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The Contribution of the Internet Network to Health Service Management

Technological evolution has had significant changes in the lives of individuals. The health sector has not been spared and has experienced considerable advancement with technology adoption. The adoption of the internet in health service management has significantly changed how healthcare professionals operate, communicate, and deliver services. It is imperative to consider the internet network and the contributions that it has had in the management of healthcare services, with a specific focus on major medical plans such as Data systems, Medical Card, Medicare, and Triple S Advantage Systems, among several others. Considering their web pages and functionalities offers insights into how the platform harnesses the internet’s power to enhance accessibility and overall healthcare delivery efficiently.

Enhanced Communication and Information Sharing

The Internet network has changed how communication occurs within the healthcare system. It has facilitated seamless communication and information sharing among healthcare providers. This has led to improved collaboration and patient care. Medical plans influence evidence-based platforms to ensure data exchange happens in real time, allowing quick decision-making. It also allows for seamless coordination among the various stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem. Healthcare providers can effectively communicate due to secure messaging systems allowing them to share patient information and consult in the event of complex cases without being limited by physical barriers such as location (Kelly et al., 2020). This facilitates quick decision-making and enhances the quality of all healthcare services. A perfect example is Data Systems, which ensure secure communication channels that safeguard data and that pertinent information is delivered promptly to the right individuals.

Streamlined Administrative Processes

The healthcare service management has experienced streamlined administrative processes due to internet networking. Platforms such as Advantage Systems and Data Systems use online portals to schedule appointments and process bills and claims, which assists in reducing paperwork and the chances of making errors. This ensures that the efficiency of healthcare operations is enhanced. It also saves on costs for all the stakeholders within the healthcare sector. Integrating online portals within healthcare systems allows patients to receive scheduled appointments at their convenience, essential in reducing the need to make time-consuming phone calls (Khatoon, 2020). The chances of making errors are minimized by adopting the electronic billing system. Manual paperwork that is complied with by human beings is often prone to errors, and adopting an electronic option ensures accuracy in the processing of the transactions. The efficiency that is gained through the administrative processes allows healthcare providers to save some time that can be used to focus more on patient care, thus enhancing the quality of services.

Patient Empowerment

To enhance healthcare, patients must manage their health and conditions. This emphasizes the importance of having patients understand the importance of managing their health. Medicare and Medical Cards are internet-based patient portals that allow patients to access medical records, schedule appointments, and remain in contact with their healthcare providers without visiting the healthcare facility. This gives room for a patient-centered approach and encourages patients to participate in making healthcare decisions.

Additionally, patient portals are a centralized hub where patients can easily and securely access their health information. The easy access to information allows patients to become more informed about their medical conditions, available treatment plans, and any available preventive measures. Features like online appointment scheduling and virtual consultations improve healthcare accessibility. This is primarily applicable and beneficial to individuals with mobility issues and those residing in remote areas.

Telehealth and Remote Monitoring

The healthcare sector has adopted telehealth in its delivery of services. The internet has significantly promoted telehealth services, enabling patients to receive medical consultations remotely (Volterrani & Sposato, 2019). Medical plans such as Triple S enhance internet connectivity for virtual appointments, consultations, and remote monitoring of patient’s health conditions. This improves healthcare services access to enhance the overall patient experience.

Internet networking supports telehealth services and has been considered vital, particularly during public health service situations that limit physical interactions. The ability to connect with healthcare professionals without being affected by physical limitations ensures timely access to medical professional advice. It allows diversity to the healthcare facilities as they operate beyond their physical setting. Additionally, healthcare providers can continuously track their patients’ vital signs and other health parameters through remote monitoring tools, which allows them to undertake early intervention opportunities.

Data Security and Privacy Measures

Patient information needs to be kept secure at all times. The increased dependence on digital healthcare platforms calls for increased security measures to protect patients’ information. Medical plans have constantly set up measures to invest in robust cybersecurity measures to protect a patient’s sensitive health information. Internet networking provides room for the encryption of patient data to ensure that the information is safe and free from access by unauthorized parties. Patient confidence is enhanced by adopting stringent measures that assure their information is safe and secure. Encryption technologies have been adopted in medical plans through secure authentication approaches and regular audits that ensure patient information is safe from any possible cyber threat or unauthorized access (Sun et al., 2019). Health regulations require the establishment of data protection measures. Their adoption ensures compliance with the set rules.

Data Systems for Analytics and Decision Support

Data systems play a vital role in managing health services by collecting and analyzing healthcare data. The internet enables these management systems to efficiently process data by providing valuable insights relating to decision-making, allocation of resources, and improvement of performances. This is further enhanced with the adoption of artificial intelligence and machine learning to allow the prediction capabilities of these systems. The internet provides accessible large-scale collection, storage, and healthcare data analysis (Akter et al., 2019). This provides valuable information to the healthcare administrators and providers. The data-driven approach has a significant contribution to evidence-based decision-making. It also allows for optimization in resource allocation to enhance overall health outcomes.

Medication Management and Adherence

Internet networks are significant in ensuring patients adhere to their medication regimes. Tools such as Medication Cards are vital in improving medication management and adherence. The tools offer medication reminders, informing patients when to take their medication. The patients also receive educational resources and personalized health information that enhance medication compliance and other intervention practices such as exercises (Pouls et al., 2021). This, in turn, improves the overall patient outcomes. The internet network influences medication management tools by reminding patients of medication and doses. The tools also include educational materials and demos to enhance a patient’s comprehension of medication. Promoting medication adherence through evidence-based tools significantly contributes to better disease management. It reduces any associated healthcare costs that may result from failing to adhere to the medication regime.

Health Informatics

The internet network has been significant in advancing health informatics. Medical plans invest significantly in information systems to ensure accessible patient data and information access. This allows for a comprehensive view of a patient’s health history, which enables the provider to make informed health decisions. It also allows the patients to receive personalized care as the provider has easy access to their health history information.

In conclusion, the successful incorporation of the internet into health service management, as seen from large medical schemes such as Data Systems Medical Card Medicare Triple S, amongst many others, has led to a new era whereby ease and patient-centered care are paramount. These improvements in communication, authoritative forms, persistent strengthening of telehealth concerns, and pharmaceutical organizations all contribute to the common enhancement of healthcare administrations. With progressing advances, the patient well-being and benefit of administration will multiply and advance and help create an associated healthcare framework that will be more effective for suppliers and patients. Incorporating internet-based solutions into healthcare systems has a high potential for a new revolution in the healthcare ecosystem, making it more accessible, patient-oriented, and technologically developed.


Akter, S., Bandara, R., Hani, U., Wamba, S. F., Foropon, C., & Papadopoulos, T. (2019). Analytics-based decision-making for service systems: A qualitative study and agenda for future research. International Journal of Information Management48, 85-95.

Kelly, J. T., Campbell, K. L., Gong, E., & Scuffham, P. (2020). The Internet of Things: Impact and implications for health care delivery. Journal of medical Internet research22(11), e20135.

Khatoon, A. (2020). A blockchain-based smart contract system for healthcare management. Electronics9(1), 94.

Pouls, B. P., Vriezekolk, J. E., Bekker, C. L., Linn, A. J., van Onzenoort, H. A., Vervloet, M., … & van den Bemt, B. J. (2021). Effect of interactive eHealth interventions on improving medication adherence in adults with long-term medication: systematic review. Journal of Medical Internet Research23(1), e18901.

Sun, Y., Lo, F. P. W., & Lo, B. (2019). Security and privacy for the internet of medical things enabled healthcare systems: A survey. IEEE Access7, 183339-183355.

Volterrani, M., & Sposato, B. (2019). Remote monitoring and telemedicine. European Heart Journal Supplements21(Supplement_M), M54-M56.


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