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The Global Foundation Strategic Plan

Cultural Analysis

My business is Global Golf Foundation, intending to promote the game of golf globally by promoting its advantages globally. The Foundation aims to involve golfers of all ages and backgrounds, cultivating a passion for the sport and providing avenues for growth and development. Global Golf Foundation strives to foster the global expansion of golf. Leveraging our profound grasp of international relations and global security, we can adeptly navigate the intricacies of introducing the sport in different parts of the world. Additionally, our proficiency in both golf and business equips us with the essential know-how and perspectives to craft successful approaches to attracting new golf enthusiasts.

My company’s target market encompasses a diverse range of individuals; including golf enthusiasts aged 25-55. The specific focus is on Aspiring Professionals between 18 and 30 years old who are passionate about pursuing a career in golf. Additionally, Corporate Executives aged 35-60 seeking golf as a networking and business relationship-building activity are part of the target audience and young Adults aged 18-25 in the early stages of their professional careers or college education, drawn to golf for its recreational and socializing opportunities. Considering my target audience, I initiated operations in Bali, Indonesia.

Legal Laws

The Global Foundation business falls under Foundation, a type of business legal entity, and the laws governing Non-Profit organizations in Indonesia are the Tax laws. Legally, non-profit organizations are generally subject to income tax like other legal corporations (Law No. 36 of 2008 on Income Tax Article 2 Section 1(b)) (Sugiyanto et al., 2021). Additional laws include the Indonesian Civil Code (Article 1653), a legal document for operating a foundation and association. Law No. 16 of 2017 pertains to the Enactment of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law. Law No. 12 of 2005 concerns the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) endorsement. Additionally, there is the Law of Foundation, which defines a foundation as a non-membership legal agency set up based on the separation of assets and meant to achieve certain goals in the religious, social, or humanitarian spheres.

Strategic Alliance Country History

I chose Bali National Golf Club as the strategically appropriate alliance and the country to enter due to its outstanding attributes that match the Global Golf Foundation’s objective. The Bali National Golf Club, situated at the epicenter of The Maj Nusa Dua resort complex, provides a superb golfing experience in gorgeous surroundings. Recognizing the course’s achievements, like earning the titles of the Best Golf Resort in Indonesia and the Best Renovated Golf Course in Asia, speaks volumes about its dedication to excellence. Bali National Golf Club’s clever positioning, only a 20-minute drive from Ngurah Rai Bali International Airport, ensures convenient access for global visitors. This proximity is critical to fostering golf’s global appeal, enabling us to offer a smooth experience for golf enthusiasts exploring Bali through the alliance.

Bali National Golf Club includes top-notch golf facilities featuring the Bali Golf Academy, complete with changing rooms and excellent dining options, ensuring golfers enjoy a world-class experience. The Bali National Golf Villas overlook the captivating 17th and 18th holes, enhancing the overall experience with their beauty and distinctiveness. Partnering with the Bali National Golf Club, the Global Golf Foundation can leverage these qualities to champion golf in Bali and beyond (Dunsmuir, 2020). This collaboration will unravel opportunities for hosting global golf events and workshops at the Bali Golf Academy to help us inform the world about the benefits of golf. The unique service at Bali National Golf Villas perfectly aligns with my commitment to providing golf enthusiasts with a one-of-a-kind and unforgettable experience. Together with Bali National Golf Club, we can create a system that improves golf and encourages the growth of golf worldwide.

The collaboration between the Global Golf Foundation and Bali National Golf Club can leverage valuable cost-sharing in research and development to ensure the provision of creative services for investment in various projects. The joint efforts are essential for both companies’ sustainability in technological development, enabling upkeep with our clientele’s dynamic demands (Gray et al., 2020). The Global Golf Foundation can also enhance Bali National Golf Club’s current clientele and distribution chains. This strategic cooperation intends to help us discover and penetrate new markets and distribute our golf-related products and services more effectively, benefiting both companies.

Market Audit

The product

The Foundation aims to make golf a sustainable recreational activity accessible to everybody, not just the wealthy. This approach fits with the modern person’s healthy lifestyle and attitude toward the environment. Although golf is a basic game, it has been difficult to change people’s perceptions of it, especially in areas where the game is regarded as an elite activity, and that is what we want to change. The Global Golf Foundation is envisioned to create games cherished by people of all ages, allowing them to consider golfing as a crucial and necessary part of their daily lives. Additionally, the club’s strategic plan aims to extend its operations to underserved populations with booming potential commercial impact.

Foundations sources of Funding

Getting corporate sponsorships will be my main focus when I establish the Global Golf Foundation. My first target is Bali National Golf Club, a well-known golf club with goals related to the Global Golf Foundation’s mission. Working together with them not only provides financial support but also raises the legitimacy of our goals. A variety of activities are included in sponsorship, such as product development for events, joint marketing campaigns, and members of Bali National Golf Club participating in community service projects (Kuhn et al., 2019). This cooperative relationship fosters a sense of community and emphasizes the global reach of our mission.

Grants and private contributions will be part of the next phase of additional Funding for the Foundation once it has stable support and after the first Funding. Financial organizations and golf fans are among the possible donors with whom demonstrations of service and plan models might be shared. To execute experimental projects demonstrating the Foundation’s impact, this stage will also involve working with nearby communities and educational institutions. Through the Internet and social media platforms, we will develop campaigns utilizing our extensive network of golf enthusiasts. These events will draw attention to the Foundation’s impact and encourage contributions from devoted people. Setting up a donation framework with perks, like exclusive events or merchandise, guarantees a consistent flow of Funding and, finally, Grants and Foundations and Government Funding.

The Global Foundation Strategic Plan

The Global Foundation’s global strategic operations plan for overseas ventures is to continue operating and successfully expand the game of golf worldwide and achieve its goal of reaching over 50,000 new golfers by 2028. This expansion will be achieved through scaling up initiatives based on successful outcomes, measuring and communicating impact, and fostering international golf collaborations and alliances. To continue its operations in Indonesia, Bali, the Foundation will become a publicly traded company that lists and sells its shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. It must apply to get listed together with the necessary paperwork, which includes the firm Profile, financial reports, legal opinions, financial predictions, and other materials.

Documents requirements to go public

The Foundation must submit the scriptless entry request to the Indonesia Central Securities Depository (KSEI). After reviewing the application, the Indonesia Stock Exchange will ask the company to present its Profile, business plans, and plans for a public offering, along with its underwriter and other supporting capital market specialists (Maria & Prisandani, 2021). The Company Prospectus is one of the required supporting documents. To ensure that all relevant information about the firm’s share offering, financial situation, and business operations is made public on the prospectus, the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) may ask the company for revisions or additional information when completing the review.

Companies must wait for OJK approval before publishing the prospectus summary in newspapers. If the OJK has granted permission for publication, the corporation may also carry out a public exposure. Following the delivery of the information by the firm about the share price of the first public offering and other data disclosures, the OJK will make an official declaration (Baker, 2021). Following the OJK’s declaration of the business’s registration statement as practical, the firm will carry out a public offering, publish an updated or expanded summary of the prospectus in newspapers, and make the prospectus available to the general public and potential share buyers.


Baker, M. (2021). Leading and closing complex deals -daily GLOBAL PUBLIC M&A GUIDE 4th Edition.

Gray, D. M., Hicks, N., & Rundels, J. J. (2020). Getting in the game: Putting golf at the forefront of your networking toolbox. Business Horizons, 63(5), 627–636.

Maria, F., & Prisandani, U. Y. (2021). Establishing A Limited Liability Company: A Comparative Analysis on Singaporean and Indonesian Law. The Lawpreneurship Journal, 1(1), 43–57.

Dunsmuir, A. (2020, April 15). The benefits to golf clubs from brand partnerships. Golf Club Management.

Kuhn, P., Bendesa, K. G., & Wiranatha, A. S. (2019). Is Motivation and Trust Important for Tourists’ Loyalties? A Quantitative Perspective from Golf Tourism in Bali of Indonesia. E-Journal of Tourism, 6(1), 88.

Sugiyanto, S., Tjanjono, H. K., Hartono, A., & Khukuq, L. (2021). Comparative Governance of Non-Profit Organizations | International Journal of Economics, Business, and Entrepreneurship., 1(2).


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