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The Effect of Management and Teamwork Concepts

Conflicts may occur between people and within groups of all kinds. Due to the wide range of misunderstandings among different groups of people, a lack of conflict may be considered an absence of effective interaction. Disputes are not bad or good, but they should be taken as necessary to help build strong and meaningful relationships between people and groups. The way conflicts are handled will determine if they it is productive or devastating because conflicts have the potential to create opportunity for a particular goal. Therefore, we are supposed to learn and understand them well. The leading causes of disputes among people may include misunderstanding, goal differences, personal differences, and lack of trust among others, and that is why we have different ways of solving them, as listen below;

Accommodation conflicts with style. In most cases, I find it good to accommodate conflicts because it will help one to deal with different conflicts (Mansour & Tremblay, 2018). at the same time, I find myself using this style when I want to avoid arguments, especially with my relatives, and I am sure that the parties involved are experts on that matter. Sometimes, when I come across people with this accommodator style, I sit down with each and try to find out what the conflict was about and make sure that the parties involved provide an appropriate resolution. However, if the situation needs further resolution, I will help them solve it by following up on how it started and then coming up with a permanent solution. However, when using this style, one is supposed to be very careful since I have several consequences; for instance, accommodators can be taken advantage of by the other.

I am collaborating conflicts style. I find this style significant for my team’s success because it involves both a goal and a relationship-oriented one, which helps both sides of the conflict to receive what they targeted (Raziq et al.,2018). Furthermore, it is used to resolve deep conflicts, including those affecting the relationship between different groups, which helps the team be at its best since they are able to learn, listen to have an open discussion about the issue that was causing tension and hence improves teams, relationship to the other one. I use this strategy when my relationship with the other party has a high level of trust. However, this strategy requires much time and effort because you must work with another person to create a win-win solution.

I am avoiding conflicts. Even though conflict avoidance destroys one’s relationship and harms our mental health, I usually use this style when the other party does not want to cooperate; I avoid confronting the issue and changing the subject because of fear of disappointment. However, I am not planning to work on changes concerning this strategy because when I respond to this type of conflict, I have to expect adverse outcomes. I will never trust that party again, which may end up breaking our relationship because we will cut off all communications. Instead, I give that person time to calm down first since time and space heal as some conflicts tend to solve themselves.

Compromising conflicts. This is the best strategy to solve conflicts as a manager because this style is very assertive and highly cooperative. I also recommend it to my team success( Brummer, Herbes & Gericke 2017). I like it because it is more concerned with different goals than your own, and using it can help one eradicate conflicts and maintain healthy relationships. On the other hand, the best way to handle conflicts with a compromiser is to understand all outcomes and try not to become defensive; it should be a lose-lose method since when you handle disagreements with this style, you encourage each other to make significant sacrifices, this means, neither one of you gets exactly what they want.

I am competing conflicts style. I use this strategy in an emergency where I have to make a quick decision or in a place where noncompetitive behavior can be exploited (Power, 2018). If I do not care about the relationship, I am only concerned with the outcome, for example, when I have to compete with another industry for a new client. I do this because the decision is very vital and can be appropriate when I have to implement a particular decision; also, it is to let others know how important that issue is to me and am standing up for my right, though relationships can be broken beyond repair, I cannot care since it will help me get my way and keep my businesses moving. Usually, this style involves one dominant person trying to reach his or her dream at the expense of the parties involved.

In conclusion, in today’s world is to understand that each of us has the best way of solving conflicts. Furthermore, each strategy has its limitation and benefits to the person using it. For instant, there is no right or wrong conflict management. The only thing we can do is understand how you instinctively respond to them and create awareness of all styles of conflicts so it can help us approach different situations and lead to effective resolutions. In my view, I am not going to change my stand on using those strategies for solving conflict because I realized that we as human beings keep repeating similar mistakes on daily bases, so my knowledge of solving conflicts in different styles will help me work with others in an organization. I can solve any conflicts that arise or may arise at any time. I believe that people approach misunderstanding arising differently, depending on their life experiences, and as long as you use the ones you like, you are good to go. Lastly, when choosing a strategy to use in conflicts, I look at these factors, talking directly to the involved party, assuming that there will be no physical violence; I always choose the right time and show that I am listening to whatever is being said because conflicts are not new to me, I experience them in day-to-day life.


Mansour, S., & Tremblay, D. G. (2018). Work-family/family–work conflict, job stress, burnout and intention to leave in the hotel industry in Quebec (Canada): moderating role of need for family friendly practices as “resource passageways”. The international journal of human resource management29(16), 2399-2430.

Raziq, M. M., Borini, F. M., Malik, O. F., Ahmad, M., & Shabaz, M. (2018). Leadership styles, goal clarity, and project success: Evidence from project-based organizations in Pakistan. Leadership & Organization Development Journal.

Power, N. (2018). Extreme teams: Toward a greater understanding of multiagency teamwork during major emergencies and disasters. American Psychologist73(4), 478.

Brummer, V., Herbes, C., & Gericke, N. (2017). Conflict handling in renewable energy cooperatives (RECs): organizational effects and member well‐being. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics88(2), 179-202.


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