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The Influence of Technology on Human Relationships

Did you know that technology has evolved since 1973? This evolution was when the first cell phone was invented, and the first phone with the internet came later in 1996 (McNamee & Yu, 2023). Technology has had a tremendous impact on human relationships. Its rapid evolution from the advent of the internet and mobile phones has affected how humans interact with each other. Technology has both positive and negative impacts on interpersonal relationships. However, humanity must find a balance between being on their devices and being present in their lives instead of living through screens. Technology’s increasingly rapid evolution means humanity must learn to balance their lives. Otherwise, they will get caught up in the newer advances. Humanity must become the masters of their lives and technological consumption; otherwise, they will be overwhelmed and overrun.

Looking at this topic from a historical perspective, one notes that technology did not have the disruptive power it has today. In the twenty-first century alone, evolution has been astounding. At the beginning of the century, only half of American households had broadband internet connections (Hillyer, 2020). Today, it is a staple, with over ninety percent of homes having this connectivity option. Seven hundred and forty million global cell phone subscriptions in 2000 have evolved into more than eight billion subscriptions. There are more cell phones than people!

Furthermore, technology has become more personalized and portable, with an emphasis on users’ convenience. The most significant impact of these evolutions on human interactions was increased connectivity. No longer did people have to leave their homes to make phone calls at telephone booths.

They also did not have to plan to call at specific times when the caller and recipient would be at the booth. People could now send each other text messages and call comfortably and conveniently. Early communication means, like telephones and letters, influenced human relationships by maintaining emotional connections. These connections were especially crucial for long-distance relationships. Telephones significantly increased communication speed (Hillyer, 2020). Previously, letters were the dominant communication form and took time to be sent and replied to. Telegraphs were also time-consuming to send, read, and reply to and required one to leave home to communicate with their desired recipient. However, the telephone brought real-time communication. It also improved communication privacy. Letters could get lost, be opened, and read. However, telephone conversations enabled individuals to speak privately with each other.

Technology has had numerous benefits to interpersonal relationships. One of the most often cited benefits is its contribution to improving communication. As mentioned above, technology has enhanced long-distance relationships. With current advancements, people can share photos and videos of themselves with loved ones to enhance their emotional connections. They have better relationship quality because they can schedule interactions like video calls (Udoma, 2023). Some applications allow couples to play online games or watch movies together, making them feel physically together. Social media platforms have increased global connectivity and allow people to keep in touch with each other. Smartwatches allow couples to link each other’s watches to their mobile devices, allowing them to see their loved one’s activity levels and schedules. Such connections make them feel together because they can tell what the other is doing.

Another positive effect of technology on human relationships is that it strengthens familial ties by connecting family members across distances. More than sixty-six percent of global citizens are active technology and internet users (Burgess, 2023). Older generations have also warmed to social media interactions and connection, where primary users were younger adults and teenagers. During COVID-19, the world truly appreciated technology as it kept people connected despite having to isolate themselves in their homes. Video calling applications like Zoom kept families connected as they could talk to and see each other in real-time regardless of physical distance. After the pandemic ended and lockdowns were lifted, many families kept the tradition of calling each other and scheduling video calls to catch up on each other’s lives. Such an effort to connect strengthens familial ties.

Thirdly, technology helps one to maintain and expand one’s social circle. Previously, distance was a barrier that dictated how often people could contact each other. Currently, social media allows individuals to access each others’ lives and communicate in real-time through globalization. Forty-seven percent of respondents in a survey thought that social media and online dating platforms made it easier for introverts to find love (Burgess, 2023). People who have limited social interactions because of physical or circumstantial limitations can now be part of online communities. Such technology allows them to grow their social circle online when they cannot physically do so. Due to work and familial obligations, friends may have conflicting schedules that prevent them from physically meeting to catch up. They can use social media to keep each other posted on their lives without the pressure to synchronize their schedules for physical meetings.

Unfortunately, technology has also negatively influenced human relationships. The first effect is the reduction of face-to-face interactions. The COVID-19 pandemic normalized digital interactions and remote work due to the lockdowns and physical distancing guidelines. People got used to interacting digitally and self-isolating. Similarly, many companies have advanced technologically to automate their services. They also have self-service portals that help consumers self-diagnose problems and get solutions (Burgess, 2023). Such developments reduce in-person interactions as one does not have to leave their house to get services.

Moreover, delivery services increase convenience as consumers have everything delivered to them where they would previously need to leave their homes to shop. The human connection is dwindling. Some people can go days or weeks without meaningful human interactions.

The following adverse effect builds on the previous one. Lacking human interaction leads to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Rampant social media use has increased the potential of many people feeling lonely (Burgess, 2023). Social media has its positives, but one of its negative consequences is that users feel pressured to be their most perfect selves. This pressure leads them to form superficial connections where they are inauthentic and want to keep up with trends. Ultimately, they feel lonely because they lack deep and meaningful connections. Another generation that may suffer from loneliness is older adults. Most of them grew up relying on physical interactions to socialize with their friends and family. Social media and digital interactions may leave them feeling lonely because they would rather have someone physically to talk to.

Additionally, increased digital interactions mean increased chances of deception. The internet age has brought evils like cyberbullying, online scams, catfishing, and predators who prey on underage users (Burgess, 2023). Another risk is the increased lack of privacy and personal boundaries. Couples where one or both partners are social media addicts may strain the relationship. Constantly checking or surfing on social media ruins the quality time that a couple can spend together.

Furthermore, one’s partner may be displeased about what their significant other does online and stalk them. Most people stalk their partners online because they are insecure about how much time they spend on their phones. Technology provides more opportunities for infidelity due to one’s privacy when messaging others and setting up secretive encounters. Personal boundaries like social media passwords may also be blurry for couples trying to set digital boundaries.

As discussed above, technology has positive and negative effects on human relationships. It can be used for good to strengthen one’s social network and familial connections and maintain professional connections and dealings. However, it can also lead to privacy issues, loneliness, and reduced human interaction. Recent trends in social media usage include cancel culture, social avoidance, and lack of focus (Vogels et al., 2021). Cancel culture involves publicly shaming and boycotting a company or celebrity for perceived offensive statements or actions. Social avoidance creeps up when people cannot hold physical interactions because they are used to being behind a screen. The generation of children and teenagers growing up with social media as their primary communication tool internalizes all these effects and becomes unable to operate without their mobile devices and handle positive criticism because they are used to saying whatever they want while hiding behind their screens.

Ultimately, technology is a tool that humanity decides to access for good or evil. Despite the influences of technology on human relationships, humanity should strive to attain a healthy relationship with it. In the same way people have a work-life balance, they should balance being on their screens and experiencing the world first-hand. There are several strategies to maintain real-world connections while benefiting from technology. Some include using the ‘Do Not Disturb’ (DND) function, setting screen time limits, turning off notifications, and setting app limits (Blankson, 2023). Using the DND function allows one to connect with others without their phone vibrating or ringing with every alert that comes in. However, one may miss essential phone calls, so they may alternatively turn off social media notifications. This selection ensures that the notifications that come in are from important sectors like work emails or texts.

Additionally, one may set screen time or app limits. Screen time limits the time one spends on their mobile device, while app limits restrict the time one spends on specific applications. Both measures curb excessive social media use and allow users to enjoy their devices but put them down after a while to engage in other meaningful activities like socializing, sleep, and exercise. Setting digital boundaries and managing screen time is crucial because it helps us regain control over our lives. According to the author of The Future of Happiness, Amy Blankson (2023), most couples fall asleep looking at their phones instead of seeing their loved one’s faces as the last thing before they sleep. Everything is ruled by technology, and humanity is continually overwhelmed by it. As mentioned earlier, technology is a neutral tool that is good or bad depending on its use.

Constant overwhelm occurs when one does not set healthy technological boundaries because they eventually feel like they have no time to do anything after spending the whole day on their screens. However, using the strategies above, one can successfully balance technology and their relationships. I typically set my screen time to balance my technology and relationships. I do not allow myself to use my phone past 10 p.m., allowing me to rest and recharge to be at my best the next day. I also recently bought a smartwatch to help me manage my social time. Having a smartwatch means that notifications from my phone show up on the watch. When meeting other people, I leave my phone in my bag and turn off notifications from unnecessary apps. This way, I only see essential notifications on the watch and can decide which ones are urgent. It is also less invasive and rude to look at a watch than at one’s phone.

Despite these safeguards, technology continues to evolve and influence human relationships and interactions. The future of relationships is digital, as more users interact and socialize online. Online communities are on the rise because they are a less risky and time-consuming way of meeting people (FutureWorkNZ Blog, 2019). Online matchmaking platforms offer less risk and investment than going out to meet new people. Similarly, digital labor and job platforms will change the nature of employment and the job market. Technology enhances inclusivity (Burgess, 2023). The rise of remote work means that people from all over the world can compete for the same employment positions. Similarly, people on online sites can do things they would not ordinarily be able to do. Physically disabled people can participate in virtual games, and socially anxious people can connect with like-minded friends.

Emerging technologies like virtual reality and artificial intelligence (AI) have potential pros and cons. The pros of these inventions are that they allow people to connect better, as AI platforms help those with social anxiety to practice conversing and connecting with others. They can also help job-seekers practice answering potential interview questions. However, the cons include manipulation, social withdrawal, and controlling behaviors (Collins, 2023). Human relationships with AI bots that tell them what they want to hear will redefine connection and cause people to veer away from the complexity of interpersonal connections to straightforward chatbot friendships. Furthermore, they may withdraw socially as they are immersed in virtual worlds where they feel in control, compared to the struggles of everyday life. Chatbots may trigger manipulative and controlling behaviors in people because they do not react to verbal abuse or manipulation, unlike humans.

In conclusion, this essay outlines the positive and negative effects of technology. Technology has several positive impacts. It enhances the quality of long-distance relationships, strengthens familial ties, and maintains social connections. On the other hand, technology has negatively impacted interpersonal connections. It has reduced face-to-face interaction, led to isolation and loneliness, and created gray areas in relationship privacy. Humans must balance their technological consumption to maintain real-world connections and set screen-time boundaries so they have time for their relationships. Technology is evolving faster than ever, moving into virtual reality and artificial intelligence. These evolutions will continue to affect relationships. Humanity must become the masters of their lives and technological consumption; otherwise, they will be overwhelmed and overrun. This statement implies that technology can either rule your life or you can. Humans must reflect on their technological consumption, whether it does more harm or good, and find solutions to address adverse effects.


Blankson, A. (2023). 5 strategies for setting digital boundaries.

Burgess, J. (2023, September 29). How has technology affected social interaction?

Collins, L. M. (2023, September 6). Could AI do more harm than good to relationships, from romance to friendship?. Deseret News.,partner%2C%20friendships%20and%20other%20relationships

FutureWorkNZ Blog. (2019, August 12). Technological change and the future of love.,ways%20of%20finding%20prospective%20mates

Hillyer, M. (2020, November 18). How has technology changed – and changed us – in the past 20 years?. World Economic Forum.

McNamee, K. & Yu, M. (2023, April 3). 50 years ago, Martin Cooper made the first phone call.,On%20April%203%2C%201973%2C%20Martin%20Cooper%20made%20the%20first%20ever,available%20to%20the%20general%20public

Udoma, U. (2023). The role of technology in maintaining long-distance relationships.,couples%20to%20coordinate%20their%20schedules

Vogels, E. A., Anderson, M., Porteus, M., Baronavski, C., Atske, S., McClain, C., Auxier, B., Perrin, A., & Ramshankar, M. (2021, May 19). Americans and ‘Cancel Culture’: Where some see calls for accountability, others see censorship, punishment. Pew Research Center.


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