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Alphabet’s Integration and Globalization and Its Impact on Organization’s Goals

Alphabet is one of the most successful technological institutions worldwide. The success of Alphabet has mainly been attributed to the plans and goals that the company sets aside. Strategic management and integration aid Alphabet in achieving its current goals and give it the authority to command its future (Lawrence, 2023). This context categorically considers Alphabet’s integration, globalization, and the impacts on organizations’ goals towards achieving future objectives. The context also assimilates Alphabet S.M.A.R.T’s short-term and long-term goals, evaluates how mergers have contributed to Alphabet’s performance, and determines the critical mergers that have contributed to Alphabet’s success and effectiveness of its operational plans for global strategies.

Alphabet’s S.M.A.R.T short-term and long-term goals

Market operations and strategies for success have changed with time due to dire competition. Alphabet has deeply challenged its competitors in the market share through its highly integrated short- and long-term S.M.A.R.T goals for prosperity. The first short-term strategy for competition is maintaining proper market leadership to attain current and future goals (Lawrence, 2023). This would boost Alphabets’ provision of service to its customers. Another short-term goal is the expansion of new sectors into market share that has been applied for institutional prosperity and enlarging of the market base. The most critical long-term goals are the deliverance of sustainable growth through innovation and maintaining strategic diversification to beat competitors (Eastwick et al., 2018). These strategies are highly effective in venturing ahead and maintaining the present market currents and a prosperous future.

How mergers and acquisitions have contributed to Alphabet’s performance and affected its goals

Alphabet has considerably invested and chosen to formulate a concurrent relationship with mergers like Fitbit, Looker, and Alooma. In 2019, these mergers were considered for the vicious impacts on the market and financial strategies for their acquisition. Alphabets’ market position has thrived considerably after these mergers. Acquiring Alooma and Looker has increased Google Cloud’s market competitive strategies (Lawrence, 2023). Fitbit has challenged other technological competitors and made Alphabet very competitive. These technological institutions have made Alphabet more competitive. Financial output has increased after the acquisition of Fitbit through the boost in the wearable technology market. Alooma and Looker have boosted Google Cloud’s offering output, thus increasing its revenues considerably (Bauer & Friesl, 2024). These strategies have contributed to Alphabet’s success in market competitiveness.

The most critical merger that has contributed to Alphabet’s performance and success

Alphabet’s incorporation and mergers have bolstered its success in recent years. One of the most significant mergers for Alphabet’s success is Fitbit, which made a market share boom in recent years. Fitbit incorporated a proper wearable technology market share for Google, thus allowing Alphabet’s competitiveness to be of more significance (González-Torres et al., 2020). These are significant for the Alphabets’ future achievements. Fitbit aligns with Alphabet’s goal of expanding its health and fitness department presently and in the future (Eastwick et al., 2018). These strategies that Fitbit has incorporated now and others for the future will make Alphabet stronger in market boosting.

Effectiveness of Alphabets operational plan for global strategies

Alphabets’ complete dominance of the international market has succeeded due to proper market study and adequate integration of the findings. Alphabet’s international strategy involves incorporating its brand to expand its foreign markets and boost its customer base (González-Torres et al., 2020). This is evident in its merger with Fitbit, which incorporated a multinational transition in wearable technology that has made many individuals consider Alphabet the most prosperous technological company. Alphabet is tailoring its brands and services to a multi-domestic strategy to meet the specific tastes of different international markets (Lawrence, 2023). The primary plan is for Fitbit technology to bring a dimensional transition in health and fitness practices worldwide.

Global standardization strategies for Alphabet have been equitable and uniform product provision for all markets like Google Search, Gmail, and Google Maps. This is evident in Alooma and Looker’s dimensional global standardization measures on Google Cloud that make internet storage and standardization successful (Lawrence, 2023). Alphabet’s transnational strategy balances the responsiveness and efficiency evident in its structural centralized and decentralized approach for local effectiveness.

Considerably, all these strategies have yielded high financial and market share output for Alphabet. High effectiveness can be witnessed in every sector of Alphabet’s service provision. Operational plans like innovations and mergers have made Alphabet a great success now and in the future.


Eastwick, P. W., Keneski, E., Morgan, T. A., McDonald, M. A., & Huang, S. A. (2018). What do short-term and long-term relationships look like? Building the relationship coordination and strategic timing (ReCAST) model. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General147(5), 747.

Bauer, F., & Friesl, M. (2024). Synergy evaluation in mergers and acquisitions: an attention‐based view. Journal of Management Studies61(1), 37-68.

González-Torres, T., Rodríguez-Sánchez, J. L., Pelechano-Barahona, E., & García-Muiña, F. E. (2020). A systematic review of research on sustainability in mergers and acquisitions. Sustainability12(2), 513.

Lawrence, G. (2023). Google (Alphabet) Operations Management, 10 Strategic Decision Areas, Productivity.


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