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Security Self-Assessment of Delivery Inc


The ever-evolving technological landscape has presented organizations with new opportunities but also with new security risks. The security of information systems is a crucial concern for businesses, as data loss or compromise can lead to significant financial and reputational damage. As a result, businesses must constantly evaluate and enhance their information security posture to protect against potential threats (Sohal et al., 2018). This assessment was conducted through a comprehensive review of Delivery Inc’s self-assessment questionnaire, interviews with key personnel, and an analysis of the company’s information systems. By implementing the recommendations outlined in this report, Delivery Inc can better protect its information systems from potential threats and ensure the security of its sensitive data.

Organizational Description

Delivery Inc is a major player in the e-commerce market, with a vast network of warehouses and distribution centers across the globe. The firm offers various products and services, including consumer electronics, clothing, household items, and grocery delivery. The company’s success is driven by its sophisticated logistics and supply chain management systems, which enable it to deliver products quickly and efficiently to customers. The firm offers a range of value-added services, such as same-day delivery, next-day delivery, and subscription-based delivery services, which have contributed to its strong customer loyalty and brand reputation.

As an e-commerce business, Delivery Inc operates in a highly competitive and dynamic market where customer experience, convenience, and price are critical success factors. The company has invested heavily in technology, innovation, and research and development, continuously seeking to improve its systems, processes, and services to stay ahead of the competition. Delivery Inc’s business model is evolving, with the company increasingly focusing on providing value-added services, such as same-day and next-day delivery and subscription-based delivery services (Sohal et al., 2018). These services have contributed to the company’s strong customer loyalty and brand reputation.

Delivery Inc has faced several high-profile cybersecurity incidents in recent years that have significantly impacted its operations and reputation. For example, in 2018, the company experienced a significant data breach caused by a vulnerability in its IT systems. The incident had severe consequences for Delivery Inc, including a loss of customer trust and a significant financial impact due to legal fees and compensation payments to affected customers. Since the breach, the firm has taken significant steps to enhance its cybersecurity posture, including implementing more robust authentication measures, increasing its investment in security tools and technologies, and enhancing its incident response capabilities. Despite these efforts, the firm continues to face a range of cybersecurity threats, including phishing attacks, malware, and ransomware. The company’s cybersecurity posture is an ongoing concern, and it will need to remain vigilant and proactive in its approach to cybersecurity to ensure the continued protection of its systems and data.

Analysis of Assessment Results

Based on the self-assessment, the company has a robust security posture with highly skilled and competent security professionals to manage its information system. This suggests that the company places a high value on information security and is taking proactive measures to protect its data and systems. However, the lack of regular audits and assessments could risk the company’s overall wellness (Malatji et al., 2022). With periodic assessments, potential security vulnerabilities may be protected and addressed, which could lead to security incidents and data breaches.

The assessment reveals that Delivery Inc has implemented several measures to ensure network security. The company limits employee access to databases and monitors their activities, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access the system. This approach to monitoring employee activity helps to detect any unusual behavior or unauthorized access to the network (Strielkina et al., 2018). However, the assessment revealed that the lack of regular audits or assessments of the information system could pose a risk to the company’s overall wellness, as periodic audits are essential to identify potential threats that could affect the company’s performance (Carlton et al., 2019). Additionally, without regular penetration testing, the company cannot ensure that its security controls are effective against emerging threats.

A second area for improvement in network security is the need for a comprehensive network security policy that outlines security best practices and procedures for employees to follow. Such a policy would help ensure that employees are aware of the role they play in maintaining the company’s security posture (Leszczyna, 2021). Additionally, the company should consider implementing network segmentation, which divides the network into smaller subnetworks to limit the spread of malware and other malicious activities.

The assessment revealed that Delivery Inc has a relatively strong mobile management system, requiring employees to use authorized devices to access company data and systems (Berry & Berry, 2018). The company further restricts access to sensitive information on a need-to-know basis and enforces password policies to ensure that devices are adequately secured. These measures help prevent unauthorized access and protect company data from breaches. However, the firm still needs to implement or mobile application management or mobile device management solutions to enhance its mobile security posture further (Carlton et al., 2019). It is essential for the firm to implement current technological practices if it aims to block all loopholes associated with data breaches.


While the company is implementing effective measures such as limiting employee access to databases and monitoring employee activity, it would be beneficial for the company to consider implementing additional network security measures. For example, implementing network segmentation could further limit the impact of a potential breach by isolating critical systems from less critical ones (Malatji et al., 2022). The company could further benefit from implementing measures to secure mobile devices, such as mobile application management (MAM), to ensure that sensitive company data is not compromised if an employee’s mobile device is lost or stolen.

Business continuity and disaster recovery are essential components of information security, and it would benefit the company to develop formal plans for both. This can help ensure that the company is prepared for any potential disruptions to its operations and can quickly recover from any incidents that do occur. One such strategy is to establish a comprehensive business continuity plan (BCP) that outlines the procedures to be followed in the event of a disruption to operations (Leszczyna, 2021). This plan should identify critical business processes and systems, outline backup and recovery procedures, and establish lines of communication and decision-making authority during an emergency. Additionally, regular testing and updating of the BCP should be conducted to ensure that it remains relevant and practical.

A second strategy to consider is the implementation of redundant systems and backup solutions. This may involve setting up redundant servers, data centers, or cloud-based solutions to ensure critical data and systems are accessible and functional during a disruption. Delivery Inc. may consider implementing disaster recovery solutions such as data replication or backup and recovery software to minimize the impact of a disruption on operations (Strielkina et al., 2018). Additionally, Delivery Inc. may implement a risk management program to identify and address potential threats to its operations. This program could involve regular risk assessments, vulnerability scanning, and penetration testing to identify company security posture weaknesses. Based on the results of these assessments, appropriate security controls and countermeasures should be implemented to mitigate identified risks.

Thirdly, Delivery Inc. should establish a formal incident response plan (IRP) to ensure that any security incidents are promptly and effectively addressed. This plan should outline the procedures to be followed during a security incident, including the roles and responsibilities of key personnel, communication protocols, and incident reporting requirements (Malatji et al., 2022). Regular testing and updating of the IRP should also be conducted to ensure that it remains relevant and effective in addressing evolving security threats.


The assessment of Delivery Inc’s information security systems has highlighted some key concerns regarding the company’s overall security posture. Although the company has several strengths in its current security measures, including the presence of skilled security professionals, there are areas for improvement, such as the lack of regular audits and assessments that require immediate attention. These vulnerabilities could leave the company susceptible to security breaches and data loss, which could have significant consequences for the company’s reputation and financial stability. By implementing the recommendations outlined in this report, Delivery Inc can improve its security posture and ensure the protection of its sensitive data and systems.


Berry, C. T., & Berry, R. L. (2018). An initial assessment of small business risk management approaches for cyber security threats. International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management8(1), 1.

Carlton, M., Levy, Y., & Ramim, M. (2019). Mitigating cyber-attacks through the measurement of non-IT professionals’ cybersecurity skills. Information and Computer Security27(1), 101–121.

Leszczyna, R. (2018). Standards on cyber security assessment of smart grid. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection22, 70–89.

Leszczyna, R. (2021). Review of cybersecurity assessment methods: Applicability perspective. Computers & Security108(102376), 102376.

Malatji, M., Marnewick, A. L., & Von Solms, S. (2022). Cybersecurity capabilities for critical infrastructure resilience. Information and Computer Security30(2), 255–279.

Sohal, A. S., Sandhu, R., Sood, S. K., & Chang, V. (2018). A cybersecurity framework to identify malicious edge device in fog computing and cloud-of-things environments. Computers & Security74, 340–354.

Strielkina, A., Illiashenko, O., Zhydenko, M., & Uzun, D. (2018). Cybersecurity of healthcare IoT-based systems: Regulation and case-oriented assessment. 2018 IEEE 9th International Conference on Dependable Systems, Services, and Technologies (DESSERT), 67–73.


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