeking to influence the issues policymakers prioritize. This essay will evaluate various key players, including media, think tanks, social movements, and interest groups, using a recent example to illustrate their impact.

The media plays a significant role in highlighting specific roles and framing public discussions. Journalists and publications can amplify certain concerns through selective coverage, propelling them into the public and political agendas. A recent example is the intense coverage of climate change issues through various media outlets (Gorodnichenko et al., 2021). Extreme weather events and scientific research have fueled climate change reports. These reports have pushed the issue higher on the agenda, leading to increased policy discussions and action at various levels. The coverage has raised the urgency of dealing with climate change and its potential consequences. It also made policymakers prioritize actions and decisions that reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change. Individuals and business organizations must also change their lifestyles and activities to reduce their carbon footprint.

The interest groups also participate in agenda-setting through member mobilization, lobbying, and research campaigns. One of the most powerful interest groups that impact policy debates is the National Rifle Association (NRA). The main role of the NRA is seeking to influence policy decisions related to gun control and advocating for gun rights. Interest groups use tactics, such as grassroots campaigns and campaign contributions, to shape public opinion and pressure policymakers to support their cause. NRA defends and protects the Second Amendment right to bear arms, advocates for legislation supporting this right, and opposes any means they believe could restrict it (Cheng & Shen, 2022). In recent times, gun control has been heavily covered by the media. On the other hand, the NRA has intensified its campaigns against proposed gun control legislation. The interest group has also recently challenged public support for stricter measures.

Another agenda-setter influencing public policy decisions is think tanks, academic research institutions that generate policy-oriented studies, providing expert analysis. These reports shape the scope and direction of policy discussions. Educational and research institutions inform policy decisions by conducting research and providing evidence-based recommendations. One of the most popular research institutions is the Brookings Institution. The institution’s reports analyzing the roadmap to address the US national debt recently informed and influenced congressional debates on fiscal policy and budget proposals (Romer, 2021). Brooking Institution focuses more on economic, fiscal, foreign policy, and social issues. They have a team of experts who collect data, analyze trends, and conduct research related to these concerns. Policymakers often use their findings to inform decisions since the institution is highly respected and influential.

Social movements can also elevate issues onto the public agenda through demonstrations, grassroots campaigns, and public awareness campaigns. A recent example of social movement impact is the Black Lives Matter movement, which held protests and campaigns against police brutality towards black people. The movement raised concerns of social injustices and police reforms, prompting discussions and actions at various levels. It demonstrated the power that social movements hold. The Black Lives Matter movement emerged as a result of a culmination of instances of mistreatment of black people. For example, George Zimmerman was acquitted after fatally shooting Trayvon Martin, an unarmed Black teenager, which served as a potential spark for the movement (Gunawan et al., 2023). Other related deaths through such acts include Eric Garner and Michael Brown, which galvanized existing activism and birthed the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag. The movement has led to informing policymakers to make laws that protect diverse races and implement policies that protect Black people.

International organizations like the UN also play a role in setting public policy agendas. International organizations collaborate with governments and other stakeholders to address global issues and set international standards. One recent case where the UN has influenced public policy decisions is the advocacy of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in its sustainable development goals set in 2015. In this case, the UN has set a target for all countries to achieve UHC by 2030, meaning everyone has access to quality essential health services without financial hardship (Pradana et al., 2022). The UN has taken various steps to achieve this goal, such as monitoring progress and holding countries accountable. The organization tracks progress towards UHC through multiple indicators and mechanisms, which helps countries identify gaps and stay on track. The UN also provides technical assistance and guidance where the World Health Organization (WHO), a UN agency, works with countries to develop UHC roadmaps to build capacity.

In conclusion, public policy agendas are shaped by various actors, including media, interest groups, international organizations, and social movements. These actors use their resources, expertise, and influence to bring attention to important issues and push for policy changes. Individuals and society should be aware of these organizations and hold them accountable as they determine the direction of our society. All these organizations compete for influence, where each actor utilizes unique strengths and strategies to constantly reshape the policy landscape.


Cheng, Y., & Shen, H. (2022). Decisions to react after mass shootings: exploring negative affect, relational trust, and public behavioral intentions toward the National Rifle Association. Journal of Applied Communication Research50(1), 19-36.

Gorodnichenko, Y., Pham, T., & Talavera, O. (2021). Social media, sentiment and public opinions: Evidence from# Brexit and# USElection. European Economic Review136, 103772.

Gunawan, Y., Haque, A. Y. I., & Aidonojie, P. A. (2023). Police Brutality as Human Rights Violation: A Study Case of Black Lives Matter. Varia Justicia19(1), 19-32.

Pradana, A., Casman, C., Rohayati, R., Kamal, M., Sudrajat, A., & Hidayat, A. (2022). Program Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Di Indonesia. Jurnal Endurance7(2), 462-473.

Romer, C. D. (2021). The fiscal policy response to the pandemic. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 89-110.

Wickert, C., Post, C., Doh, J. P., Prescott, J. E., & Prencipe, A. (2021). Management research that makes a difference: Broadening the meaning of impact. Journal of Management Studies58(2), 297-320.


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