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Addiction Recovery Essays

Positive Psychology Interventions Can Enhance a Sense of Purpose, Leading to Improved Outcomes in Addiction Recovery.

Abstract Addiction in general brings substantial individual and societal burden when it comes to the high recidivism after the traditional symptom-focused treatments like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and 12-step programs. Although such methods successfully work for some, they usually do not encourage well-being and positive functioning. The latter is concerned with increasing strengths, promoting positive ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3141

What Are Drug Courts?

Concept of Drug Courts Drug courts incorporate the treatment services of alcohol as well as other drugs with case processing in the justice system. The main aim of such courts is to curb the spread of the abuse of alcohol and other drugs and criminal activities arising from the use of these drugs. Such courts ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1798
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Mental Health and Addiction Successful Recovery Rates

Introduction Statistics on mental health and addiction successful recovery rates in the United States remain high regardless of the state’s currently suffering from the nationwide opioid crisis. Most health institutions and drug rehab centers currently utilize different evidence-based treatment that is personalized in various means to assist patients in recovering from addiction. Various factors influence ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2448
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