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The New York Times Essays

Current Affairs Writing Assignment – Smartphone Supply and Demand

First part I plan to analyze smartphone supply and demand for my term project. The laws of supply and demand govern nearly every product we consume. Smartphones, made possible by rapidly developing technologies, have simplified regular social interactions. Smartphones function in the economic sphere in the same way that any other product does, with supply ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1043

Civil War Newspaper Analysis

The Civil War has been a defining moment in American history, impacting the nation and its people. In order to better understand the historical context of the American Civil War, this study analyzes articles published during that period. There have been many historians’ studies of the Civil War, but this one will focus exclusively on ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1702
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Managing Media House

The New York Times “NYT” is a US-based global media organization that includes newspapers, digital content companies, radio stations, and other investments. Established continuously since September 1851, this public institution had revenues of $2.9 billion in 2008, and it had 9,346 full-time employees. The NYT’s significant businesses include The New York Times, The Boston Globe, ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2235

The New York Times Newspaper on Trioxygen in Los Angeles

Link to the article URL of the article: Name of the article: Running low on oxygen, emergency workers in Los Angeles County are told to administer the minimum necessary. Quality of the article The news source: The New York Times Summary The pollutant of concern in the article is ozone. Ozone is a gas that ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 882
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