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The Power of Social Media and Public Relations


The technological era has changed the whole perspective of the world and transformed the previously considered dynamic world into a single common village, thanks to the development of social media. The availability of social media has changed different elements from businesses in organizations to social life. Social media has even opened the world creating rooms for people to openly express themselves without fear of criticism (Allen, 2019). The paper below analyzes an organization, provides the background of the organization, explores the social media companies in the organization, compares the media companies, analyzes the available services, and identifies the available services to the organizations and the value of the products in promoting organizational awareness.

Background Of a Former Company Where I Worked

I was previously working for the Google company. Google is a multinational technology company specializing in the provision of internet-related services and products. The company was established in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. The mission of the organization is to organize the world’s information and ensure the information is universally accessible. The main products of Google are its search engine, advertising services, cloud computing, and hardware components. The organization has a rich portfolio made of YouTube, the Android operating system Google Drives, and Chrome web browser. The organization is massively recognized for its innovative culture and operates within the principles of invention, innovation, and user experience (Hooker, 2016). Currently, google continues to diversify the digital field by continually applying different cutting-edge services.

The Three Social Media Companies That Google Has Used to Reach and Build Its Customer Base

Google has massively leveraged on use of social media to affectively engage with the audience and customer base. Facebook is the first media that the organization uses to reach its customer base. The Facebook tool allows Google to share product descriptions and other user-generated content, fostering the brand’s visibility and attraction new users. The presence of Google on Facebook includes the different products official channels where they engage in sharing entertaining content with their audience (Alhabash & Ma, 2017). Google also uses Twitter for customers and announcements. Google’s twitter account offers updates on product launches responds to different customer questions and promptly offers feedback on the posted customer questions (Alhabash & Ma, 2017). Through the facilitation of an active presence within the corporate environment, twitter directly interacts with its users addressing their issues and committing to customer satisfaction. Thirdly, google employs the use of Instagram to showcase the corporate culture, and share visual content in interacting with customers (Alhabash & Ma, 2017). By carefully using curated posts, Instagram allows users to share visual content in the form of reels, fostering a sense of connection with the audience.

Comparison And Contrast Between Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

Being the largest social networking platform, Facebook provides broader diverse features like text sharing, image sharing, and link sharing. Google uses Facebook to ensure a wider audience reach and engage the audience through text sharing, sharing content, and community interaction. A perfect example in this case is the consideration of Google maintaining Facebook’s official page where it occasionally shares its products and services (Alhabash & Ma, 2017). Twitter allows different users to effectively post short messages, commonly referred to as tweets. Google uses Twitter in leveraging for real-time updates creation of customer support and making different announcements about their products and services. A perfect example in this context is the case of the @Google account on Twitter which easily allows for the sharing of product launches and appropriately responding to the different users. Instagram being a visually oriented platform makes it easier for the users to share their photos and videos. Google humanizes its brand and connects with the users in a more personal way (Alhabash & Ma, 2017). The Google posts on Instagram are a perfect elaboration of its diverse workforce and workplace environment, creating a sense of authenticity and relatability.

The Services That Are Available to Organizations

Cloud computing service forms the first service that is available to organizations. The cloud computing services like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), offer the organization appropriate access to computing services through the internet. These types of services an inclusive of infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS), making it easier for the organizations to easily host applications and apply the different computing resources (Khalid Ouda, 2020). Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems is another available service for the organization. ERP systems, like SAP Oracle ERP Cloud, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 apply different business processes like finance human resource, and supply chain management into a single comprehensive system. The systems are very critical as they effectively streamline operations and improve general efficacy. Additionally, the digital marketing service forms the other available service to the organizations. This type of service is inclusive of the different activities that are aimed to promote the products of the company on the online spaces and the services comprise search engine optimization (SEO), advertisements, and other elements of social media marketing, content marketing, and market analytics (Khalid Ouda, 2020). Through the leverage of the different marketing services, organizations can easily increase their online presence, produce leads, and cost-effectively drive sales.

How The Services Help to Support and Promote Organizational Awareness

The services promote organizational awareness through enhanced visibility, accessibility, and engagement with target audiences. Cloud computing fosters the availability of organizational resources thus improving the accessibility for the global users. ERP systems effectively work in streamlining and data centralization fostering efficient management of the different customer interactions and improving the general reputation of the brand. Digital services effectively leverage online channels in reaching and effectively engaging with possible customers, thus favoring awareness through campaigns (Khalid Ouda, 2020). The services cumulatively promote an appropriate ecosystem that promotes organizational awareness.

The Best Fit Service for My Organization

In an organization that is deeply focused on the provision of digital services, leveraging cloud computing services would be the appropriate fit. Cloud computing allows for flexibility and scalability making it easier to manage the different applications and infrastructure. Incorporation of cloud computing can allow our organization to have a higher availability and accessibility of our services to the different users will be top-notch without having to depend on the extensive on-premises infrastructure.


The development of the internet has changed the functionality of the Google company. the incorporation of media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram all enhanced Google’s engagement with its broader customer base presenting different and diverse content and creating a sense of connection with the target audience. Further, services like cloud computing, ERP systems, and digital marketing services have been massively embraced by organizations due to their optimization and centralization of information, allowing for online presence and improved organizational awareness. In digital organizations, the best fit is cloud computing is the best because it allows for scalability and improved accessibility with no strain on-premises infrastructure.


Alhabash, S., & Ma, M. (2017). A tale of four platforms: Motivations and uses of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat among college students? Social Media + Society3(1), 1–13.

Allen, S. (2019, September 20). Social media’s growing impact on our lives. American Psychological Association.

Hooker, L. (2016, February 1). How did Google become the world’s most valuable company? BBC News.

Khalid Ouda, G. (2020). Samarra Journal of Pure and Applied Science Cloud computing service providers: A comparative study. Samarra J. Pure Appl. Sci2(1), 76–89.


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