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Urban Life vs. Rural Life

Living in cities or the countryside gives different experiences. These are changed by things like how people live, buildings and community activities. Life in the city is famous for its quick-moving lifestyle, modern setup and different ways people live together. Living in the countryside is marked by a slow speed, basic design and tight-knit groups of people who are often similar. In social life, too, cities do better when they have a lot of different people and things happening all the time.

On the other hand, rural areas are good at having close friends in smaller groups. People living in cities have many services, while those in the country might need help getting some facilities. They sometimes need to travel for specific needs. The piece will look closer at these differences. It will show extraordinary things about living in a city and countryside life better.

In cities, people with different backgrounds live close to each other and share thoughts. This creates a busy environment with many social talks (Woolrych et al. 2021). The busy city life gives us energy for our everyday tasks. On the contrary, life in the rural areas is known for tight-knit groups. Here, people often have strong ties and share common beliefs. The strong connections in small towns make their society closer and more connected.

Urban and rural areas have very different levels of access to facilities. Cities, being full of life and energy, offer many services. Some are high-quality healthcare, while others include many fun activities. This city environment meets the different needs and likes of a mixed group of people. On the other hand, some services might be available in rural areas. People there must make trips for essential things like doctor visits or cultural events (Dey et al., 2020). This shows a balance between living in the city, where items are easy to get, and the peacefulness of country life, where some help might need extra work or going places.

Looking at how fast everyday life goes is also very important. Usually, people in cities have fast-paced schedules because of job opportunities and many events. The city’s constant excitement, work choices and possibilities make an exciting life that needs change and quick thinking (Kayanan, 2022). On the other hand, life in rural areas is slower and focuses on nature and simplicity. Living away from the city is suitable for a peaceful family life, where your community plays an important daily role.

Picking between living in a city or the countryside depends on what someone likes and thinks is important. Towns are full of choices and helpers for people who want busy places with all sorts of folks. On the other hand, living in the country provides a calm place with solid ties to neighbours. This attracts people who like quiet lives and want to be more linked up with nature. The choice shows what one believes in, balancing the fun and ease of living in cities against a peaceful life with close friends found outside.

Whether I used the point-by-point or block method

I decided to use the block plan for my essay. I carefully divided topics of social life, facilities and everyday speed in urban and rural areas. I could deeply look at each part separately for both places. Separating these critical parts with the block method made it simpler to see how city and country life are different in a transparent way. This made my reasons more understandable and helped make my essay easier for readers to read. This allowed the people to get familiar with extraordinary things about each place and compare them all together.

Ways in which writing a comparison/contrast essay differs from the Narrative essay in Touchstone 1

To make a comparison/contrast essay, one needs to sort details differently than when writing a story. I focused on telling a tale in time order in the story-writing piece. This included events from my viewpoint. Meanwhile, the comparison/contrast essay needed a more careful way. This involved carefully studying what is similar and different. Switching from telling a story to giving an unbiased review made the two essays very different.

Part of the draft that I struggled with

While writing, I faced some trouble smoothly connecting ideas between paragraphs. Making sure the thoughts flowed well and stayed clear when going from city to countryside themes was a bit tricky. I had to carefully create each transition to ensure readers could easily follow the switch without confusion. Also, finding the right amount of detail for each point without making it too much for the reader was an ongoing challenge. It took a few revisions for clarity and brevity to get it right.


Dey, B., Mathew, J., & Chee-Hua, C. (2020). Influence of destination attractiveness factors and travel motivations on rural homestay choice: the moderating role of need for uniqueness. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 14(4), 639-666.

Kayanan, C. M. (2022). A critique of innovation districts: Entrepreneurial living and the burden of shouldering urban development. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 54(1), 50-66.

Woolrych, R., Sixsmith, J., Fisher, J., Makita, M., Lawthom, R., & Murray, M. (2021). Constructing and negotiating social participation in old age: experiences of older adults living in urban environments in the United Kingdom. Ageing & Society, 41(6), 1398-1420.


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