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Virtual Counseling for Domestic Violence Intervention

Cases of domestic violence are often common, but only a fraction of them get reported, leading to the majority of people suffering in silence. A male aged 45 is noted to be a domestic violence perpetrator, as he physically abused his girlfriend. The act of abuse was reported, and the perpetrator was instructed to see a counselor for anger management as he had anger issues.

Assisting the perpetrator to be able to manage his anger issues demands a counselor to have a variety of skills. Through the session, I must depict effective communication, problem-solving, goal-setting, and patience and introduce coping techniques (Hill & Norcross, 2023). The session will largely revolve around helping the patient understand why he gets angered easily. Similarly, it will focus on helping him adopt coping techniques to help him control his temper when angered. Furthermore, the sessions will help inform the client of the impacts of his actions on himself and his family. On the first meeting, I will focus on building rapport with the client, setting goals for our sessions, and exercising patience as the sessions will focus on change, which is often challenging.

A female therapist building rapport with the client may present as an issue as he has a problem with Females. During our first meeting, I do not think there is a need to involve a male therapist, but instead, I will introduce myself to him and inform him of our session (Hill & Norcross, 2023). Involving a man therapists in our sessions may hinder rapport building thus affect progress. As a male therapist I do not think there will be any power and control issues for it all depends on the mood set during first encounter. In case of a power and control issue, I will not recommend him see a female therapist but rather work the issue out with him.

The use of alcohol might serve as a contributor to the client’s anger issue that he need some rehabilitation to stop taking alcohol. Being informed that he uses alcohol help inform how the session will be structured to offer rehabilitation and counseling (Hill & Norcross, 2023). Since, he requires an evaluation form our agency for him to stay at home, he will be motivated to put in the effort to change. The client work in the same organization as my friend and we have met on a number of occasions but never interacted. Due to our occasion meeting, he might request having another therapist since there is a conflict of interest. I will explain to him that nothing will happen and ensure him of confidentiality which will be the root cause of him not wanting me as his therapist.

The patient while undergoing counseling can stay at home but there is need to have a safety plan in case he acts out. The safety plan will serve to help protect his girlfriend and their child from any harm. Additionally, engaging his girlfriend throughout the counseling process is essential at it helps inform her of the progress and what she can do in case he acts out.

Issue of domestic violence as often challenging as they go against ones values and moral leading to biasness. I am bear no negative feeling towards working with domestic violence perpetrators as I help guide them towards change (Carrola, 2022). My attitude and commitment to my profession makes it possible for me keep my values and morals away in check while interacting with the client. Denial is often common when handling domestic violence cases as it is a defense mechanisms and by reassuring the client it is okay to make mistakes help him accept his errors and desire to change. In case the client refuses treatment or walks out of the session, I will notify the relevant authority after trying to talk to him and he persists.


Carrola, P. A. (2022). Experiences Addressing Denial in Sex Offender Counseling. Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice, 1–20.

Hill, C. E., & Norcross, J. C. (2023). Research evidence on psychotherapist skills and methods: Foreword and afterword. Psychotherapy Research, 1–20.


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