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The Role of Juries in Civil Litigation: Balancing Justice, Efficiency, and Expertise


The way the US legal system includes juries, particularly in civil cases, has been enacted ever so much in the Constitution. This system is liable to many problems like complexities and drawbacks, which are great difficulties in the disbursement of justice. – Shari Seidman Diamond’s piece, “Truth, Justice, and the Jury,” demonstrates her thorough understanding of juries in civil cases, which may overturn some preconceived notions. It becomes one of the basic ideas mentioned in the article, which would then be under further review of the circumstances where one could prefer a jury trial and the main effects of the general right to a civil jury trial in the United States.

Circumstances Favoring Jury Trials

It can be that the defendant might be interested in having someone else decide upon the innocence and guilt rather than the judge. Usually, in jury settings, it is groups of people from different professions and social backgrounds, reflecting a society (Street et al., 2021). This diversity, however, could be very positive, and the difference seen in all matters ensures that they contribute to the decision-making process. In cases involving issues that relate to local social customs or norms, community standards, and a jury can also help guarantee a more detailed and representative judgment.

Unlike questionnaires, in court, the emotional component of the case is fully and equally understood by all the parties. Emotions and experiences of a person are the main ingredients in civil disputes where cases like emotional distress or injuries are involved. Unlike a judge who may be detached, jurors, as representatives of the public, can easily relate to the human side of a case, which could be a decisive factor in the evaluation of damages.

Evaluation of the Right to a Civil Jury Trial

Given these critical issues, it is evoked whether the right to a civil jury trial may be kept untouched, expanded, or curtailed (Hoback, 2021). The prop of the Sixth Amendment, wherein the jury trial applies in civil cases, comes from the principles of fairness and impartiality, thereby giving the system a check and balance mechanism that allows citizens to participate actively in the justice system. However, it is very important to reconcile the lofty ideals with the many practical impediments that Diamond emphasized and the couple of negative consequences that could arise from jury trials.

Efficiency and Expertise

The principal issues the critics who consider civil jury trials as not logical are found relative to the efficiency, price, and shortcomings of jury expertise, and owing to the length and cost of the legal proceedings and the legal juries’ unpredictability, the little time shattered the justice for both sides. However, the laws’ rudiments or sophistry may be beyond laypeople’s understanding. Thus, there grows the concern that their interpretations of the decisions may need to be more accurate and equitable.

In some cases, where the problems could be more technical or relate to complicated legal doctrines, e.g., in auto accident cases regarding liability insurance policy language, a jury could not be trusted to resolve the dispute. Judges, with their detailed knowledge of the law and cursory experience from previous cases, could have an advantage in seeing the finer points of the case and the law applying correctly.

Balancing the Scales

To find grounds for the balance, the right to a civil jury trial needs to be modified to include systems of case-by-case consideration (Steinman, 2021). For example, the parties could be asked to produce evidence to establish the trial’s medicine and the case’s acute nature. It could be especially important if something comes up in the hearing of personal matters involving scientific or even technical evidence where a judge may be in a better position to review the validity of such evidence. Alternatively, dispute resolution methods like arbitration or expert panels could be settled when a jury trial is not the most suitable approach. Through this method, parties can specify the forum that will best suit their problem, considering the complexity, the cost, and the necessity of special competencies.


In conclusion, the right to a civil jury has grown and developed as part of the legal tradition in the US, and it is intended to allow the always impartial decision of the jury and the participation of the citizens. Nevertheless, such issues mentioned by the critics and the progressing sophistication of legal disputes could demand a complex reconsideration. There are cases where a jury trial is a desirable approach, but a more flexible technique, which continuously takes into account the case particularities, is the one that gives a fair trial. In the long run, the judicial system should aim to achieve an efficient, just, and correct redress of civil disputes so that the right to civil jury trial will be fostered and joined in process modernization.


Hoback, J. (2021). The Best of Both Worlds: Reconciling Tradition with Evolution Under the Ohio and Federal Right to a Civil Jury Trial. U. Cin. L. Rev., pp. 90, 951.

Steinman, A. N. (2021). Appellate Courts and Civil Juries. Wis. L. Rev., 1.

Street, J., Fabrianesi, B., Adams, C., Flack, F., Smith, M., Carter, S. M., … & Braunack‐Mayer, A. J. (2021). Sharing administrative health data with private industry: a report on two citizens’ juries. Health Expectations24(4), 1337-1348.


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