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Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Job Security

Technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and automation are the most advanced in recent years, as can be seen in many workplaces of the 21st century. Automation and artificial intelligence have taken the place of manual and repetitive jobs, leaving a certain number of job displacements in various sectors in the next ten years (Ogbolu and Sukidjo, 2020). Job displacement and fear are highlighted in different fields, even the medical system. This essay dwells on the job replacement aimed at by AI, the consequences of losing jobs posed to social issues and the economy, as well as ethical questions that should be raised.

AI’s Job Displacement Potential

Which jobs are most susceptible to automation by AI?

How does AI’s ability to learn and adapt further threaten job security?

According to Rampersad (2020), the ability of AI to automate tasks as well as learn from experience poses a major threat to certain job sectors. Industries like manufacturing, distribution, and data analysis are at a high risk of automation, resulting in the displacement of many people. Automation is significantly endangered, especially after technological revolutions to make welding, assembling, packing, and loading work automated quality inspections. Manufacturing workers currently in low- and mid-skilled jobs would stand to be most impacted by the automation of up to 30% of working hours worldwide. An example of this is the hotel industry, which identifies needs by aggregating data from bookings, transactions, or satisfaction surveys (Koo et al., 2020). Adaptive AI adds an even bigger threat to human existence because it is always changing, thereby rendering jobs obsolete at higher rates.

Social and economic consequences

How might AI exacerbate existing social inequalities?

AI displacement and influence on the various job sectors may spawn unprecedented social and economic implications through revolutionarily high unemployment numbers. Such moves will result in a lack of proper finances, anxiety, and a poor quality of life for the family and individuals. According to Hagerty and Rubinov (2019), the prevalent concern that arises from recent studies of issues with AI-powered technologies in U.S. settings is that they come with an embedded mechanism of reinforcing social divides and intensifying social inequality, especially amongst historically disadvantaged groups. Due to the fact that social outcomes of AI also vary considerably from region to region, they are going to diverge once geography is taken into account as a factor.

Similarly, social and cultural beliefs about the nature of AI are likely to be formed and sustained based on certain contexts (Hagerty & Rubinov, 2019). Artificially intelligent machines will render human workers displaced people, and the re-employment of these layoffs may become problematic in terms of unlearning class skills to learn new job markets, thereby fostering a widening gap between those who adjust themselves or regenerate and those stuck. However, the fact that one is undergoing a new employment opportunity in a dynamic and ever-changing job market cannot be over-emphasized.

Ethical Considerations

Should there be regulations or restrictions on AI development to protect jobs?

Explore the potential for AI bias and discrimination in automated decision-making.

The ethical impact of job difficulties that emerge from AI has to be seriously considered. According to Hagerty and Rubinov (2019), when biased data or algorithms are utilized, such use of real-time tracking and prediction systems carries the downside of over-policing and targeting vulnerable states. Ethical friction is also generated when businesses collect sensitive qualities and behavioural data about consumers or workers used for sorting based on a social level in terms of marketing or performance reviews.

There is a need to address questions concerning the lack of regulations or restrictions required to shield employment. Yet, significant risks, including prognostic profiles, forensic DNA phenotyping, and online influence campaigns that acknowledge artificial intelligence in estimating their ethnicity from biological data, often go unnoticed by jurisprudence and regulatory policy. The possibility of bias and discrimination in AI-driven automated decision-making processes casts doubt on the principle of fairness among people, providing additional evidence for the need for ethical guidelines and strict control.

Counterargument and Rebuttal

Some claim that AI will lead to new jobs and spur economic growth. Based on this, it is necessary to analyze all these statements. The evidence indicates that the rate of job creation may not be as fast as the speed at which job displacements occur. In addition, the economic growth argument fails to highlight the possibility of bigger income injustices and social gaps. The concept of using AI as a route to development involves the delicate balancing act necessary in order to neutralize the impact that AI could have on jobs.


Although the development of AI has great advantages, it is also a direct risk to workers worldwide. Governments, industries, and even individuals will have to come together to find a way to fight these challenges. The significant milestones that must be taken into consideration in the management of employment impacts by AI are adherence to ethical guidelines and regulations and commitment to retraining and reskilling programs. A balance between AI-enabling progress and protecting job security is a critical issue that is necessary to guarantee that all members of society enjoy the gains of numerous AI developments.


Hagerty, A., & Rubinov, I. (2019). Global AI Ethics: A Review of the Social Impacts and Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence. ArXiv:1907.07892 [Cs].

Koo, B., Curtis, C., & Ryan, B. (2020). Examining the impact of artificial intelligence on hotel employees through job insecurity perspectives. International Journal of Hospitality Management95(102763), 102763.

Ogbolu, A. N., & Sukidjo, S. (2020). Artificial Intelligence Vs My Future Job: Perceptions of Asian Undergraduates. Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC)1(6).

Rampersad, G. (2020). Robot will take your job: Innovation for an era of artificial intelligence. Journal of Business Research116, 68–74.

Reflections on the Argument

In crafting an argumentative essay concerning artificial intelligence and its implications for job security, I have learned how to argue my case persuasively based on evidence without leaving room for contradictions. I have mastered the art of framing arguments logically, using supportive evidence, and identifying potential counterarguments. These can be easily carried over to my professional life, as effective communication and persuasive writing form the basis of virtually any successful profession. The exercise has taught me research, problem-solving, and argumentation skills that will be used in diverse environments.

The experience of writing this essay has brought out my strengths and my weaknesses as a writer. Learning the necessity of research and making sure to create a logical sequence has completely changed me. Annoyingly, I achieved joy in combining various sources to advocate a significant argument. The direction taken in this course has contributed to increasing my competence in the ability to write about complicated thoughts. I became better at essay structuring and stating my ideas as thoroughly as reasonably possible.

One interesting thing is that I gained a deeper understanding of the importance of revising and editing. My process of iteratively improving my arguments has greatly elevated the quality of my writing. I’ve also acquired a better understanding of the crucial aspect of audience attention in creating persuasive claims. Overall, this started as an intimidating process and grew into a stronger skill I am confident in using for both scholarly and professional purposes.


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