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Conflicts in Relationships

Every relationship must have conflicts from time to time. This is because conflicts are essential parts of every relationship, including work and romantic relationships. Various interpersonal relationships possess different types of disagreements, which end up in conflicts(Wrench et al., 2012). In many cases, the conflicts serve negative purposes, but in reality, conflicts are good only if the parties involved have a high tolerance for the conflicts. It is where they are conscious of finding the reason behind the conflict and using it to make better the interpersonal relationships they are in for a better understanding of each party. Thus, the development and growth of these relationships lie in having the right understanding of the reasons for the emergence of conflicts and having the right skills for conflict management to help solve them whenever they occur, which helps in the growth and development of healthy interpersonal relationships in society. Thus, this paper aims to explore some of the impacts of conflicts, which are both positive and negative, and bring some vital points and knowledge on managing the conflicts significantly when they negatively impact the interpersonal relationships created for an intended purpose in human relationships.

Conflicts can be healthy for a relationship. In most cases, they signal the need for changes after a long time of normalcy. When conflicts arise, there is always a call for change, which is signalled by the cause of the disagreement between the two parties(Tartakovsky, 2016). However, the change can only occur when the two parties are ready. It will be complicated for the change effected by the conflict to occur when the two parties are not ready and cannot come to terms with the inevitable change. In romantic relationships, conflicts will show how much the two parties require each other. Sometimes, when it happens in marriages, the people involved often understand how much they mean to each other. The conflicts often show how interdependent the lives of the two parties are in the relationships. By striving to find common ground in the conflicts, the two parties realize they are a team and must strive to work for the relationship’s success without being selfish.

On the other hand, conflicts can also be harmful to a relationship. Sometimes, when people conflict with a relationship, those who lack tolerance often develop the wrong attitude(Diplomacy Network, 2023). The development of a wrong attitude leads to feelings of hatred and dislike for the other person, which leads to more destruction in the relationship. In a work environment, conflicts can lead to reduced performance whereby two parties in an interdependent relationship may need help collaborating on tasks to bring the required outcome. These parties may need help understanding each other and working together to meet the organization’s needs because of the prior negative attitude developed after the conflict in the department. In summary, conflicts can negatively impact relationships, including creating violence among the parties, injury through physical fights, and economic disruptions when they interfere with economic activities and separations.

Nevertheless, conflicts are manageable in relationships. However, the solution to these conflicts in relationships requires specific skills. Conflict management skills are essential in managing the many conflicts experienced in many kinds of relationships(Sutton, 2023). Some of the cause of conflicts relates to poor listening skills in relationships. Thus, by active and effective listening, conflicts can be reduced and solved whenever they occur. Purposeful listening is very effective in managing conflicts. While resolving the conflicts, the parties should operate in win –win posture. Lastly, the two parties should operate on eliminating relationship disturbance for healthy relationships.

In summary, conflicts in relationships are common. They can be either positive or negative. However, for conflicts to produce positive results, the parties should have high perseverance and patience with one another. Conflict tolerance is essential in managing conflicts in relationships, together with developing conflict management skills. Conflicts are beneficial for relationships as they promote brainstorming for new ideas for the proper development and growth of the relationships. Thus, it is proper to have the basic knowledge of conflict and their impacts in a relationship and how to manage them through conflict management skills which is the main objective of this research paper.


Diplomacy Network. (2023, January 24). Types, causes and consequences of conflict.,economic%20disruption%2C%20social%20upheaval%2C%20and%20displacement%20of%20people.

Sutton, J. (2023, October 10). Conflict resolution in Relationships & Couples: 5 strategies.

Tartakovsky, M. (2016, May 17). How conflict can improve your relationship. Psych Central.

Wrench, J. S., Punyanunt-Carter, N. M., & Thweatt, K. S. (2012, February 2). Chapter 9: Conflict in relationships. Interpersonal Communication.


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