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US Culture and Sexuality

The United States has divergent views on sexuality, which has created significant controversy. The cultural and psychosocial perspectives have shaped people’s attitudes about sex in various ways. Some conservative groups advocate for traditional sexual practices, while liberal factions promote more progressive and open-minded approaches to human intimacy. These conflicting viewpoints influence individuals’ attitudes toward sex, creating societal polarization. The two extremes of the spectrum include religious/conservative-based beliefs that contradict those who adopt liberalism as showcased by mass media outlets such as television programs, newspapers publications, or films being aired online through internet platforms like YouTube streaming services alongside music videos accessible via social media sites like Instagram TV among others; leaving most Americans somewhere in between these varying levels of acceptance or resistance towards certain aspects linked with their perception related primarily around how they view humanity’s physical expression regarding personal relationships involving intimate scenarios. The focus of this essay is to delve into the present aspects related to culture and psychosocial factors that influence how individuals in America perceive, experience, and act regarding human sexuality.

Religion, politics, and social norms greatly influence the cultural views regarding sexuality in the US. Those who hold a conservative or religious perspective believe that sex should only occur within marriage; any sexual activity outside of this context is deemed sinful. This view tends to be upheld strongly by many conservative religious groups aided further by their political representatives. Conversely, those holding liberal views are open-minded about sexuality and reject traditional expectations surrounding I (Finer and Henshaw)t. The media plays a vital role in shaping such perspectives as casual sex without consequences seems prevalent across popular music genres, movies, television shows, etc. The conflict between both viewpoints manifests itself during public policy debates over critical issues like contraception access and abortion rights alongside recurring challenges related to LGTBQ+ privileges.

Cultural-psychosocial attitudes towards differences concerning race vary pretty widely: historically speaking, Black Americans identify most with conservatism compared to other races due mainly because of specific factors, including historical trauma stemming from slavery-era abuses dating back generations ago exacerbated at times through societal deliberations amongst themselves but remain stakeholders fighting for equality particularly on gender-based problems since the 1960s when leaders combined racial matters with gay/lesbian concerns creating organizations advocating these interests inclusive precisely National Black Feminist Organization merged Panther Party (Lacasse and Jackson). Moreover, class considerations also contribute significantly here – Wealthy people tend toward more modern interpretations versus working-class peers leaning closer toward fixed customs partly shaped via disparate schooling levels leading to divergent cultural influences operating differently depending upon one’s affluence, thereby impacting lifestyle choices determined carefully analyzed inside each socioeconomic status observed separately despite intersecting overarching trends guiding entire American society regardless individual particularities being sought out everywhere providing thoroughly comprehensive picture displaying what teaches our sociocultural values centered around all things physical intimacy-related as they exist today (Cultural and contextual influences on sexuality).

My background, education, and exposure to varied cultural norms heavily influence my perception of sexuality. My conservative Christian upbringing instilled in me the belief that sex should only occur between married individuals. This point of view informs my understanding that sexual encounters are most appropriate within committed relationships. However, I have been exposed to diverse perspectives on gender identity and sexual inclinations through formal schooling opportunities, which uncovered many approaches towards sexually informed conversations among different communities nationwide, significantly recognizing LGBTQ rights as an integral aspect of our existence.

Additionally, while media content such popular songs or movies can be helpful tools for shaping individual attitudes toward intimate relations when it comes onto pornography there exists room bias along with unrealistic expectations related evoked experiences within film narratives serving up adverse outcomes like addiction & objectification targeting women viewership reducing them purely into objects arousing male audiences leading contrastingly away from harmony intimacy-based interactions often sought after dictated best practice standards necessary for obtaining healthy relationship settings effectively progressing humans forward inseparably throughout life stages experienced together if acted upon without remorseful intent driven misplaced passion due undeveloped self-control mechanisms effected via prolonged usage habits their uninvited imposition impacts deteriorating human relational growth causing retrograding societal-wide effects hindering us all (Cultural and contextual influences on sexuality).

The complex sociocultural clash regarding sexuality in America is shaped by numerous factors influencing people’s attitudes toward sex. Conservative and religious viewpoints emphasize traditional sexual values, while liberal advocates, including the media and progressive groups, promote a more relaxed approach to sexuality. My personal life experiences have influenced my outlook on this issue through exposure to different cultures, family upbringing; educational institutions attended, as well as peer interactions online or at church gatherings. Society needs to understand diverse perspectives of human sexuality without judgment but concerning everyone’s autonomy rights when it comes to expressing their desires sexually. Finally, it is beneficial to promote safe-sex practices alongside comprehensive sex education. Openly discussing non-heterosexual attractions can aid in creating an open-minded culture accepting individuals’ expression of their unique identities and orientations.

Work Cited

“Cultural and Contextual Influences on Sexuality.” Sexuality Counseling: Theory, Research, and Practice, 2017, pp. 247–269.

Finer, LB, and SK Henshaw. “Unintended Pregnancy in the United States, 2001.” Contraception, vol. 72, no. 3, 2005, pp. 243–244.

Lacasse, Katherine, and Theresa E. Jackson. “Conformity to Masculine Norms Predicts Us Men’s Decision-Making Regarding a New Male Contraceptive.” Culture, Health & Sexuality, vol. 22, no. 10, 2019, pp. 1128–1144.


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