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Social Contract Theory Essays

The Social Contract Theory and Its Implications for States and Democracy

The Social Contract Theory, a foundation of political philosophy, explains state-individual relations. This viewpoint states that people give up certain liberties to the state in exchange for protection and security. Governance relies on this exchange, establishing citizen-state duties. The Social Contract Theory’s voluntary compromise of rights for communal well-being has significant consequences for state creation ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1410

My Sister’s Keeper Ethical Dilemma

Introduction The film, My Sister’s Keeper, explores the lives of the Fitzgerald family, their relationships with one another, and their dynamic as a family. Kate, who is terminally ill with acute promyelocytic leukemia, was diagnosed as a small child, and Anna, who was genetically developed and born only with the sole purpose of helping save ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1731
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Hobbes’s View of the State of Nature and Social Contracts and Locke’s Criticism of These Ideologies

The 17th century is recognized as one of the most destructive and chaotic periods in Europe’s history. For over three decades since the year 1618, Central Europe was engulfed in war advanced by conflicts between Protestants and Catholics, disease, famine, and blatant dynastic dictatorship. Scotland and England were immersed in civil conflicts advanced by Parliamentary ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2640

Freedom and Authority

Introduction Americans have a delicate balance between individual freedom and the authority that governs them (Larabee, 1962). Personal freedom is valued above all else. Under article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Freedom of expression is considered a human right, and therefore it is constitutionally protected (Stephenson, 2018). Everyone has the right to ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 728

Politics and Political Science

Define the concept “Politics” Politics is the general state of affairs in a country. It is an art of how the government is structured and how it functions. This art studies political parties in a country. In this regard, politics involves studying the norms and laws of a country, governance structures, and management of a ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 957
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