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Western Philosophy Essays

Plato’s Republic Analysis

Plato’s “Republic,” Book VII, presents the cave metaphor, perhaps one of Western philosophy’s most creative and iconic metaphors. The cave metaphor depicts a group of people imprisoned in a deep cave since birth, never seeing the light of day (Plato, 1969, 514a-514b). The captives watch shadows generated by statues manipulated by people behind a partial ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 882

The Activity of Philosophy

Humans have an essential activity called reflection, in which they recall their experience and then analyze, evaluate, and meditate on it. Learning relies heavily on the practical application of knowledge gained through experience. Through critical reflection, we learn by immersing ourselves in an understanding and then deconstructing it using our prior knowledge and theoretical frameworks. ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2419
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Allegory of the Cave by Plato

Topic One The most famous passage in Western philosophy history is the allegory of Cave by Plato. The context of education alludes to the Seventh book of Plato. One of the most incredible things in life for Plato was education. Plato offers his view on the ultimate nature of philosophical education (Boyum, 559). Putting knowledge ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1151

Comparative Study of Western and Eastern Philosophy on the Premises of Epistemological, Ontological and Ideological Differences and Similarities Between the Two Regions

Introduction Comparatively, the eastern and western philosophies on psychology have certain differences in how each apprehends the truth. On some occasions, the foundation of these differences and similarities are pegged on the aim and systemic philosophical foundations of understanding human life, nature, and metaphysics of the universes (Mark, 2016). In this apprehension of truth, each ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2248
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