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Understanding and Addressing Maladaptive Classroom Behavior Through Functional Behavior Assessment


One of the most critical gear in psychology is the functional conduct evaluation, or FBA. It is specifically helpful in educational settings to identify and address maladaptive behaviors. This essay explains the intricacies of doing a fictitious FBA on a purchaser who is behaving spectacularly. Professionals in conduct assessment have devised a rigorous method that we can follow that allows you to obtain our purpose of teaching the entire FBA approach and the way it is utilized in real-international contexts. We can acquire our intention as a result of this.

Step One: Define Behavior

The precise and unambiguous description of the behavior under evaluation is a prerequisite for beginning a functional behavior analysis (FBA). You should supply information about the hobby that takes into account its context, frequency, duration, and character occurrences to be able to try this venture. Well-described behavior allows honest facts series and observer consistency (Muething et al., 2020). For a behavior to be categorized as taking area in a school room, it has to take region all through academic time and endure longer than ten seconds. Take the shouting scenario said in advance as an illustration. Furthermore, the definition must separate the movement from related acts to prevent ambiguities.

Step Two: Measure Behavior

The ABCs framework has three components: an antecedent, a behavior, and an outcome. It is a scientific device for measuring behavior after splendidly installed (Cooper et al., 2020). This involves figuring out the situations or stimuli that precede the conduct, which include particular actions or environmental cues. Establishing baseline statistics is vital because it permits the timing and duration of behavior to be documented, which in turn permits styles and tendencies to be diagnosed throughout time. In parallel, the results from the behavior are ascertained to identify any additives that assist in its renovation and reinforcement. If conduct analysts use purposeful measurement methodologies, they can attain records that might be clear and accurate for evaluation. These techniques encompass both direct complaints and behavior monitoring.

Step Three: Determine the Function

The EATS framework, which stands for Escape/Avoidance, Attention, Tangible, and Sensory, is used to guide the method of setting up the function(s) of the behavior once baseline data are accumulated. The underlying motives that might be using the movement can be determined by evaluating antecedents and outcomes (Koltonski & Xu, 2023). Suppose the behavior is predominantly observed at some stage in challenging instructional work and outcomes inside the individual escaping from such responsibilities. In that case, the characteristics of the behavior can be categorized as getaway or avoidance. It is crucial to have a stable understanding of the characteristic(s) to provide success remedies customized to fulfill the specific requirements and motivations of the person. Recognizing that conduct may additionally fulfill numerous roles is not the simplest critical but also calls for a technique to evaluate that is thorough (Koltonski & Xu, 2023).

Step Four: Develop a Plan of Action

Having received expertise on the reason for the conduct, the subsequent segment is improving an intensive plan of action to cope with the maladaptive behavior. Among those is the identity of alternative behaviors that provide an identical cause but are extra adaptable and socially suitable. For instance, if the character intends to get the eye of their friends, then teaching them to exchange ways to look for attention positively will help reduce disruptive conduct. In addition, procedures that are applied to give suitable results and reinforce desired behaviors are utilized to promote behavior correctly. It is essential for educators, behavior analysts, and caregivers to work together with the intention of successfully executing and revealing the intervention plan (Contreras et al., 2021).

Case Study: Hypothetical FBA

To illustrate the application of FBA in a real-world scenario, consider a hypothetical case of a student, Alex, exhibiting disruptive behavior in the classroom. Alex frequently yells during instructional time, disrupting the learning environment and causing distress to peers and teachers. A systematic FBA is conducted following the outlined steps to address this behavior.

Step One: Define Behavior

The operational definition of the targeted conduct, yelling out, is loud vocalizations or outbursts in the study room at some stage in educational time and ultimately for more than ten seconds. In order to make sure that there is readability and consistency among observers, the definition provides information on the context, frequency, and duration of the behavior.

Step Two: Measure Behavior

The baseline facts are amassed through direct commentary, which entails recording the frequency and period of Alex’s behavior of yelling out at some stage in some of the exceptional instructional periods. Both the antecedents, which include transitions between activities or commands led by the instructor, and the results that comply with the conduct, which consist of reprimands from the trainer or reactions from friends, are considered.

Step Three: Determine the Function

According to an evaluation of the baseline records, yelling out occurs most often during burdensome instructional obligations, including analyzing or math activities. It is followed by the teacher redirecting the scholar or receiving interest from friends. As a result of Alex’s tendency to yell out to escape or keep away from burdensome academic responsibilities, the conduct feature has been identified as getaway/avoidance.

Step Four: Develop a Plan of Action

Based on the identified feature, interventions are being formulated as an excellent way to cope with Alex’s disruptive conduct correctly. Alex undergoes guidance on opportunity behaviors, such as requesting damage or raising his hand, to provide him with alternative methods of expressing his desires or distress. Furthermore, approaches incorporating tremendous reinforcement, which consists of rewards or incentives, are carried out to foster the development of extra constant and appropriate behaviors and to promote their repetition.


In educational settings, maladaptive behaviors may be systematically recognized and addressed using Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA), a vital and beneficial tool. Behavior analysts may also assist university students in regulating their negative conduct styles and broadening their look at environments that are favorable to gaining knowledge through a scientific approach that consists of conduct characterization, dimension, feature willpower, and the refinement of intervention answers. However, it’s essential to understand that conduct is dynamic and that for effects to be relevant, numerous stakeholders need to collaborate and continuously analyze behavior (Contreras et al., 2021).


Contreras, B. P., Hoffmann, A. N., & Slocum, T. A. (2021). Ethical behavior analysis: evidence-based practice as a framework for ethical decision making. Behavior Analysis in Practice15(2).

Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2020). Applied behavior analysis. In Google Books. Pearson UK. Retrieved from

Koltonski, S., & Xu, T. (2023). Using project-based learning to teach pre-service teachers applied behavior analysis knowledge and skills. Texas Educator Preparation7(2), 9–28.

Muething, C., Call, N., Pavlov, A., Ringdahl, J., Gillespie, S., Clark, S., & Meyers, J. L. (2020). Prevalence of renewal of problem behavior during context changes. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis53(3), 1485–1493.


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