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Security Enhancement in the United States

Terrorism is an act that results from extremism and results in high casualties by terrorists who rely on extremist belief systems to justify their actions (Gus, 2016). September 11, 2001, is among the worst in the United States of America. It is the day terrorists attacked the U.S., leading to loss of lives and massive destruction of property. At that time, the United States never anticipated such a devastating event would occur. As a result, they were less prepared. Shortly after the event, the U.S. established the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to help restore peace and security within the borders of the U.S. territory and to prevent future attacks by terrorists. That led to new roles among the nation’s federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies to prioritize quick response operations.

One of how they enhanced their operations after the 9/11 attack was through coordination of homeland security at the state level. The law enforcement agencies enhanced coordination across all the U.S. states to help them detect and prevent the threats that the anti-state and communal terrorists pose within and outside the American orders (Mizrahi, 2015). The coordination involved sharing important information with U.S. partners in responding to homeland threats by foreigners. Besides, they collected, analyzed, and shared critical information with the counter-terrorism intelligence group to speed up the investigation of suspicious terrorism activities. They also assisted the federal department officials with enforcing immigration rules and investigating immigration issues. Through that, they helped the U.S. prepare to respond to any potential terrorism targeting its states.

Similarly, the law enforcement agencies had an extra duty of safeguarding the nation’s borders, sea, and air. They supported the U.S. Navy and defense in fighting any threat to safety, security, and the economy. In addition, the agencies were responsible for fighting computer crimes and identity theft, safeguarding the nation’s critical assets and infrastructure, and training and preparing new response systems and equipment (Council of State Governments & Eastern Kentucky University, 2006). They enhanced the nation’s security and protection against terrorist attacks.

Furthermore, the local police are required to act as frontline leaders while responding to homeland security incidents. Frontline leaders must achieve public confidence by ensuring accountability, integrity, and oversight while investigating crime (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2011). They promote accountability through conducting adequate investigations using fair and effective investigative procedures. Besides, the local police portray operational independence by carrying out actions that conform to the law, operating within it, taking responsibility for their actions, and exhibiting transparency.

Moreover, local police act as leaders at the crime scene. They investigate incidents at the crime scene by collecting evidence and engaging witnesses in interviews. Through that, they provide reliable information the criminal department uses to carry out further investigations. Providing valuable information gathered at the crime scene is essential as it increases the public’s trust in their role as frontline crime investigators. The local police also act as leaders by coordinating activities on the ground. For example, they collect and provide information to federal, state, and local agencies. As a result, they enhance successful response to crime,

In addition, the local police act as frontline leaders by allocating resources like vehicles and equipment used by the homeland security agencies. Therefore, they must make decisions that enhance the proper allocation of such resources. For instance, they decide how to divide security equipment to promote homeland security. Hence, they lead by ensuring the proper distribution of state resources to restore peace.

Finally, the local police are responsible for safeguarding public safety. When responding to homeland security incidents, for instance, they lead in activities such as evacuating affected areas, declaring the crime scene, and guaranteeing the safety of citizens and visitors. Additionally, they update the public on relevant crime information to keep them informed and calm during crises. Through that, they demonstrate effective leadership while taking the frontline role in restoring peace in the nation.


Gus, M. (2019). Understanding homeland security. Sage Publications.

Mizrahi, S. (2015). Terrorism and homeland security. Security Journal.

The Council of State Governments and Eastern Kentucky University. (2006). The Impact of Terrorism on State Law Enforcement: Adjusting to New Roles and Changing Conditions. U.S. Department of Justice.

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (2011). Handbook on police accountability, oversight, and integrity. UN.


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