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Doctoral Faculty Advisor: Meeting Plan

My primary goal for this meeting involves discussing expectations from both parties. Understanding what the faculty expects from me and vice versa will enhance an effective relationship and environment for learning. I want to establish the most effective communication approach where feedback and responses will be received on time. Besides, achieving this interaction will enhance collaboration and teamwork, creating mutual benefits.

I also aim to discuss research expectations. Here, I will ask questions regarding the best approach to conducting an in-depth study, including the methodology to apply. This discussion can broaden to involve the pros and cons that doctorate students experience. Therefore, the objective of this dialogue will be to foster mentorship and help develop a practical plan identifying strategies for overcoming the challenges that most students have faced. These objectives align with my interest in the faculty, especially in conducting quality and viable research.


My most significant doctorial-related weakness is an unhealthy work-life balance. My day starts early in the morning, and I work till late. It is challenging working and completing my homework on time. Sverdlik et al. (2018) argue that time management significantly improves quality of life and helps individuals meet their objectives. I want to know the resources available within the faculty to help manage my time. Besides, the faculty adviser can help me identify effective strategies to achieve my academic, work, and life objectives. Consulting the adviser on developing a schedule can promote a realistic outcome from the meeting. Apart from managing my time, I also want to talk about stress management and the available approaches the faculty uses to help its students be most effective—for instance, identifying peer and support groups to enhance my experience in the institution. The tight work and life schedule is a significant weakness affecting my academic process, especially in meeting the quality of research work. Therefore, identifying the strategies and planning my career with the help of the faculty adviser can enhance strategies that help me achieve my personal and professional goals.

Doctoral Journey questions and concerns

The faculty adviser can help to clarify the research guidelines and approaches. Research work contributes to a significant part of the doctoral course; therefore, understanding the dissertation procedures is essential for planning. Secondly, I am concerned about the networking within my field. The adviser can clarify the best approach to collaboration in academics and especially in conducting research. Since I have a tight schedule, balancing work and school, aligning my objective with the right team is essential for success. I want advice on forging a solid team that can help create a long-term professional relationship. I am concerned about the obstacles and factors that affect my motivation while working to achieve my role in the institution.

Other questions I can include in the meeting involve support and resources, including funding for my research. In addition, I want to know ways of acquiring ethical aspects of the study. This question will help improve my understanding of the research process and the role of the faculty in guiding the outcome. I want to integrate the faculty schedule with my work; any other important information the mentor can include is central to my success. Consequently, I believe the meeting will help me understand how to plan my time and schedule to maximize outcomes effectively.


Sverdlik, A., Hall, N. C., McAlpine, L., & Hubbard, K. (2018). The PhD experience: A review of the factors influencing doctoral students’ completion, achievement, and well-being. International Journal of Doctoral Studies13, 361-388.


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