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Youth Bringing New Ideas

When working with a youth development program, how do you ensure that there is space for youth to bring new ideas to the process while maintaining focus on the program’s mission?

For many years, the youth have always been disproportionately involved in development projects and other community problems that affect them directly. However, it is important to get them directly involved by creating a space where they can bring in new ideas to solve problems in their communities. While working with a youth development project, one needs to provide an environment where youth can suggest new ideas and, at the same time, stay focused on the program’s objectives and mission. Creating a space for youth to bring in new ideas in a development program requires open communication channels, programs with a philosophy of change, structured brainstorming sessions, and recognition and reward for their success.

First, it is vital to design an outreach strategy by establishing open lines of communication with the youth participants in the program. Encourage the participants to express their thoughts and ideas without any inhibition or apprehension of being judged or criticized (Pittman et al., 2007). Actively hear their suggestions and give constructive and honest feedback. With this, they gain a sense of importance through valuing their input, and they take ownership of the program because they feel empowered.

Secondly, it is vital to organize frequent workshops or brainstorming sessions for youth to actively participate in shaping the development program’s direction. This can be done by creating a “home base” that gives them a connection with the people in the community (Pittman et al., 2007). These sessions should be designed to allow for creative thinking and problem-solving, following the program’s vision. Creating a good home base for the youth will enable them to connect with other youth and come up with the best ideas for a development program. This makes sure that the youth share new ideas, and these ideas are considered in the context of the goals of the organization.

Furthermore, it is important for a development program to have a philosophy of change. With this, many youths will be willing to participate because most young people are interested in programs that “create a ripple effect” (Pittman et al., 2007). As long as these programs are all about positive changes in the community, they will create space for youth to participate and bring new ideas to youth development programs.

Most importantly, lauding and celebrating achievements from youth-led initiatives in the program and providing support/mentorship will create space for more youth to participate and bring new ideas to the program. It is important to identify and reward the innovation ideas which are in line with the organizational goals (Pittman et al., 2007). In such case, participants are not only motivated but also encouraged to bring in a new prospective in decision-making processes and taking the program t the next level.

In conclusion, youth are very important in ensuring the success of development programs that involve them. Keeping youth in the spotlight enables them to suggest new ideas but without forgetting the aim of a youth development program which entails open communication channels, scheduled brainstorming and creating change among others. These strategies, if implemented well, enable organizations to nurture creative, youthful minds and still remain purposeful in their core objectives.


Pittman, K., Martin, S., & Williams, A. (2007, July). Core Principles for Engaging Young People in Community Change. In Forum for Youth Investment. Forum for Youth Investment. 20466.202420/Core_Principles_for_Engaging_Young_Peopl.pdf?ou=62988


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