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Supply Chain Strategy Analysis


A supply chain strategy proves to be critical in the ever-changing and competitive business environmental context because of its effectiveness. The case study analysis here refers to Walmart, one of the largest retailers globally, and delves into its intricate supply chain strategy. Having detailed knowledge of many varieties present in the supply chain domains is one that makes an intricate necessity for running a firm which sells case issues to educational markets and business organizations. The supply chain of Walmart will represent the organizational strategy compared to peers in this analysis, together with global challenges that affect economic and political perspective transportation network operations to evaluate the role of demand forecasting. Furthermore, we will discuss what pricing promotion contributes to the demand feel guiding role, proving an appropriate assessment of Walmart’s supply chain management.

Competency 1: Examine how a supply chain supports an organization’s strategy.

1.1 Walmart’s Model and Business Strategy

Walmart monitors a cheap af, fordable price path that benefits cost leaders to reach its clients. It has an ever-improving efficiency, cost effective supply chain model with self-refinement. A map of the brand’s supply chain will look like an unbroken flow from suppliers to distribution centres and last as far back into stores. Its utilization of the most recent technologies- RFID tracking and inventory management wired up according to suit supply chain visibility in a near real illustrate time (Ali, 2022).

Walmart's Supply Chain Flowchart

Walmart’s Supply Chain Flowchart: Figure 1.1

1.2 Comparison with Apple

In contrast, Apple employs a diversification strategy of implementing innovations and the best products. Walmart is focusing on cost-efficiency while Apple provides such features as quality and uniqueness, placing an accented focus on expanding its operation overseas. The supply chain strategies of these two companies differ greatly, with Walmart, whose idea involves low turnover and large volumes, contrasting Bell’s perfectly detailed design constituting a set quantity in limited editions solely supplying through exclusive partnership (Ali, 2022).

1.3 Comparison with AT&T

Applying this comparison between AT&T and Walmart, a Walmart supply chain strategy is evaluated with the help of information about AT&T – legendary telecommunication. For transformation, Walmart functions on an integrated chain of physical shops, stressing a highly optimized supply chain, whereas AT&T has a digital street and connectivity necessary (Foster, 2020). This comparison emphasizes the scope of use and benefits of supply chain strategies among industries.

1.4 Transportation Strategy

A crucial component of Walmart’s successful supply chain is its transportation strategy. The company relies on the hub-and-spoke model of distribution, which seeks to work out arrangements that make the effective flow between this firm’s warehouses and downstream stores (Foster, 2020). The deployment of a private fleet, which serves as an amalgamation of trucks and trailers, increases its controlling capacity while improving the level. First, the commitment of Walmart to sustainability is evident from its initiatives directed at making it possible for electronic and hybrid vehicles to simultaneously be made part of their fleet used in transportation, agreeing upon broader environmental targets.

Competency 2: Assess how to improve supply chain efficiencies.

2.1 Global Challenges

Walmart experiences various challenges globally in its supply-chain operation system. What makes this so much more complicated within the mastery of a grand global relationship in regulations and cultural differences that necessitate a thorough plan. The company shows a great to devote its technology, finance and skills to ensuring that they are free from hindrances or interruptions when doing their business (Foster, 2020).

2.2 Economic and Political Factors

Walmart’s transport corporation is greatly affected by a range of political and economic factors that greatly influence power. The macro-environment variables comprising variations in prices of fuel from time to time, trade barriers and uncertainties facing politics will influence the supply chain (Foster, 2020). Through this strategic agility and proactive risk management that Walmart has provided, the company alleviate these issues and ensures flawless cross-border operations; the organization consistently invests in personnel and technology.

2.3 Demand Forecasting

The relationship between Walmart’s forecasting efficiencies directly to its supply chain efficiency is a straight line. Through the intelligent application of sophisticated analytics and artificial intelligence, the company can predict how the consumer reacts to a brand, so enjoy this ability and hastens up the delivery. This following approach is a preventive approach, and consequently, stockouts are eliminated as a result. Thereby, excess inventory is minimized as well and leads to improved total efficiency in the supply chain (Copeland & Labuski, 2020).

Competency 3: Analyse supply chain systems to meet customer demands.

3.1 Pricing Promotions and Demand

Price promotions in Walmart have become the primary due to its vertical adequacy within its supply processes so as to meet the demand for consumer satisfaction. The various standard methods to influence the behaviour of consumers are Rollbacks, discounts, and bundled offerings. For instance, their Black Friday event speaks to the cost-effective turn of inventory spectral lines that helps Walmart meet the demands that are either high or low during the shopping season (Copeland & Labuski, 2020).

Competency 4: Communicate in a professional manner consistent with expectations for supply chain managers.

The strategy used by Walmart reflects the supply chain model and skill of logistics as one of operations efficiency to superior innovation. Therefore, the truth is that the retail giant blatantly has a good communicator as well as a strategist whose characteristics fit very well in those supposed according to supply chain management professionals. That is what the system has put in place in Walmart to try and somewhat sensibly manage efficiency on inventories while transmitting and transporting goods which can satisfy consumers.

With such a seamless chain of communication links between Walmart, suppliers and partners that enables services to flow in like nature along with live data sharing, hence facilitating sincere transformation thus, makes the company business convenient since it can move to another level of operation and stand in a strong position, hence competing with other companies as a result of market changes. The emergence of another popular retailer in the world that uses high RFID technology and even updated analytics to reach advanced clarity across the entire supply chain (Ali, 2022). This resolve to pass information well inspires the necessity of Wal-Mart’s organisation, which is also professional and scholarly writing standards. Walmart achieves this by implementing symbolic meaning transmission in the right tone and histamine while it creates congruent correspondence to managerial supply chain effectiveness not through getting the word through but rather a certain mode of expressiveness (Ali, 2022)


In conclusion, Walmart’s supply chain strategy is an inspiration for many other retail organizations that use its model as a benchmark of efficiency and innovation. Therefore, to ensure optimal supply chain management, especially within the sector characterized by transportation, the company is adopting a low-cost leadership approach. Such comparison reveals for us an interesting feature supplied chain strategies of contradistinction that enable us to widen the opportunities on extending their usage in other sectors, where vendors integrated them to clients as Apple and AT&T did. In terms of the supply chain, they were proactive in shedding some light on the global fears regarding their approach to economics and political considerations of business ventures, as well as demand forecasting and pricing promotions, contributing to a solid stream in its corporate excellence. Such approaches are likely to be used by mainstream supply chain managers and professionals alike since it is only from these strategies that they will have a first-hand account of how they are required to operate in the new world of business. As a result, in our case study analysis that operates within the supply chain management Walmart’s success is depicted as being contingent on how dynamic interplay occurs between its variables. So, this case is one of the figures that contribute to the general academic picture of what extended theory includes.


Ali, O. M. S. H. (2022). Improved supply chain performance through RFID technology: comparative case analysis of Metro Group and Wal-Mart.

Copeland, N., & Labuski, C. (2020). The world of Wal-Mart: discounting the American dream. Routledge. (The Wall Street Journal)

Foster, S. (2020). Data Science within Supply Chain Management: An Analysis of Skillset Relevance (Doctoral dissertation, Capella University).


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