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Yemen Essays

Global Terrorism and Counterterrorism Efforts

Introduction Over the last decade, terrorism has been one of the most controversial issues facing countries across the globe. The US, for instance, has had to come up with better countermeasures to fight off terrorists, both international and domestic. One important question that lingers is, “what exactly is international or global terrorism?” According to the ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3263

Conflict Resolution in Civil War: The Case of Libya, Syria and Yemen

The turmoil in the Arab world that started in 2011 resulted in civil unrest in three states: Libya, Syria, and Yemen. The United Nations (UN) has made attempts and continues to make efforts to broker peace agreements between the warring parties in order to achieve peace through mechanisms such as power-sharing. The United Nations has ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1411
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