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Trends Influencing Human Behavior and Performance in the Technology Industry

The field of technology is one sector that keeps on changing every day with modern facilities; however, it holds a vital position in the fabrication of today’s world. As someone currently working in the technology industry, I have observed three significant trends influencing human behaviour and performance: Digitize, Work From Home, and D&I efforts.

The technology industry is a field that has witnessed realignments where digital transformations are emerging as the new face of this enterprise. Growth of artificial intelligence, cloud computing and data analytics – a movement within industries – stimulate changes through which organizations present to the market. Such a trend, therefore, has very crucial effects on performance practices in this industry since it necessitates that an employee develop new skills and competencies (Collins & Smith, 2006). The speed of technological evolution forces continuous learning and uptraining, which have had a definite impact on how corporate bodies preserve talent development and measure their employees’ performance.

Evidence-based management has become an essential aspect in organizations which are trying to deal with digital transformation since this creates thinking about as well as managing the complexities that inevitably arise from technological trends. Evidence-based management occurs when sophisticated decisions are made based on empirical evidence, with the aim of ensuring that such conclusions must be validated through various scientific research. Evidence-based management is critical in the technology industry, where productive innovations are introduced very quickly, as evidence easily shows that such trends can be managed effectively with research findings. For instance, data analytics can help organizations find out the skill gaps and also design training programs that fit into the changing demands of the commerce sector (Gilbert, 2019). This technique facilitates adjustability and increases the effectiveness of individuals, groups, and the organization as a whole.

Digital transformation, the phenomenon of change due to the pervasiveness of digital technologies and platforms, leads not only to technical skills but also influences person-environment fit within the industry. All of this comes under the banner that the world of the technology industry is dynamic; hence, employees need to be in tune with the goals, values and culture that any given firm professes. The technological revolution, which never stops bringing new technologies and methodologies to life, has created a demand for professionals who not only have a high level of technology but are also flexible and capable of growing in any way (Collins & Smith, 2006). The person-environment fit is, therefore, affected by the demand for employees who can smoothly be absorbed into an innovative culture and flexibility.

The virtual workforce in the technology industry was earlier cautious about using this mode of working, but now, with the COVID-19 pandemic, this has been forwarding. The remote working arrangement is now not just a fad but rather a major Revelation in the way work activities are carried out. This trend is significant from the standpoint of performance practices because it presents new difficulties related to cooperative effectiveness, information flow and group harmony. The capability to efficiently manage virtual teams and do so in order with the most productivity cannot be overlooked as an integral contribution to the success of an organization. Just like digital transformation, evidence-based management is crucial for dealing with the issues that arise in remote work. It takes data and research to allow organizations to create policies for effective remote work productivity and implement collaboration tools while managing employees’ well-being (Collins & Smith, 2006). The strategies we discuss in Chapter 4, which are supported by rigorous research, help to manage the possible adverse effects of remote work on performance, including isolation and disaffectedness.

Remote work produces a change in the person-environment fit by forcing individuals to affect required changes in their versatile workspace. Corporations are reshaping the definitions of their cultural values and norms to meet the business needs in the remote work structure; this is, therefore, translating into how employees relate to their working environment. Individual employees who are capable of functioning and succeeding in the virtual work situation have the fit to create a positive person-environment organization, thus strengthening the culture of an organization even if it becomes virtually distributed. Diversity and inclusion activities have become popular in the technology sphere, encouraging employees from various backgrounds to join a company developing something groundbreaking (Gilbert, 2019). This development plays on performance practices as it promotes the value of diverse views and encourages an environment where individuals feel accepted. Organizations are also coming to the realization that it is through diversity in teams that leads to creativity as well as greater preparedness to deal with complex issues better.

Evidence-based management is necessary for such programmes to drive effective diversity and inclusion initiatives. Research on diversity in organizations contributes to understanding the effect that it has on teamwork, innovation, wages, and general performance. Evidence-based strategies will help organizations execute inclusive policies, eliminate any biases that may have emerged, and encourage diversity in their teams, thereby increasing overall efficiency among employees. The person-environment fit is reconstructed by emerging diversity and inclusion initiatives that emphasize the generation of such an environment where all individuals coming from different backgrounds feel appreciated and welcomed (Collins & Smith, 2006). In a firm where employees embrace the spirit of diversity in which they work, they are more likely to progress positively on matters of culture at the workplace, as this may drive innovation in collaboration and creativity.

In conclusion, digitalization is taking over the technology industry with its aspects, such as remote working and diversity, which have been boosted. These have caused many repercussions in the underlying human behaviour and practices that are designed to improve performance in an organization. Evidence-based management appears as an essential approach in dealing with change leading to silos becoming irrelevant. Therefore, improved workforce engagement and productivity are guaranteed. Since the industry is constantly evolving, it becomes vital for leading sustainable organizational development in achieving a person-environment fit. By adopting these trends in adaptation, implementing best practices with empirical data reaffirms the thriving potential of this technology industry despite a flamboyant time.


Collins, C. J., & Smith, K. G. (2006). Knowledge exchange and combination: The role of human resource practices in the performance of high-technology firms. Academy of Management Journal49(3), 544–560.

Gilbert, M. B. (2019). Human performance technology: further reflections on human competence. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management39(1-2), 7-112.


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