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Environment, a Lot of Rubbish


The natural environment, also known as the natural world, includes the majority of living and non-living things that arise naturally, or in this case, without artificial means. The expression is often used concerning Earth or specific areas (Buell et al., 2019). This ecosystem includes the interactions between all living things, the temperature, the weather, and the environmental resources that have an impact on human existence & economic activities. The accumulation of particles and plastic objects in the environment that harms people, species, & their habitats is known as plastic pollution. These substances can affect people and animals when infiltrating soil or freshwater sources (Hohmann et al., 2019). The cause of 60% of water pollution is trash. Rubbish can pollute the air and contaminate the water and the soil. There is a skit about “Environment a load of Garbage.”

Characters and Props

Characters Props
  • “Soft Drink Bottle (SDB)”
  • “Plastic Bag (PB)”
  • “Potato Chip Package (PCP)”
  • A trash can, a compost bucket, and a recycling container
  • Characterized clothing
  • Rubbish is strewn around in several containers

The characters join together as they enter the stage right toward the audience. On the left, bins are identified with names and indications. The floor is littered with trash. A bell rings, accompanied by children giggling (Witbooi, 2018). Then there was silence.

Soft Drink Bottle (SDB): Hey, look at the chaos.

Plastic Bag (PB): There’s a lot of trash lying around us.

Potato Chip Package (PCP): Nobody remembered to throw us away.

Plastic Bag (PB): Did you realize that each of you generates approximately 1,600 pounds of trash annually? Yes, everyone produces that much garbage, and it must go elsewhere. Is anyone aware of where waste is disposed of?

Audience answer: In the trash/garbage can.

Plastic Bag (PB): Alright, and where does it go from there?

Soft Drink Bottle (SDB): Everything has to go into a waste or a dump. If you’ve ever visited a landfill, you know how unpleasant it is to live nearby. If we cannot create good use of our trash, we will have to keep building landfills.

Potato Chip Package (PCP): Luckily, there is still something we can do to reduce the amount of trash that ends up in landfills. Is anyone aware of what that is?

Audience answer: Recycle, says the audience.

Note: Recycling is taking used materials, such as an aluminium soda can or a plastic milk carton and repurposing them into new products rather than throwing them in the trash. Aluminium cans and paper, for example, frequently result in the exact item (Leader, 2018).

Plastic Bag (PB): We can recycle, yes. (Continues to stand behind the recycle bin) As Believers, we must remember to care for our environment. God has given us a beautiful world, and He believes we care for it properly. Some items can be reused rather than discarded in the regular garbage container to go to landfill. Can anyone come up with any ideas?

Audience answers: Paper, chipboard, a few plastics, glass, and aluminium cans are among the materials mentioned by the audience.

Soft Drink Bottle (SDB): You may reuse items like mine. With paper, cardboard, and the other things you listed, anything with this particular symbol may be recycled (place the emblem on the recycling container). All recyclables should be flattened and placed in this bin. They will not ever have to be disposed of because they are all melted down, mashed up, and recycled, which benefits the environment!

Potato Chip Package (PCP): Regrettably, I am not recyclable, so I must be disposed of in the regular trash. However, food scraps do not have to (point to the trash can; they must stand behind the compost bin). It would be best to have a separate container in your home for any food leftovers, including vegetable leftovers that rot at the back of your refrigerator, apple cores, potato scrapings, and (scary) apple cores. ‘These things can all be used in the yard and composted. Ask your parents to get one if you need a recycling bin. The plant matter is excellent for the yard and can be used as mulch around your home’s plants.’ After cutting the yard, grass cuttings can also be recycled.

Soft Drink Bottle (SDB): Some communities also collect food and yard waste, mainly green garbage cans picked up with your recycling. If your home lacks trees or green places, someone else may use them as compost!

Plastic Bag (PB): Let us look at the bins and determine what they are for. As I mention them, you recognize who they are. ‘You must make sure that all of your trash is disposed of using one of these cans, the speaker says, pointing to each one as the audience shouts out. Never dump garbage on the ground.’ It creates a mess, and the wind will carry it around, contaminating the lovely environment God intended for us to dwell in.

Potato Chip Package (PCP): oh, It is unfortunate. People must learn to throw things here and there to generate litter. It is essential to learn good habits. Potato chips packet asked the audience, “Does anyone understand what letter is?’ “( audience answers) Yes, when people are too lazy and unable to put the trash in the garbage and drop it on the roads without thinking about the environment, the other people” ( Slowly pick one of the packets and the bits of trash from the ground) profit restlessly) generate litter. Now anyone tells me why we use the three different colours of the wind, and what has this purpose been? ( audience answers) yes, these are in green, blue, and black. So why are they in different colours? (audience answers) We must throw in separate dustbins because the garbage is also additional. We should not become a litterbug; the most exciting thing is that the people in the cars are the worst litterbug. The people in the car adjust open their Windows and drop the trash out. So we can see a lot of litter around the highway, parking, and even the drains. Are crashes trouble people and animals? The tiny chip packets block the drains, so in the rainy season, there is a lot of water on the road, and we face many problems while going to school. We see everywhere a lot of water. Do You know what water is logging? (audiences answers) .

Yes, It generally happens when the dis packages jam the drain, and the water cannot pass fluently.

Soft Drink Bottle (SDB):: It is a dangerous thing, and it seems terrible because your dresses get dirty, and sometimes due to the water logging, many accidents happen.

That’s why you always carry attractions inside the car or travelling. This is a straightforward and effective way to efficiently manage waste and eliminate the letter. Never throw the garbage out of the window. Never through the food wrapped in plastic packets because the animals few it while eating the food. They don’t know about the danger of plastic and have to lose their lives. It also hurts the water life. ( Show the pictures of the videos that create the waterlogging and harm to nature).

Plastic Bag (PB): Now we will see how to throw the garbage and which garbage bin is used for. Why do we use the green bin?

  • We throw biodegradable waste or garbage in the green bins.

What are those?

  •  Those are the garbages that are composed or mixed into the soil.

Now tell me, why do we use the blue bin?

  • Throwing the non-biodegradable garbage that does not get mixed with the soil

Over here, there is a basket full of domestic waste and another thing that needs to be thrown

would you like to come up to show everyone? ‘In which of these bins do the piece of garbage go? ,

(‘Call down some volunteers to sort the trash into the beans as well as explain to the audience where each piece goes go and why we throw it in the garbage bin’)

Soft Drink Bottle (SDB):: Wow, appreciating and clapping. These kids have done excellent cleaning of the places and identifying the degradable and non-degradable waste. Apart from this, all of you learn to recycle things to eliminate litter. Well done.

Plastic Bag (PB):: Always keeping mind this trash creates litre everywhere ( audience answer in the affirmation)

We are responsible for throwing garbage into the garbage bins and making this planet beautiful for future generations.

Potato Chip Package (PCP):: Hurre, clapping, and sharing is everywhere. The children are shouting, enjoying the skit. ( there is a message from the potato chips package to the audience)

Note: Always throw the garbage in the dustbin and learn waste management. The children have to collect the teams and the chips packets from the road and food them in the dustbin to realize the importance of cleanliness and a litter-free environment. The activity understands the importance and makes this planet a beautiful place to live.

Let’s sing a rhyme on the cleaning of garbage. A video projector shows the children the importance of recycling, reusing things, cleaning the track and the healthy habits of using the correct bins while throwing garbage.

Reuse, and recycle easy things to do,

Remember this one before you do,

Separate the plastic papers, glass, and tins,

Always put it in the recycling bin.


Buell, L., Heise, U.K. and Thornber, K., 2019. Literature and environment. Annual review of territory and resources, 36, pp.417-440.

Hohmann, M., Stahl, A., Rudloff, J., Wittkop, B. and Snowdon, R.J., 2019. Not a load of rubbish: simulated field trials in large‐scale containers (Vol. 39, No. 9, pp. 2064-2073).

Leader, J., 2018. What a Load of Rubbish. Ct. Uncourt 10-, 2, p.11.

Witbooi, E., 2018. Plastic bag regulation in South Africa: just a load of rubbish? South African Journal of Environmental Law and Policy, 10(1), pp.67-91.


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