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Decision-Making Reflection or Formal Business Report


Decision-making is a critical and integral aspect of human life that greatly influences individual decisions, societal progress, and organizational outcomes. It comprises the selection of a course of action from an alternative set to attain specific goals or address a particular issue (S Bright & H Cortes, 2019). Understanding the importance of effective decision-making is critical for leaders, individuals, and organizations aiming to navigate the challenges of the ever-transforming universe. This business report takes a formal look at a recent major decision, how it was made, potential areas for improvement, group decision-making, and what the future holds for changes. The decision involves moving away from waterfall and agile project management to boost flexibility and customer happiness.

Recent Major decisions

Not long ago, we boldly decided to reevaluate our approach to project management. From waterfall to agile, project managers leaped. This shift prompted adapting to evolving project requirements and boosting customer happiness.

Decision-making Process

Recognizing the need:

The initial step in deciding was realizing that our project management approach had certain flaws. A change was necessary due to issues with project delays and clients’ ever-changing requirements.

Generating alternatives

After recognizing the need for change, we came up with different alternatives. The dynamic nature of our projects was a significant factor in the decision to employ Agile methodology, which is known for its flexibility and iterative development.

Alternative Analysis

In the third stage, we looked at all the generated options. A thorough analysis of adopting an agile methodology’s pros, cons, and practicability was conducted. At this point, we looked at how each alternative worked with our project objectives and overall framework.

Selecting an Alternative

The next step was to choose the optimal choice. All discussions and decisions relied heavily on teamwork. It is worth noting that the choice to move to agile was made as a team.

Implementing the decision

After deciding to use agile, the attention shifted to putting the decision into action. Agile principles were communicated to the workforce, and workflows were modified to conform to the new approach.

Assessing effectiveness

The last step was to evaluate the effectiveness of the decision following its execution. We monitored project development, team dynamics, and customer comments to gauge the effect of the change. Finding unforeseen problems and making adjustments at this point was crucial.


Skipped steps

The step that was offered minimal attention is alternative analysis. Even if the decision was successful, a more comprehensive evaluation of options may have been carried out. A hasty decision was made without thoroughly weighing the pros and cons due to the pressing need for change.

Improvement Strategies

The improvement strategies comprise giving alternative appraisals more time, especially when considering the long-term effects, and getting different people’s opinions when making decisions so that I notice everything.

Benefits of Group Decision-Making

Group decision-making significantly improves organizational performance. Advantages include varied perspectives, accountability, and creativity (S Bright & H Cortes, 2019). Group decision-making self-assessments encourage cooperation via mediation, active listening, and dispute resolution.

Self-Evaluation for Team Assignment

Specific interpersonal skills are necessary to foster an environment conducive to teamwork and decision-making. Group dynamics and collaborative decision-making thrive when leaders actively listen, facilitate, and resolve conflicts (S Bright & H Cortes, 2019).

By actively listening to others, team members can better understand and appreciate one another. I am well aware of the importance of actively participating in team discussions. I intend to demonstrate genuine concern for my coworkers’ problems by actively listening to them. Some examples of this behavior are maintaining eye contact and acknowledging with a nod. By actively participating and confirming my understanding of other people’s viewpoints, I can ask questions that clarify and summarize important points. Through attentive listening, I encourage my team members to speak their minds.

Skillful group discussion facilitation is essential. I must learn how to encourage team meetings better, and I am aware of this. An agenda can help ensure that important topics are discussed and given adequate time. Taking into account the communication styles of my coworkers, I encourage those who are more reserved to speak up so we can all work in an environment that respects and honors everyone’s viewpoint. Navigating discussions toward mutual understanding is another aspect of facilitation (Abele et al., 2021). Finding common ground and synthesizing varied perspectives helps the team make choices.

Settlement of disputes is an inherent part of group dynamics. Because of this, I make a solid effort to grasp the team’s opinions. Everyone on the team has to feel comfortable speaking out and have an open line of communication. To get better, I will tackle problems by looking for ways to fix them. An effective way to manage issues and foster growth and consensus is to propose compromise solutions that promote team goals.


These interpersonal abilities result from a team culture that values open dialogue, mutual respect, and cooperative problem-solving. I aspire to hone these abilities to contribute to groups by making wise judgments and fostering a positive team dynamic.

Action Statement

The decision-making process, improvement areas, benefits of group decision-making, and measures to strengthen cooperation have all been discussed in this reflective study. Case studies that utilized decision-making ideas illustrated changes to project management techniques.

Our plan of action is to make decisions as a team and as individuals with a more holistic view that values different points of view and encourages productive group dynamics. This dedication acknowledges that sound decision-making is crucial to achieving organizational goals.


Abele, A. E., Ellemers, N., Fiske, S. T., Koch, A., & Yzerbyt, V. (2021). Navigating the social world: Toward an integrated framework for evaluating self, individuals, and groups. Psychological Review128(2), 290.

S Bright, D., & H Cortes, A. (2019). [eTextbook] Principles of Management (Doctoral dissertation, Rice University, USA).


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