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The Political Structure and Legacy of the Iroquois Confederacy

The Iroquois Confederacy, also known as the Haudenosaunee, was a powerful alliance of five (later six) Native American tribes inhabiting the northeastern woodlands before European colonization of North America. The Iroquois Confederacy was established among the Indigenous peoples many years ago with its well-thought-of governance structure and aim of keeping peace and security (Britannica 2). This confederacy had a significant impact during the early colonial period, and more importantly, it even affected the formation of the United States system of government.

The Iroquois Confederacy was formed from 1570 to 1600 in territories ranging from New England to the Great Lakes area. This union consisted of five ancient foes, namely the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and the Seneca peoples, whom the Tuscarora peoples joined in the future (Ratcliffe 2). The tribes of the Iroquois League connected through the oral Constitution, being the most important of the laws they devised, and used this democracy to create peace among the tribes and seek group harmony. A plenary civil leader that would classify one primary leader for the chronological intercourse will be selected by the elders and the chiefs until all the participants agree and decisions are reached unanimously. Relations and collective security were two main goals; the main objective was establishing peace in the whole area despite the threats from outside due to the rivaling tribes.

This closely related political, economic, and social collaboration provided the contributor countries with military might and economic affluence. The Iroquois Confederacy’s superior ability to unite and govern vast areas of land contrasted with other American Indian tribes who were not as organized. They were predominant in their civilization and significantly affected the negotiations of the early colonies between English, French, and American delegates who also did the same (Britannica 7). Nevertheless, independent ideological constructs of personal liberty, self-governance, and a federal structure that balances central and local authorities should also profoundly shape relevant perspectives of democracy in the US and inspire the drafting of the Constitution.

The Haudenosaunee legacy of the governance system model and nation-building principles has become a major driving force in settling tribal revitalization conflicts and engaging Native groups and government partnerships from America to North America and beyond (Ratcliffe 5). The Iroquois League managed to maintain the unity that prevented its dissolution despite those cultural gaps and the sovereignty being in place now for centuries – a model of reconciliation that contemporary communities can follow.

In conclusion, as established as early as the European conquest of North America, the Iroquois Confederacy is one of the most highly evolved governing bodies among the indigenous peoples. The Iroquois –also known as the Haudenosaunee- established a precedent – that is, members should unite under a landmark constitution that lists peace, military alliance, and economic coordination as the cornerstone of the union for the next few centuries. The structural and political sides of the two entities created an influential characteristic of American democracy, which we still preserve to date. The Iroquois Confederacy’s deeds used to be a guiding light of cooperative relationships among different tribes and ethnic groups up to the present time.

Works Cited

Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. “Iroquois Confederacy”. Encyclopedia Britannica, 7 Dec. 2023, Accessed 14 February 2024.

Ratcliffe, David T. “The Six Nations: Oldest living Participatory Democracy on Earth.” Roslindale, MA: Rat Hous (1995).


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