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Comprehensive Analysis of Applied Behavior Analysis Intervention for a 12-Year-Old Girl With Autism Spectrum Disorder


In this paper, the thought-provoking case study related to a 12-year-old girl combating Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is critically analyzed for a better understanding of the problem. The paper is tasked with looking into services offered under applied behavior analysis (ABA), guided by the Comprehensive Application of Behavior Analysis to Schooling (CABAS) system (Kornblum, 2020). Representing a scientific paradigm in behavior modification, ABA with the synergy of the CABAS model involves deliberate collaborative work from licensed behavior analysts, therapists, and parents. Some of the major goals of the intervention included raising functional communicative efforts while concurrently addressing and mitigating challenging behaviors that include aggression, destruction, and elopement. Within the conceptual scaffolding of stimulus, behavior, and response, this analysis not only endeavors to dissect intricacies embedded within the case study, but rather unravels far-reaching outcomes and profound implications engendered by the intervention.


Her complex behavioral pattern was inextricably intertwined with a harvest of demands and requests stemming from her immediate surroundings, including parents, teachers, and therapists. Equally strong prompts, whether verbal or non-verbal, became potent antecedents that sent out signal triggers for her responses. Within the struggle, an aspect that was poignant to Jessica lay in her challenge of deciphering and reciprocating these cues due to significant skill deficits in functional communication (Kornblum, 2020). Verbalizing her wants and needs consistently alluded to her grasp, forcing her to resort to vague and inappropriate gestures or vocalizations. Further complicating the matter, Jessica evidenced severe intolerance to frustration and change whereby she developed a taste for self-stimulatory behaviors such as rocking, spinning, and object alignment. All these factors together resulted in episodic aggression, destruction, and elopement coloring her attempts at learning as well as socializing with a sense of impermanence.


Three major behavior challenges that were found within the behavioral repertory of the child Jessica included those of aggression, destruction, and elopement. Aggression was demonstrated as any physical contact to cause harm, ranging from hitting and kicking to biting or scratching. Destruction was any action exerted that would lead to the damage of property, which included throwing, breaking, or ripping (Kornblum, 2020). The attempt to elope from a condition without permission or supervision, which is embodied in the form of attitudes such as running away, hiding behind, or running around furniture and equipment fills the elopement’s escape. Quantified in frequency and intensity metrics, paints an illustration of Jessica’s struggle. Additionally, the functional communication deficits measured for her were significant in the number and quality of each communicative act per session or day.


Negative reinforcement of Jessica’s challenging behaviors maintains escape from or avoidance of adverse demands. For example, hitting her mother led to the stopping of demands that were bound to solidify future aggressive behavior even more. In addition, communication skills were manned due to inadequate and appropriate feedback and reinforcement as when she utters pointing out to a toy, lack of response or the reinforcement of toys reduced the effectiveness of this communicative act (Kornblum, 2020). Hence, the outcomes of their actions affected Jessica’s behaviors and shaped her actions in the future within the environment.


The paper under discussion critically analyzed a case study of a 12-year-old who suffered from ASD and received ABA services within the CABAS system. The use of the stimulus, behavior, and response framework would have outlined target behaviors, environmental variables, as well as consequential factors that interfere with the learning freedom and ability to socialize of this young girl. This ABA intervention proved effective after Jessica had responded well to the development of her functional communication skills and subsequently reduced problem behaviors (Kornblum, 2020). Secondly, the case study focuses on the competence of the CABAS system in ensuring consistent quality ABA services to the young girl and her family. However, the limitations found suggested the need for further research to appraise long-term effects and generalization of the intervention, and improvement of training and supervision for ABA providers and parents. This reflective review casts a glance at the multifaceted character of ABA interventions and their real ability to promote positive behavior changes in people diagnosed with ASD.


Kornblum, A. (2020). ABA Case Example with a 12-year-old. Manhattan Psychology Group.


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