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Teacher Training Essays

Enhancing Educational Equity: Improving Schools for Latinx Students

Abstract This writing discusses the difficulties faced by Spanish-speaking students, an underrepresented ethnic group that falls into the education system, and suggests ways of improving their educational journey. The scrutiny of the different roles of teachers, leaders and the community helps to provide a window into the nature of educational longitudes by Latinx students. Drawing ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2684

Literature Review: Teacher Self-Efficacy and the Impact of Support Programs

Introduction Teacher self-efficacy, a teacher’s belief in his ability to achieve desired outcomes and effectively perform his roles, is crucial to teachers’ effectiveness and student success in the class (Gale et al., 2021). Teachers’ self-efficacy is the critical factor when dealing with the complexity of their profession that manifests in instructional practices, classroom management, and ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2285
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To What Extent Is Climate Change/ Environmental Sustainability Significant in Education Studies?

Introduction The intersection of climate change and environmental sustainability through educational studies is a fundamental crossover point where our earth’s fate is dictated by present and future human actions. As temperatures across the world are increasing and ecosystems face various disturbances, it is vital to understand the underlying dynamics of climate change and the corresponding ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1280

Assessing and Enhancing Teacher Digital Competencies: A Framework for Educational Leadership

Introduction Background of the Study Digital competency is a significant component for enhancing teachers’ success in integrating available technology-based technology tools to improve the quality of pedagogical strategies teachers provide. Tondeur et al. (2023, p.37) established that digital competence encompasses using digital technologies for learning in a critical, confident, and engaging way. In addition, it ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3833

The Solution to Educational Poverty

The core solution to educational poverty among people with disabilities is inclusive education. It becomes possible for children with disabilities to learn effectively in an educational setting that provides accessible infrastructure, adaptive technologies, and specialized teaching approaches. Special education students get tailored support services like having a specially designed learning plan for the child and ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 975

Comparing Approaches to Experiential Language Learning

Introduction The article “Classroom Management for Teaching English to Young Learners” focuses on effective classroom management as a crucial component for optimal learning. Classroom management theory discusses the history of the development of management approaches used over time to achieve high student participation, great learning satisfaction, low dropout rates, and less disruption. This paper reviews ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3622

Teaching English to Young Learners

 Introduction Educators of English as a foreign language for young learners encounter challenges implementing several pedagogic solutions. Two notable articles addressing this field are “Challenges in Teaching English to Young Learners: Subhan Zein, “Global Perspectives and Local Realities” and “Classroom Management for Teaching English to Young Learners’ The first article goes down explaining how it ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3566

Elevating Teacher Leadership

Teacher leadership is a dynamic and evolving concept that plays a crucial role in enhancing the educational landscape. This role is not limited to administrators; it encompasses teachers who are eager to embrace new responsibilities and contribute to the growth and development of their educational communities. Levin and Schrum (2017) serve as a comprehensive guide ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 630

Action Plan for Implementing Change in Addressing Overtesting and Enhancing Teacher Training in Education To Improve Common Core State Standards.

Introduction: Over-testing and poor teacher preparation have been major issues in implementing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Over-testing has emerged as a major problem as educators and students are subjected to a bombardment of standardized exams, which may lead to a limited concentration on test preparation and a reduction in instructional time for deeper ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1067
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