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The Marx Family Saga

The Marx Family Saga is a book written by Juan Goytisolo in 1993 and translated by Peter with San Francisco City Lights Books as its publisher. The book explores the life and ideas of Marx and his family’s influences on him. Marx is a sociologist, economist, political analyst, and philosopher advocating for communism and socialism in the community to free the members of the society from the adverse capitalist economic system. Karl Marx’s family faced many challenges throughout their journey to oppose capitalism, and his family influenced and supported him to achieve his revolutionary motive.

The Marx Family Saga Shows how the Karl Marx family is determined to support Marx to help society by bringing injustice to light and informing more people on what to do to avoid injustice by the capitalist. As a result, Marx’s family endures persecution, personal losses, tragedies, sacrifices, and poverty. Marx’s family is helped by a close friend from an autocratic family named Engels, a writer, and Marx’s closest friend, who helps him see what the bourgeoisie is doing to the proletariats. Marx and his family are resilient from all challenges they come across, and they inspire a higher percentage of the mid-19th century. People begin to question the long working hours in poor and sometimes hazardous areas for fewer changes, thus demanding fairer treatment and more wages to sustain their lives and make it easy, if not luxuries, as the factory owners. The fight to achieve socialism, equality, communism, and justice hugely affects Marx’s family as one of their members commits suicide.

Eleanor Marx is Karl Marx’s daughter, a writer, activist, and translator who committed suicide in 1898, and she promoted Marx’s ideas at a greater scope. Eleanor wrote about how the government and political leaders oppressed the working class by giving them less attention and fulfilling their promises during campaigns. Moreover, Eleanor is more focused on advocating for women’s rights who are treated badly, especially in the working environments. Women face huge troubles throughout Marx’s entire life, whereby they are chained to work in harsh conditions and receive poor wages similar to their male counterparts. However, it is more challenging for women with children with many home responsibilities. Eleanor, through Marx’s idea in the Communist Manifesto, demands people unite and fight for social justice and class equality.

The political and economic system is wicked and forces people to work long hours to get more pay to buy the expensive things that the bourgeoisie produce and sell to low-class individuals. Marx and his family fight the political oppression evident in society at a large scale and ends up hurting his family in an imaginable way. Marx was banned from several countries, and his works became censored; many publishers refused to publish his book, Das Kapital, which he had invested in for a long time and made him bankrupt to the extent of him pawning all the valuables they had, including his shoes (Goytisolo and Bush 6). Karl Marx is a highly educated person, and he is also denied a clerk position. The employer claims his handwriting is very poor despite his academic level, which outstands almost everyone there. This, and other instances of denial of freedom, shows the political repression that Mar’s family faces.

Marx’s family is a determined family which is resilient and willing to lose everything to achieve communism, socialism, equality, and justice for everyone in the community. The family faces many problems, including poverty, getting banned from several countries, personal loss (death of Eleanor), and many more. Activists and economic analysts in contemporary society face many challenges, including imprisonment and getting a bad public image which politicians influence. The Marx’s Family Saga shows how capitalists rule and demand more only for themselves. The only problem in this text is when Eleanor commits suicide when she should have found a solution to the problems the family is facing.

Works Cited

Goytisolo, Juan, and Peter Bush. The Marx Family Saga. San Francisco City Lights Books (1993).


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