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Endy Interview Project

Part 1

The career path I have chosen is Behavior Psychology. This career involves the analytical study and observation of behavior. Professionals in Behavior Psychology believe all behavior is learned through conditioning in different interactions between individuals and their environment (Morse & Dell, 2021). There are several job opportunities associated with behavioral psychology. For instance, a professional in this field can work as a Chief psychologist or teacher at elementary, high school, and college.

I chose this job path because I believe in helping patients improve their behavior and want to see people live meaningful lives. I understand the factors that contribute to the failure of most careers and life goals. I am interested in this career since I come from a family that has a history of undesirable vices such as drug usage and instability. As a result, I would like to assist patients in regaining control of their lives and discovering meaning.

After interviewing a successful behavior psychologist, I have discovered more about the career and confirmed my dream of attaining certification to begin my practice. The interview with a behavioral psychology professional provided insight into the challenges psychologists face in delivering treatment plans for different patients. This interview confirmed that my dream is realistic and attainable, provided I continue my studies.

A career as a behavior psychologist is a viable option because it provides numerous chances for specialization. As a specialist in this subject, I can pursue areas of interest such as Clinical Psychology and Organizational Psychology Consultancy. Behavioral Psychology is an attainable career path because it allows students to develop knowledge while networking with stakeholders (Morse & Dell, 2021). This career path is also feasible because it offers a respectable or acceptable income potential, with professionals earning an average of approximately $90,000 annually (Morse & Dell, 2021). Notably, earnings in Behavioral Psychology vary by position, region, and degree level.

My approach to achieving this job objective is to finish my undergraduate program first and then graduate with a BA in Psychology. After graduation, I plan to pursue a master’s degree in behavior psychology. I plan to attend networking events and conferences to increase my chances of getting a marriage and family therapy job. I will also look for internet employment chances on sites like LinkedIn. Several institutions and employers seek qualified behavioral counselors (Sefcik et al., 2020). With this degree, I can quickly achieve my job goal. I also intend to volunteer with organizations that provide behavioral interventions.

Part 2

After completing this course, my career aspirations have not changed. I am confident of my possibilities in Behavioral Psychology. This job offers the most desirable benefits and complements my psychology goals and ambitions. As a Behavioral Psychologist, I can advance up the career ladder and open my clinic after accumulating valuable experience. My ambition to become a Behavioral Psychology professional stems from an intrinsic drive to assist patients in improving their lives and making positive choices that promote overall development. This career path will require me to confront my concerns and overcome many hurdles.

I have learned about other careers in psychology that benefit patients and therapists. For example, Sports Psychology is a career that includes therapies for players to improve attention and visualization, handle performance stress, and deal with the effects of injuries (Wagstaff & Quartiroli, 2020). I have learned about school psychology and how it differs from school counseling. School psychology authorizes therapists who provide clinical therapy services to pupils. As a sports psychologist, I can work with athletes from all disciplines to help them deal with the mental obstacles of participating in sports. As an alternative, sports psychology is similar to behavioral psychology as it deals with assessing the behavior of athletes.

Completing a master’s degree in psychology will open several opportunities in psychology. Further, accreditation through certification increases the chances of working as a behavioral psychologist (Wagstaff & Quartiroli, 2020). I will even seek further education and attain a Ph.D. in Psychology to assume the highest roles in the field. I will also attend internships and conferences that will help me keep up to date with the latest developments in my chosen career. As a behavioral psychologist, I will constantly research to understand the remedies for contemporary behavioral challenges.

To achieve my goals in behavioral psychology, I will require advanced education and years of leadership experience. I also need to know how long it will take to obtain the license required to practice. I also need to know how much my advanced education will cost and whether any scholarship options are available at the institution of my choice. Furthermore, I need to learn more about existing volunteer and networking initiatives that will connect me with the appropriate audience. Networking and volunteering in clinical settings will give me first-hand experience through leadership and supervisory roles. I need all of the information I can gather to attain my goal of becoming a certified behavioral psychologist.


Morse, G. A., & Dell, N. A. (2021). The well-being and perspectives of community-based

behavioral health staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. Social Work in Health Care,

60(2), 117-130.

Sefcik, J. S., Madrigal, C., Heid, A. R., Molony, S. L., Van Haitsma, K., Best, I., … &

Kolanowski, A. (2020). Person-centered care plans for nursing home residents with

behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. Journal of gerontological nursing,

46(11), 17-27.

Wagstaff, C. R., & Quartiroli, A. (2020). Psychology and psychologists in search of an identity:

What and who are we, and why does it matter?. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action,

11(4), 254-265.


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