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Violence Prevention Essays

Jackson Katz’s Argument on Biological Deterministic

Passionately rejecting the biological deterministic explanation for male violence, Jackson Katz argues against an approach he deems overly simplistic and, more importantly, reductive. Through his work, he confronts traditional notions of masculinity that lean on essentialist or biologically deterministic explanations to understand male behaviour. Prominent in gender studies and violence prevention, Katz challenges the notion ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1421

Reasons Why Gun Control Laws Are Bad

The debate on the essence of gun control laws in different states has been a controversial issue for a long, attracting propositions and opposition to equal measures. Gun control laws are established and enacted in different countries to weed out criminal and social menaces that are made possible by the unregulated ownership of guns. Some ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1504
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Grenada Laws Relevant to Ending Abuse

Grenada is among the five Caribbean nations nominated to participate in the joint global United Nations and European Union Spotlight Initiative (SI). The SI coordinates human efforts, focuses attention, and employs resources strategically to enact a comprehensive national program on ending all forms of violence in families and against girls and women. Grenada state has ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1210

A Proposal on How Arming Teachers With Guns Influence School Shootings in the U.S.

Background Of the Study Over decades, the United States has encountered severe issues, particularly with school shootings. However, even if different measures have been incorporated to avert the issue of school shootings, the number of cases continues to improve. For example, the public, the American government, and police have tried to seek various solutions to ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3462

Workplace Violence in Nursing Practice

Workplace violence is an issue of concern for nurses. It is quite probable to find nurses battling psychological issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder following issues of violence and aggression in the workplace. Nurses are subjected to many sorts of violence daily, including verbal threats, physical assault, bullying, harassment, and intimidation (AlQadi, 2021). (Al‐Qadi, 2021). ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1025
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