Abstract— The document contains an analysis of personality traits in terms of the Big Five personalities. The initial analysis regards data gathered from a personal test on personality using the Ten Item Personality Intervention (TIPI). Furthermore, there is an analysis of the general behavior patterns and whether there is static nature in all social scenarios.
Personality Traits
The Big Five personality qualities include openness, neuroticism, extraversion, conscientiousness, and agreeableness, and most individuals will lie somewhere in the center of the spectrum [1]. The ability to control one’s inclinations and engage in goal-directed actions is considered conscientiousness. It looks at things like behavior control, suppression, and persistence. Organized, attentive, detail-oriented, deliberative, and careful people have a high conscientiousness score [2]. These people also have a firm resolve, which lets them to finish up their errands and attain their goals. People who have a low conscientiousness score often find it arduous to manage their urges, making it difficult to accomplish tasks and meet goals. Agreeableness, on the other hand, refers to how individuals approach interpersonal interactions. Rather than being regarded with connections, agreeableness is interested in people’s interactions and attitudes with others. Those scoring low on agreeability may be seen as distrustful, deceiving, or confrontational. Furthermore, extraversion refers to a person’s desire to contact the environment, especially social interaction [3]. It encompasses people’s comfort levels and fierceness in public exchanges. It also points to the energy sources from which somebody derives their vitality. Openness to experience, on the other side, relates to one’s desire to explore new experiences and indulge in artistic and intellectual pursuits. Those with more receptivity to experience are more imaginative and inventive [4]. They relish autonomy and seek diversity. Finally, neuroticism describes an entity’s general emotional stability grounded on how they assess the setting. It regards how probable a person perceives situations as dangerous or stimulating.
Tipi Results Analysis
The results from the Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) test are indicative of my current predispositions insofar as my personality is concerned. For one, I am a reserved individual and prefer to keep my social circle as small as possible. I am more comfortable entertaining my thoughts and ideas than outward social interactions. This aspect of my being is evident in my low extraversion score of only a two. Furthermore, I like keeping things to myself. I relish the sanctity of personal experiences, and I find that having my undertakings a private venture would nonetheless harm no one. Additionally, I find the idea of routine tenable in many respects. There is often the question of why one should take a new course of action, whereas an already established pattern may easily afford them what they desire. On a separate note, I cannot entirely regard myself as being utmostly organized regarding my conscientious predilections. On a personal note, if my situation covers the bare minimum, there is a higher propensity for me to leave things the way they are. Nonetheless, this does not imply that my life and orderliness are completely in disarray. The matter suggests that I am more inclined to meet just the minimum requirements and not go overboard in many instances. However, this state of being has led to impulsivity in my actions on many occasions. I have often been unable to maintain some discretions given the underlying social pressures I have faced. Upon taking a test based on the Big Five personalities, the test ratings and results were as figures 1 and 2.
Figure 1: Personality Ratings
Figure 2: Personality Graph
Tipi Accuracy
The Ten Item Personality Inventory is an accurate model in assessing the personality traits of individuals. TIPI encompasses a look at five personality models. Unlike prior theories of personality that classified individuals as introverted or extraverted, the Big Five Model states that every personality resides on a continuum, providing a reasonable path for evaluating personalities [5]. As a consequence, persons are assigned a value that falls somewhere between the two extreme values [6]. When assessing extraversion, for instance, instead of being labeled as extrovert or introvert, one is put on a scale to measure their degree of extraversion. Individuals can be ranked to assess personality differences in these traits effectively. The Big Five conceptual framework was developed with the help of several independent specialists. Gordon Allport and Henry Odbert created a list of 4,500 character traits terms in 1936 [7]. Their research established the framework for subsequent psychologists to decipher personality’s core traits. The model has been called the “Big Five” and has garnered significant consideration. Each of the five personality qualities is a broad phrase that covers a variety of personality-related terms. Each feature is made up of a variety of other traits. Another essential component is the Big Five Model’s method for determining personality. Rather than binary categories, it stresses the notion of traits as a spectrum.
Figure 3: Personality Scores
Origin of personality Traits
Examining the genesis of personality characteristics necessitates a consideration of the nature vs. nurture argument [8]. The origin and development of personalities in people’s lives are subject to many theories. Each hypothesis, nevertheless, falls short of completely satisfying the healthy development of people’s proclivities in the many ways that exist. The nature side of the nature vs. nurture argument assumes that people have an inbuilt preference for features and tendencies. This assumption is based on the genetic drive to survive. The foundation of a person’s activities would suggest an accumulation of personality qualities critical to survival for someone who has been explicitly denied the possibility of social interaction with others. However, when it comes to the nature vs. nurture issue, individuals learn their practices, which become personalities [9]. As children, people find a way to deal with and face various people and situations by mimicking others. This aspect is something kids learn from their relatives or a regular grownup they are exposed to. Even if the child does not understand or know that these attitudes and actions are inherently harmful, exposure teaches them. Individuals may form long-term sentiments toward other institutions and people, which can have a long-term influence on their survival. When meeting somebody for the first time, they may have preconceived notions about whether they correspond to a particular group, seem varied, or do not conform to society’s norms. Their actions will change because of their thoughts toward others, such as rejecting them, avoiding connecting with them, or discounting them. Such social interactions eventually result in the formation of a personality.
Changing personality Traits
There have been some changes in the prominent five personalities in my life, and there is a chance that there will be more changes in the Big Five personalities in years to come. One of the areas I have experienced these changes is the aspect of openness. In this regard, before joining high school, I exhibited a sense of heightened openness given the many options I could see of myself in the future. Moreover, this increased openness caused me to engage actively in the various disciplines taught as I tried to find how to involve myself concerning future undertakings best. On the same note, I find that openness is also bound to change as I advance in age. One of the prospected outcomes is that curiosity and the knack to learn new things are soon overtaken by time, and the individual develops a more rigid predisposition [10]. I anticipate that this same rigidity will suddenly cause my openness to drop about my personality. Furthermore, my agreeableness is also bound to take a similar turn. Age is bound to cause a more critical and suspicious nature to my personality.
Consistency of results
The results from the TIPI test are somewhat incongruent to my use of written language and my musical preferences. In as much as the data indicates an overt inclination to be introverted, I have a prevalent penchant for expressive music and written content. However, my verbal skills are somehow in tandem with the personality test results. Most often than not, I am more of an introverted individual when talking, yet, writing brings a disparate connotation. Furthermore, heightened creativity in writing elicits better responses from external audiences. This same thought is also a mark of my musical preferences. Unlike the thought that introverted individuals resonate more with quiet and emotional music, I often prefer lively content for me to listen to.
Personality and social situations
Personality is a public expression of attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge. Moreover, people are often judged or misjudged by their actions and sentiments in the social arena. This aspect of personality predicates the propensity of people to tweak their inclinations to fit some social scenario they find themselves engrossed in. One of the most guarded aspects is the stability of emotions (neuroticism). People often want to maintain that they are in control with little effect from their surroundings inducing erratic responses. Almost every other person seemingly has a relaxed and composed demeanor in the social arena. One of the most common instances that one can use to validate this scenario is a setting in which a child is acting up in a public space. The parent often would direct the child to mind their manners because “people are watching.” As much as that may be the overt expression mechanism of a child back at home, the notion that other people are taking note of specific “irregular” patterns and behaviors is painstakingly awkward for the mother. Furthermore, this line of thought is evident in many people to keep up a “normal” public appearance. Additionally, even when one faces some apprehension, and it is in their personality to respond a given way, the prevailing thought is to always “act normal.” Signifying that everything is seemingly in perfect form.
Behavior and personality are entwined in almost every other sense, including that behavior is a function of personality. A person’s specific behavior is subject to changes guided by societal norms in different settings. For one, some scenarios may require one to be social with others despite the toll it may take on their introverted selves. A small illustration is in that case where students are working in class, and there is a requirement that all group members present on a highlighted topic of research. Inasmuch as it may be demanding on the introvert, it is necessary. However, other scenarios require that people behave a particular way out of their own volition. For instance, when people are at a wedding, it is expected that the general depiction should be of emotional stability. Furthermore, individuals are required to be conscientious. Ergo, behavior is dynamic, although personality’s influence remains an ever-attached anchor determining one’s proclivities.
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