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Stakeholder Attitudes and Potential Solutions Analysis

Attitudes about the identified problem

In order to handle any issue within a company, stakeholder attitudes are essential. In this instance, stakeholders are people or organizations with a stake in the issue of poor call quality and how it affects clients, earnings, and staff happiness. In identifying practical answers, it is important to comprehend their perspectives on the identified issue.

The report shows that the stakeholders within the organization have a high awareness level. It suggests that everyone, from contact center representatives to upper management, knows the problem and its negative implications (Anshu et al., 2022). It is a fantastic place to start since it shows everyone is on the same page and ready to take on the challenge. Furthermore, the stakeholders comprehend the issue based on facts. Particular statistics, such as the low-quality rating, declining client base, and attrition costs, give stakeholders a common reference point to gauge how bad the problem is. Additionally, using this data makes a strong argument for the necessity to address the issue.

Nevertheless, it should be mentioned that different stakeholders can be more or less concerned about the issue. All parties involved are impacted by poor call quality; however, call center agents—who interact directly with consumers—may be more concerned than managers with more general duties. It is because agents deal with the consequences of poor call quality daily and are thus more likely to be aware of how it affects both customer pleasure and the company’s bottom line.

Ideas for potential solutions

The attitudes of stakeholders are crucial to the success of any project or solution. They can ascertain the degree of support and readiness to implement possible ideas. The efficacy of their resources and training and their prior customer service experience may impact the mood of contact center staff (Becker & Jaakkola, 2020). To better serve consumers, they could thus look for more training time, updated materials, and more lucid communication.

On the other side, any ideas aimed at enhancing training initiatives would probably find favor with the training department. They could also think highly of working with different departments, particularly when creating fresh resources and training materials. It would guarantee that call center agents have the abilities and information to successfully manage consumers. The IT department may explore Potential solutions from a technology standpoint (Becker & Jaakkola, 2020). They could recommend implementing faster updates or better web tools to assist call center agents in carrying out their duties more effectively. These technological advancements may enhance contact center efficiency and improve client experience.

The administration of customer service may give priority to solutions that directly affect call quality and customer satisfaction. They may look for answers to any problems or holes in the call center’s operations since they recognize how important it is to satisfy the demands and expectations of their customers (Becker & Jaakkola, 2020). Executive management may concentrate on strategies that have a measurable beneficial influence on revenue and overall business success because they are the highest-level decision-makers. Solutions that help boost the company’s productivity, efficiency, and cost savings may be given priority.

Stakeholders as sponsors

The call center problem’s stakeholders, including the executive management, training department, and customer service management, are crucial in advancing and facilitating viable remedies. It results from their substantial program expertise, access to resources, and stake in its accomplishment (Becker & Jaakkola, 2020). Customer Service Management controls the budget as the person responsible for the call center’s performance. It may allocate funds, and the Training Department has the know-how to create and implement efficient solutions. Executive management can guarantee that the project is aligned with overall corporate objectives and gets the required support because of their great influence and decision-making ability. Their support and participation are essential for obtaining funds and ensuring effective execution.

Stakeholders are directly affected by solving the problem.

The call center agents, consumers, customer service management, and senior management are the stakeholders who will directly benefit from resolving the current issue. A better work environment and less pressure may increase call center personnel’s job satisfaction. Better call quality will benefit customers, increasing their happiness and loyalty. Key KPIs for customer service management will improve, including call quality and customer happiness, which may increase productivity and lessen stress (Marolt et al., 2020). Executive management should also anticipate better business results, such as higher revenue and reduced costs due to lower attrition.


Marolt, M., Zimmermann, H. D., Žnidaršič, A., & Pucihar, A. (2020). Exploring social customer relationship management adoption in micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises. Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research15(2), 38-58.

Becker, L., & Jaakkola, E. (2020). Customer experience: fundamental premises and implications for research. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science48, 630-648.

Anshu, K., Gaur, L., & Singh, G. (2022). Impact of customer experience on attitude and repurchase intention in online grocery retailing: A moderation mechanism of value Co-creation. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, p. 64, 102798.


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