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Young People Essays

Knowledge, Skills and Values for Practitioners in Supporting Children and Young People

Introduction The social changes in the lives of children and young people often play a role in determining the most plausible ways that practitioners can explore to provide the necessary support. The aspects of time are the temporal, generational, and lifetime aspects of people, thus giving unique determinants to the possible ways of undertaking service. ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1449

Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People

Introduction Level 5 Diploma in leadership for HE & S C&YPS emphasises the need for powerful mechanisms designed to foster diversity, equality, and inclusion in healthcare settings. This paper explores an integral discussion on how the organisational systems drive or inhibit these fundamental principles in health and social care. Also, it reviews the performance of ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1178
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Using Telehealth Consultations To Encourage Psychotherapy Engagement and Reduce Suicide Risk Among Young People in the UK

Introduction Youth suicide is a significant public health concern in the UK, with suicide remaining the leading cause of death for young people aged 20-34 years old. At the same time, research shows that young people face multiple barriers to accessing and engaging with mental health services and psychotherapy, including stigma, lack of motivation, and ... Read More
Pages: 24       Words: 6575

Media Critique 1: Do Today’s Young People Really Think They Are So Extraordinary?

Section 1: Summary of the Media Article This section provided a high-level overview of the study, as Morling (2018) suggested. Summarizing the key elements aids comprehension; Morling notes that understanding the “big picture” promotes interpreting details. The media article provided a detailed overview of the research study conducted by Trzesniewski et al. It began by ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1200

Is the Internet Affecting the Attention Span of Young People?

I have taught many children throughout the last seven years working in a public school system. Children between the ages of 4- 17 years old. While working with different age groups, I have noticed that children have unique learning styles of themselves. Some students can sit quietly and focus for long periods; unfortunately, some do ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 609

Enhancing Quality of Care: A Focus on Domain IV – Belonging, Relationships, and Accepting Environments

Introduction The scene of residential services for youngsters in Ontario has gone through critical examination and assessment, as reflected in the exhaustive reports of the Residential Services Review Panel. Implanted inside these reports is the basic thought that “Because Young People Matter.” This paper dives into the main issue by zeroing in on Domain IV ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1854

Differences Between the Deficit- and Strength-Based Approaches to Understanding and Working With Youth

A considerate and caring approach that considers the particular difficulties of dealing with young people is essential. The deficit-based and strength-based approaches are two popular ones here. One school of thought, the deficit-based approach, tends to pathologize teenage behavior and spread unflattering preconceptions about them. In contrast, the empowerment-focused strength-based approach builds on young people’s ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 702

Role of Twitter in Promoting LGBTQ Among the Youth Population

Abstract Twitter has become a primary platform for promoting social justice and human rights, including LGBTQ people. This research investigates how Twitter has raised awareness, acceptance, and support for the LGBTQ community. This research will examine how Twitter has influenced the physical health and well-being of LGBTQ through acceptance and understanding of these populations. The ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2548

Impacts of the Luxury Industry on Young People

Section 1.0: INTRODUCTION Advertising plays a critical role when it comes to matters of dispatch of information to the general public and the economy at large. Annually, hundreds of people are recipients of information that has spread due to global advertisement. Hundreds of billions of dollars have also been used to make sure that consumers ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2011

Effect of Body Image Pressures on Young People

Body image is referred to as how a person views their own body in terms of attractiveness. Also, the concept of body image may include an individual’s feelings, emotions, or thoughts. However, many people question their body image based on the color of their skin, hair, weight, shape, or size of a particular part of ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1395
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