In the history of American intellectual transcendentalism, the relationship between human beings and nature has been a topic of concern. As represented by Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau, American transcendentalism changed the environment into a spiritual plane, requesting people to copy a profound link to capital N. THE EARLY TRANSENDENTALIST viewed nature as a place for innovation and heavenly motivation. In recent years, the surroundings and intellectual battlefield changed with the likes of Aldo Leopoldo. The discussion investigates how American transcendentalism suggests human beings in relationship to the environment, how ideas about nature shifted from early writers to the latter, and people’s opinions about American transcendentalism.
American Transcendentalism And How It Suggests About Human Beings Relationship With Nature
The link between the environment and people takes on a significance in Emerson’s writings and becomes a holy interdependence. Within the environment, humanity is much bigger and more divine. This type of spirituality is described in detailed poetic language. The transcendentalists believed the climate was a mirror and quiet to humanity (Blouin & Shipley, 2022). Emerson also argued that people should be at the center of moral, holy, and intelligent life. He also stressed the significance of individuals and mobilized them to challenge the authorities within their country. Emmerson inspired his scholars to believe in themselves and stand for what is right. He argues that the environment can educate people much about themselves, but it needs to be addressed.
How Ideas About Nature Shift From The Early Writers And The Latter One
The early transcendentalists viewed the environment as a transcendent power, a holy being with capital” N,” estimated to be used for reasons other than usual. Nature, for them, was the background for people’s exposure and outlet for spiritual inspiration, bolstering a strong link between the surroundings and humanity. However, the new environmentalist ADO Leopoldo introduced a new theatrical shift emphasizing a comprehensive and social understanding of the environment. Leopold’s land ethic put forward a bigger environmental view where he believed that individuals must understand their roles as the owners of the environment ( Buell, 2023). Leopold’s theory emphasized the connection between beings calling for ethical guidelines that went above human reach. This theory calls for a change from a progressive, ideological view to a better, realistic environmental approach. Leopold’s theory calls for a reexamination of the link between individuals and nature, pushing individuals to take responsibility for the environment.
Personal Reflection
The intellectual journey connects the assessment of economic reality. In an environment where preserving nature and pursuing economic interests often clash, these divergent interpretations of the environment acquire real-world significance. The transcendentalist view of the environment often clashes with the hard facts of urbanization and the need for economic expansion. However, Leopold’s environmental ethics connects environmental roles and economic activities, which believes that peaceful interaction is feasible but a requirement (Juneja & Mitra, 2022). A real-life understanding of the economy constantly interrupts people’s thoughts. Transcendentalism environmental settings clash with the realities of the communities where economic activities majorly take the course.
The evolution from the American transcendentalism to the environmental responsibility of Aldo Leopold represents our ideal approach to understanding our role in the environment. Early transcendentalists offered ideal views of individual relationships with the environment. After the evolution of the new approach led by Aldo Leopold, he challenged the individualistic viewpoints and urged people to expand their thoughts and understand the complex chains of life. In the context of personal reflection, these opposing thoughts served as milestones on my academic path. These paths became the battlefields when the pleasures of economic growth collided with the ideas of Thoreau.
Buell, L. (2023). Henry David Thoreau: Thinking Disobediently. Oxford University Press.
Blouin, M. J., & Shipley, M. (2022). “How Does Nature Deify Us” Disney, Climate Change, and the Worship of the Self. CR: The New Centennial Review, 22(2), 161–203.
Juneja, P., & Mitra, T. (2022). Human and technological infrastructures of fact-checking. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6(CSCW2), 1-36.