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Transformational Leadership, Team Leadership, and Gender in Leadership


“A Catalyst for Institutional Change,” by Kristin K. Frady, is a thorough exploration of the function of leadership in institutional transformation. Frady specializes in transformative leadership, team leadership, and the intersection of gender and leadership in the context of institutional change. This book addresses the complex problems leaders confront when attempting to affect significant change in companies and offers practical insights and tactics for successful leadership.

The book’s topics on transformational leadership, team leadership, and gender and leadership in the review are explored. The author’s arguments and recommended techniques for dealing with these difficulties will be assessed. The ramifications of these difficulties for leadership theory and practice will also be investigated (Frady, 2019).

Frady goes into further detail on the importance of transformative leadership in the context of institutional reform. She believes transformative leaders must have a clear vision, communicate effectively, and inspire their colleagues to achieve common goals. She also highlights the need to cultivate an organizational culture of creativity, trust, and cooperation. Frady also examines the challenges that leaders experience while inspiring and empowering their staff and ways to overcome them.

Another key element in the book is team leadership. As stated by Frady, successful team leadership involves a thorough understanding of team dynamics and good communication and interpersonal skills. She also explores the challenges of organizing and managing diverse teams and solutions for encouraging cooperation and productivity. Frady delves into the topic of gender and leadership, as well as the special challenges that female executives confront while altering organizations. She addresses the gender prejudices and misconceptions that commonly stymie women’s rise to leadership roles and ways to overcome these barriers.

“A Catalyst for Institutional Change” gives significant insights and concrete ideas to executives trying to alter their businesses. Nevertheless, as we shall see in this study, the author’s technique has several shortcomings and areas that need greater investigation and refinement.


Introduction: Frady’s “A Catalyst for Institutional Change” thoroughly assesses leadership tactics and approaches used by the United States’ first female president of an HBCU. The book delves into her transformational leadership, team leadership, and gender & leadership problems and triumphs, emphasizing their importance in the context of HBCUs. The paper will critically examine these themes, highlighting their implications for leadership at historically black colleges and universities and their wider relevance to leadership in other settings.

Transformational leadership: Transformational leadership is a popular leadership style that has gained immense recognition in the business world in recent years (Sharif, 2019). It is a leadership approach that encourages leaders to inspire and motivate their followers to achieve a common goal. Transformational leaders aim to influence their followers by providing a clear vision of the future, developing their skills and abilities, and creating a sense of commitment and purpose among the team members.

In the case of the institution’s new president, her use of transformational leadership proved to be highly effective in bringing about significant changes. She could clearly articulate her vision for the institution and communicate this vision to all stakeholders, including students, professors, and staff. By empowering and developing personnel, she created a culture of excellence and encouraged her team to work towards achieving the shared goal.

Furthermore, the president displayed immense bravery and resilience despite her position on transformational change. Her leadership style ensured that the institution could overcome challenges and obstacles and make sense towards achieving the desired outcomes.

The transformative leadership strategy employed by the president resulted in numerous positive changes at the school. Improved enrolment and retention rates were just a few of the outcomes of her leadership. Additionally, academic offerings were expanded, and the institution’s reputation improved due to her visionary leadership (Asbari et al., 2020).

Despite the success of the transformational leadership strategy, some stakeholders criticized the approach for not being more top-down and for not incorporating the views of all stakeholders in the transformation process. Nevertheless, the president’s leadership style effectively brought about positive change and inspired a sense of purpose and commitment among the institution’s members.

Team Leadership: Team leadership is essential for organizational success, especially when tackling complex challenges. Leaders with this leadership style collaborate closely with others to accomplish a common objective, using team members’ unique abilities and knowledge to propel development. Frady’s book stresses the value of team leadership in the context of institutional reform, focusing on how the president assembled a strong and diverse leadership team that encouraged cooperation and transparency. Team leadership may help businesses navigate problems more effectively and generate significant change by fostering open communication and active engagement. This strategy encourages team members to feel shared ownership and commitment, allowing them to take responsibility for the change process and collaborate to accomplish a common goal.

The president exemplified team leadership by assembling a strong team of people with varied backgrounds and abilities. She also promoted team cooperation and communication while establishing a culture of openness and responsibility.

The president’s team leadership style led to a more collaborative and productive decision-making process and a better feeling of ownership and commitment among team members. Unfortunately, the strategy had certain difficulties, notably in dealing with disputes and balancing the requirements of many stakeholders.

Gender & Leadership: Frady’s third topic is gender & leadership. Gender and leadership study how gender affects leadership styles and results. Research shows that women executives confront hurdles in male-dominated areas, such as gender prejudice and stereotypes.

The president’s gender influenced her leadership in both good and bad ways. On the one hand, her presence as the institution’s first female president was a strong signal of development and empowerment for the community’s women and girls. On the other side, she encountered pushback and scepticism from stakeholders who were not accustomed to seeing women in leadership positions.

The president’s gender affected her leadership style as well. She exemplified the collaborative and inclusive leadership style commonly associated with female executives. She did, however, experience difficulties reconciling her leadership obligations with her family commitments, which is a frequent difficulty for women in leadership positions.


Finally, Frady’s “A Catalyst for Institutional Change” thoroughly examines the leadership techniques necessary for organizational development in the context of HBCUs. The book emphasizes the importance of transformational, team, and gender leadership in promoting meaningful institutional change. According to the author, the ident played a crucial role in developing a transformational leadership strategy that focused on defining a clear vision, motivating dedication, empowering people, and exhibiting perseverance in the face of criticism

and accidents, and the book demonstrates how team leadership may be a powerful technique for achieving institutional transformation. The president created a culture of cooperation, openness, and accountability by assembling a strong leadership team with various experiences and skills. The book also stresses the complexity of leadership and the trade-offs inherent in these methods, such as the difficulties of balancing the requirements of many stakeholders and managing opposition to change.

“A Catalyst for Institutional Change” offers several helpful insights into leadership practices that may enable transformative change in any setting. The book emphasizes the role of visionary and collaborative leadership in inspiring commitment, fostering teamwork, and driving significant change. The book’s excellent insights and practical recommendations for leaders extend beyond the HBCU setting and may assist executives in negotiating the obstacles of driving transformation in any company.


Sharif, K. (2019). Transformational leadership behaviours of women in a socially dynamic environment. International Journal of Organizational Analysis.

Frady, K. K. (2019). Developing STEM Faculty Leaders: A Catalyst for Institutional Transformation. Community College Enterprise25(2), 64-77.

Asbari, M., Santoso, P. B., & Prasetya, A. B. (2020). Elitical and antidemocratic transformational leadership critics: is it still relevant?(A literature study). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL, POLICY AND LAW1(1), 12-16.


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