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Sustainability Essays

Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability

Working from home is a concept where employees can do their job from home using organizational approved policies, assets, and tools. Working from home is a modern way of working that opens up with travel and the internet, no matter where each employee’s location is. Working from home provides employees with flexible working hours, and ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2878

Building Maintenance for Sustainability

Introduction Buildings, roads, and bridges are examples of physical infrastructure that can gauge a country’s economic prosperity and development. In the development of a construction project, there are several participants, numerous processes, and numerous stages and phases of work, all with the primary purpose of bringing the project to a successful conclusion. However, to measure ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1719
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Literature Review: The Impacts of Social Responsibilities and Sustainability on Business Process Management

In the last few years, a growing interest had developed between the concepts of social responsibility and the management of business processes to increase performance. These have been witnessed from the academic as well as business areas. In particular, these aspects have been contributed by the building pressure from the society that has become increasingly ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1072

Sustainability Measures and Environmental Regulation

In this analysis, Mexico and India are used to showcase which is the best country to invest in. First, Mexico was the first nation to agree to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30% (Sustainable Governance Indicators, n.d.). In addition to this, Mexico boasts strict environmental measures from the US and the Paris Agreement, especially on ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 846

Sustainability and Impact on Policy Discussion

Abstract Sustainability is a concept that has been the subject of research discussion globally, looking into its influence on policy formulation as the global society rapidly urbanizes. The term sustainability has been predominant dating back to 1970 from its inception as the United Nations linked economic, social, and environmental factors as integral parts of sustainability ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3469
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