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Sustainable Transformation: Evaluating H&M’s Operations, Addressing Contentious Issues, and Proposing Responsible Strategies


Cost-conscious buyers like H&M’s fashionable and economical products, but its sustainability practices have tarnished its reputation. Scandals over its affordability, fashion-forwardness, ethics, and environment have damaged stakeholders’ perceptions and the brand’s reputation. Despite its pricing and style, H&M must solve these complex concerns to meet consumer needs for sustainable and ethically created products. It explores how these issues affect H&M’s operations, compares responsible industry practices, and presents recommendations to help H&M meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Contentious Behaviors and Impact

H&M is one of the leading brands in the fast fashion industry, known for quick changeover rates on its lines or styles, creating a disposable clothing culture. This approach promotes regular purchases, intensifies consumer interest in new trends, and creates a significant environmental bill (Hanzer, 2022). The business model’s focus on affordable yet short-term fashion unintentionally facilitates consumers’ “buy, use, and discard” attitude, causing large amounts of textile waste that causes extensive damage to nature. H&M contributes to the saga of fast fashion, which results in vast amounts of textile waste. The company’s fast delivery of clothing items at meager prices contributes to the idea that clothes are transient commodities (Bowallius & Samuelsson, 2020). This paradigm makes people view clothes as disposable, so they get rid of them faster. Therefore, landfills overflow with non-degradable materials, including fabrics, that further harm the environment and raise issues regarding an unsustainable industry.

Further, there are ethical issues in H&M’s supply chain. Segments of its manufacturing plants have faced reports and investigations about labor conditions. These issues range from inappropriate wages and hours of work to child labor situations that affect the brand’s reputation for ethical conduct (Hanzer, 2022). Such disclosures have severely damaged H&M’s image, caused public uproar, and influenced the erosion of consumers’ confidence and trust among shareholders.

The effects of such contentious behaviors on the operations at H&M are numerous. First, customer trust and brand loyalty have eroded significantly. Consumers are becoming more conscious of the environment and ethical issues, meaning they turn away from brands that ignore sustainability and ethics. This change in consumer attitude has resulted in H&M losing market share and customer retention, impairing its long-haul profitability.

Responsible Behavior Examples

Patagonia shines as one of the leaders in ethical and sustainable practices among fashion brands, presenting a model for responsible behavior that is so far removed from current fast-fashion antics. This outdoor clothing brand has successfully incorporated sustainability into the core of its business by producing durable, eco-friendly clothes and advocating for fair labor policies (Beyer & Arnold, 2021). Patagonia’s sustainability model is based on the environmental vision of its founder, Yvon Chouinard; these date back to when Patrick first established his company in 1970. Chouinard’s private environmental beliefs sparked Patagonia’s trip toward sustainability. His strong passion for environmental care and social concern defined the company’s principles and laid the basis for their more sustainable business practices.

Chouinard’s ethos was embedded in all aspects of the operations at Patagonia to enhance a culture of consciousness that went beyond profit margins. This strategy affected all critical areas of the company, including product design, selection and acquisition of raw materials, implementation processes, and its relations with stakeholders. For this reason, the company’s ethos facilitated the development of innovative methods for creating eco-friendly fabrics that are durable and environmentally friendly rather than focusing on fast fashion trends (Beyer & Arnold, 2021). In addition, Chouinard’s focus on responsibility to society made Patagonia strive for equitable labor relations and greater insight into the supply chain—another dimension of sustainability that included both environmental and social aspects. Patagonia’s commitment to sustainability as a foundation of its corporate identity has not only created an example for ethical and responsible business practices within the fashion industry.

Patagonia has done quite a lot to redefine product durability and sustainability within the fashion industry. The brand’s focus on quality rather than quantity can be a signature of its defining culture in the face of fast fashion. This eco-friendly orientation of Patagonia is performed through a meticulous selection procedure. It uses recycled polyester, organic cotton, and sophisticated fabric technologies that minimize the carbon footprint of its merchandise (Beyer & Arnold, 2021). For instance, including recycled materials in their outerwear has significantly reduced carbon emissions, synonymous with UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13 Climate Action. Patagonia invests not only in innovating materials and manufacturing processes to achieve less environmental impact. The brand makes durable clothing that can go through wear and tear without being outdated. Under this strategy, it becomes a sustainability approach that discourages regular replacement and promotes a culture of conscious consumption aligned with SDG 12 on responsible consumption.

Aside from its commitment to sustainable materials, Patagonia emphasizes fair labor practices throughout its global supply chain. The brand’s integrity information about decency and justice covers cooperating with other brands and ensuring moral production conditions. Patagonia takes preemptive action by conducting thorough audits to ensure that employees engaged in production are paid reasonably and work under secure conditions (Beyer & Arnold, 2021). It is an ethical approach that strongly resonates with SDG 8 on decent work and economic growth. In addition, Patagonia’s openness in revealing supplier names and manufacturing methods creates trustworthiness and responsiveness. It is the opposite of the opaqueness that fast fashion supply chains are often characterized by. Patagonia sets new standards in the industry by openly sharing knowledge about its sourcing and production methods, promoting transparency within an organization, and calling for responsible behavior.

This approach to Patagonia is more than just selling clothes; it involves customers in the life cycle journey towards sustainability. Initiatives such as the ‘Worn Wear’ program motivate consumers to repair and reuse garments, fostering a viable culture of conscious consumption. Through the repair services offered and promoting the durability of its products, Patagonia cultivates a relationship with consumers that is more than just transactional, thus aligning smoothly with SDG 12 (Beyer & Arnold, 2021). Additionally, conscious consumers appreciate the brand’s advocacy initiatives, such as donating a sizable portion of Black Friday sales to environmental causes. Patagonia takes a bold stance and is vocal about environmental issues that resonate with community members who share its values. This engagement creates a sense of belonging among shoppers and enhances their attachment to the brand.

Patagonia’s commitment to sustainability is not purely ethical but a business strategy. Patagonia has effectively created a niche in the market by aligning its values with an increasing demographic of environmentally conscious consumers. This strategy has not only strengthened its brand image but also developed long-term trust in the brands of consumers looking for sustainable and durable products (Hanzer, 2022). The fact that Patagonia has maintained its growth in the market proves the long-term profitability of such a strategy. Patagonia has positioned itself as the leader in sustainable fashion by capturing the devotion of consumers who care about ethics in consumption, thus proving that ethical practices could drive business success.

Patagonia’s broad sustainability commitment, including eco-friendly products, fair labor practices, consumer engagement, and advocacy, has helped the brand emerge as an industry benchmark (Hanzer, 2022). This strategic alignment with the UN SDGs gave the company a competitive edge and pointed out how responsible business practices could lead to long-term profitability and positive societal impact.


Attempts to increase supply chain transparency for H&M would mean the company is transparent by sharing information about its suppliers and sustainability practices embedded in its supply network. The following recommendation can be implemented, corresponding with SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production. H&M can achieve this by Getting a comprehensive report on the suppliers’ locations, their working conditions, and how they affect the environment (Ahmed, 2021). Independent auditors or organizations to confirm and validate what has been disclosed. The use of blockchain or similar technologies establishes a permanent and transparent track record in the supply chain, ensuring that it is traceable. Participating in stakeholder discussion and developing feedback forums to improve transparency and accountability. This transparent approach builds trust among stakeholders, such as consumers, investors, and advocacy groups; it empowers them to make intelligent decisions.

Sustainable materials Using recycled fabrics and organic materials would be another significant step towards low environmental impacts, contributing to SDG The Observatory 13 Climate Action and SDG 12. H&M can implement this recommendation by building partnerships with suppliers of eco-friendly materials to increase the range of recycled and organic fabrics offered by their brand. Investing in research and development to find new ways of integrating such materials into their designs without compromising quality or affordability (Ahmed, 2021). Training consumers on how to utilize sustainable materials that have positive environmental impacts and are also durable. By adopting sustainable materials, H&M can significantly lessen its carbon footprint and appeal to eco-friendly customers simultaneously. It boosts brand equity while helping make the world greener overall. It is essential to ensure that these whistleblowers are protected from any form of revenge, and this way, there will be a culture in the supply chain where everyone is truthful, transparent, accountable, and trustworthy. With a focus on ensuring fair labor practices, H&M has not only improved the well-being of workers but also established itself as a socially responsible company that follows ethical behavior.

Circular economy initiatives are vital in H&M’s transition to sustainability, related to UN Sustainable Development Goal No. 12—responsible consumption and production—as well as SDG No. It helps reshape the company into an environmentally conscious member of society. To effectively implement take-back programs for used clothing, H&M can adopt several strategies: Launching clothing recycling programs: Customers can return old clothes by offering special clothing recycling programs in H&M’s shops (Schrage & Gilbert, 2021). Incentivizing participation and fostering a culture of responsible disposal can be encouraged by offering incentives or discounts for returning old clothing. This initiative motivates consumers to recycle waste and provides easy disposal methods, allowing them to reduce textile waste.

Collaborating for Efficient Recycling: Working with recycling companies or local charities that know how to process and recycle textiles ensures a successful way of taking collected garments through the processing system. Working with professionals in recycling, H&M can maximize the reuse of materials and turn old clothing into new products or raw materials for other industries, making them less harmful to nature (Schrage & Gilbert, 2021). Communicating Environmental Benefits: Effective marketing and educational campaigns are essential in promoting the benefits of recycling for nature. Through clear and compelling messaging, H&M can engage consumers to build awareness of how reduced textile waste benefits the environment. When educating customers about the effects of their actions to minimize waste, consumers develop a sense of responsibility towards Mother Nature.

Fourth is consumer awareness: SDG 12 promotes responsible consumption by educating people about sustainable fashion. H&M uses sustainability themes in its advertising to demonstrate its moral and environmental responsibilities. Offering in-person and online information about sustainable alternatives and fast fashion’s negative effects on society and the environment (Tarnovskaya et al., 2022). Promote responsible consumption with environmentalists and influencers. Teaching clients about sustainable fashion through webinars, workshops, or events. Educating customers helps H&M promote eco-friendly products and practices. These ideas help H & M solve complex challenges, make positive changes, and achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. They can also help H&M compete.


H&M should go green since its controversial practices have hurt its reputation and business. Its quick fashion model’s supply chain environmental and ethical challenges make stakeholders wary. These issues have hurt brand loyalty, consumer trust, and survival. H&M needs a dramatic makeover to recover. Aligning with the UN Sustainable Development Goals may help the company regain stakeholder trust and become an industry leader in responsible business. Sustainable operations, including transparent supplier chains, eco-friendly materials, and fair employment, can help H&M lead ethically. Trust and long-term earnings will return with these ethical behaviors. H&M may capitalize on consumers’ growing demand for eco-friendly and ethical items. H&M can stay relevant and competitive in a changing market and cement its position as a fashion industry leader committed to sustainable development by positively benefiting society and the environment.


Ahmed, A. (2021). From Impoverished Beneficiaries to Empowered Stakeholders—a case study of H&M Foundation Multi-Sectoral Sustainable Initiative for female Bangladeshi RMG workers.

Beyer, K., & Arnold, M. G. (2021). Circular approaches and business model innovations for social sustainability in the textile industry. Sustainable Textile and Fashion Value Chains: Drivers, Concepts, Theories and Solutions, 341-373.

Bowallius, S., & Samuelsson, R. (2020). From Old-Fashioned to Trend-Setters: How H&M’s CSR Work has Developed over Time.

Hanzer, V. (2022). Unethical Business Practices and Social Corporate Responsibility: A Case Study from the Fast Fashion Industry.

Schrage, S., & Gilbert, D. U. (2021). Addressing governance gaps in global value chains: Introducing a systematic typology. Journal of Business Ethics, 170, 657-672.

Tarnovskaya, V., Hånell, S. M., & Tolstoy, D. (2022). Proactive Corporate Sustainability via Social Innovation—A Case Study of Bangladesh’s Hennes & Mauritz Grand Challenge. Sustainability, 14(2), 599.


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