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Readings From Emile Durkheim


Thompson & Taylor, Kenneth & Francis. Part 3, Sociological Method. 2020, pp. 44–63.

The reading” Sociological Method” elaborates more on the basic rules of the sociological method. About the readings, Emile Durkheim centers on social fact, which entails a way of acting, whether it is fixed or not, which can practice an external constraint on a person (Thompson & Taylor et al.50). According to Emile Durkheim, it is important to consider the social facts as the fundamentals of scientific inquiry. Durkheim argues that social facts are the basis of human behavior in the universe. These facts have made society in order (Thompson & Taylor et al.54). Based on how Emile Durkheim defines social facts, and he claims that they are exterior to people and can be learned through scientific techniques. The readings emphasize the essence of understanding individual facts and social facts, especially for sociologists, which helps them conduct their studies objectively.

Wiley & Sons, John. The Promise of Sociology, Emile Durkheim. 2017, pp. 37–47.

The reading from Emile Durkheim.” The Promise of Sociology,” elucidates sociology’s superiority and promise. Emile Durkheim argues that sociology determines and unwraps the aspects of human behavior (Wiley & Sons et al. 40). The aspects that shape human behavior in society posit how society exists in its nature. In the readings, Emile Durkheim clarifies the need to acquire insights about social facts and how they manipulate human behavior. In this context, Emile Durkheim argues that it is the responsibility of sociologists to study collective features which are coercive of people. Therefore, Durkheim perceives sociology as the science of institution which encompasses thoughts and actions.

Thompson & Taylor, Prof Kenneth & Francis. Part Two, Division of Labor, Crime, and Punishment. 2020, pp. 20–42.

The text “The Division of Labor in Society” discusses the notion of labor division in society in alignment with its impacts. Emile Durkheim argues that traditional societies have less division of labor such that individuals have thoughts and actions which similar to a collective conscience (Thompson & Taylor et al. 23). The readings justify that division of labor in the modern world establishes specific jobs for particular people in the society which is of benefit. Division of labor promotes cohesiveness in society, which propagates solidarity. Emile Durkheim discusses organic and mechanical solidarity based on shared values and specialization, respectively (Thompson & Taylor et al. 24-29). In addition, the readings depict the link between crime and labor, which prevails in society and is significant for social change.


Reflecting on the claims of Emile Durkheim in the reading “Sociological Method,” it emphasizes the significance of perceiving social facts through the scientific lens. Based on the ideas from Emile Durkheim, social facts are still relevant to the contemporary world. Emile Durkheim promotes objectivity, especially for sociologists, as they conduct their research (Thompson & Taylor et al. 57). I have learned that objectivism aids in understanding social reality and formulating reliable hypotheses. Generally, the reading is impactful as it provides significant insights into the relationship between social facts and scientific inquiry.

Following the arguments from “The Promise of Sociology,” Emile Durkheim” posits how sociology is a science. However, the ideas of Emile Durkheim in the text are important because it explains vividly show the essence of understanding the aspects that shape the behaviors of human beings (Wiley & Sons et al. 41). This reflection draws back on the argument of Durkheim that sociology is accountable in uncovering the aspects that determine the human behaviors. Understanding aspects of human behavior prevents unnecessary unrest and violence. In addition, Emile Durkheim attempts to provide insights into the role of sociology in a dynamic society.

Emile Durkheim’s claims on the division of labor in society are important because they uncover how society is in the present world. However, the analysis of Durkheim on labor division depicts an important perception of modern society. The differences between organic and mechanical solidarity help us understand how social cohesion exists in modern society despite the complexities (Thompson & Taylor et al. 24). As per the readings, social order is important because it places cultures at the forefront. Durkheim attempts to challenge the existence of crime in society, whereby although it is a vice, it shapes the social changes in society. Therefore, according to Emile Durkheim, the division of labor depicts the essence of social integration and social order.

Works Cited

Thompson & Taylor, Prof Kenneth & Francis. Part Two, Division of Labor, Crime, and Punishment. 2020, pp. 20–42.

Thompson & Taylor, Kenneth & Francis. Part 3, Sociological Method. 2020, pp. 44–63.

Wiley & Sons, John. The Promise of Sociology, Emile Durkheim. 2017, pp. 37–47.


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