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Secom: Managing Information Security in a Risky World

Executive Summary

Secom is an international company struggling to avert the evolving cybersecurity threats it is facing. Despite having a comprehensive cybersecurity program and aligning with international standards, it grapples with generic risk management. The entity can capitalize on several opportunities to address some challenges, including strategic partnerships and business expansion. For example, Secom enhanced its information security for, implementing a strict access control policy, SIEM, intrusion detection system and cloud security. In this regard, the paper will examine the challenges and evaluate alternative solutions revolving around improving information security. The implementation plan will demonstrate key practices, responsibilities and anticipated outcomes, focusing on a proactive strategy to alleviate potential security threats.



Secom is a global entity that provides essential products and services to different industries, such as finance, healthcare and energy. Despite its long-term success, the case study “Secom: Managing Security in a Risky World” signalled how the company has been encountering the challenge of managing its cybersecurity. McFarlan et al. (2007) examined the numerous cybersecurity risks faced by Secom, the interventions it has implemented to avert such risks, as well as the ongoing problems the organization is experiencing in balancing security with business operations. Today, cyber threats are on the rise due to the evolution and development of technology, which is evident through the increasing accounts of reported security breaches annually. Organizations like Secom must adopt comprehensive risk management strategies to safeguard themselves against cyber threats and reduce associated risks. Notable countermeasures entail investing in security technologies like intrusion detection and prevention systems, firewalls, and security information and event management (SIEM). Finally, there is the need to avail security awareness training to staff members since they form the weakest link in the fight against cyber threats.

Since cyber threats are global concerns, collaborations and communication are critical, particularly between security and operations teams, to manage cybersecurity risks effectively. Entities like Secom must create a security operations center (SOC) to bring operations and security teams together. For instance, by collaborating in a coordinated and efficient manner, the efforts will enable Secom to detect security incidents early and respond to them promptly. It is also crucial to consider the significance of adhering to relevant legal and regulatory guidelines. These requirements ensure that organizations operate under particular frameworks, predisposing them to reduced exposure to cyber threats. Secom aligns with multiple data protection and cyber security regulations, including the US Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (McFarlan et al., 2007). These regulations ensure that the company conforms to the local and international guidelines, alleviating the potential risks of being sanctioned and exposure to reputational damage. In this regard, proper implementation and continuous monitoring and improvement are key elements for the effectiveness of cyber security risk management measures. Thus, Secom and other firms must integrate a comprehensive and adaptive method to cyber security risk management.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Secom’s strengths include implementing a comprehensive cybersecurity risk management program, adherence to international standards and a dedicated cybersecurity team. The comprehensive program is a significant advantage because it intertwines various measures, such as training, risk assessments and incident response plans. This holistic strategy is critical because it denotes a proactive stance against probable cybersecurity threats. Secom further adheres to international standards, particularly ISO/IEC 2700:2013, which proposes how organizations should create, implement, maintain and constantly enhance their information security management system (Breda & Kiss, 2020). Consequently, aligning with these proposed standards is influential in reinforcing the commitment to maintain the highest security standards. The other strength Secom enjoys is having a dedicated cybersecurity team led by the Chief Information Security Officer, who reports directly to the firm’s CEO. This strategy underpinned the entity’s commitment to cybersecurity by facilitating strategic decision-making endeavors. In essence, having a dedicated cybersecurity team guarantees that the organization integrates cybersecurity into its overall business approach.

However, Secom also needs to improve its cybersecurity risk management, including a lack of tailored risk management, unverified and outdated incident response plans, and overemphasizing prevention and detection. The organization’s risk management strategy may need to be fully aligned with the needs and risk profiles of each of its business units, resulting in generic approaches that fail to address the unique vulnerabilities and threats experienced by the company effectively (McFarlan et al., 2007). In turn, the absence of comprehensive protection exposes individual business units to cyber threats because risks are not tailored. Furthermore, Secom’s response plans might need to be adequately tested or updated, which could lead to ineffective responses during a cyber incident. The firm needs to partake in regular testing and updates to guarantee utmost preparation in handling the changing cyber threat landscape. Lastly, Secom seems to need to emphasize preventing and detecting cyber threats at the expense of establishing robust response and recovery interventions (McFarlan et al., 2007). In cybersecurity, recognizing the probable impacts of a successful attack and implementing an effective response plan are as critical as preventive measures.


There are several opportunities for Secom in cybersecurity, such as business expansion through consulting, development of new products and services, formation of strategic partnerships and investment in talent development. The organization could capitalize on its expertise and expand its enterprise by making cybersecurity consulting services available to other companies. By helping these companies address similar challenges previously encountered, they can tap into a wider market and establish a trusted brand in the cybersecurity space. The other opportunity could entail developing novel products and services through innovation targeting emerging cyber threats. Secom can stay ahead of the curve by offering tailored solutions using technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing (Ande et al., 2020). Strategic partnerships also manifest as another opportunity for Secom because it can collaborate with other companies possessing expertise in threat intelligence and incident response areas. Such partnerships may be fruitful because they avail a more comprehensive and adaptive cybersecurity framework, reinforcing Secom’s position in the marketplace. Ergo, these efforts will enhance the firm’s cybersecurity capabilities and create a culture that values cybersecurity expertise and innovation.

Customers and Need Satisfaction

Secom has customers from different companies and organizations, including finance, healthcare, and government agencies. However, these customers usually value the privacy of their information systems and data (Kar, 2021). Secom must avail effective and reliable security solutions that meet the specific needs of their customers. As such, satisfying these clients may require the organization to understand their unique security needs, customize security solutions, offer reliable and continuous security services, ensure compliance with regulations, and foster trust and credibility among the stakeholders. For Secom to understand the unique needs of its customers, it must engage in in-depth discussions and perform thorough analyses of some of the security requirements for each market segment. This approach will be significant since needs differ depending on industry specifics, operational scope and organizational size. Therefore, a customer-eccentric strategy will come in handy during service delivery following the comprehension of each client’s security needs, resulting in the ability to provide customized solutions.

Tailoring security measures will predispose Secom to optimized effectiveness and relevance. In this view, customized solutions will ensure reliability and continuous security services. Secom can achieve this approach through several means, including 24/7 monitoring, ongoing vulnerability assessments, prompt incident response, and testing to maintain the reliance on clients’ information systems. Another approach the entity may use to meet customers’ needs and satisfaction is by complying with regulations by industry bodies and government authorities since they define security standards and protect sensitive information (Hoofnagle et al., 2019). In addition, it will be crucial for Secom to adhere to legal obligations because failure to do so could lead to legal consequences, such as fines and sanctions, damaging its brand and organizational reputation. This way, compliance with regulations cultivates trust and credibility, critical elements of satisfying customers. Ultimately, it must demonstrate transparency in its operations and avail robust customer support to build trust and credibility, aspects that demonstrate a strong commitment to cybersecurity.

Problem Description

Decision Factors

In the case of “Secom-Managing Security in a Risky World,” various decision factors must be considered, including security measures versus operational efficiency, impact on business operations, and resource allocation. The first dilemma entails how effectively Secom can balance maintaining operational efficiency and implementing stringent security measures. In this case, the organization must examine the potential trade-offs that may arise due to robust security controls and the effective functioning of business operations. For instance, an extreme focus on security might harm organizational efficiency, whereas the entity could be exposed to unprecedented risk when security is compromised. The other decision to be pondered upon revolves around how security interventions may affect Secom’s daily business practices. Decision factors must reflect on how potential disruptions of underlying constraints posed by security measures could impact operational processes. The final factor entails how effectively resources can be allocated to ensure the successful implementation and maintenance of security measures. Therein, the decision must consider how the distribution of financial, human and technological resources might affect operational efficiency following the implementation of security measures.

Relevant Fact Solutions

Secom must prioritize cybersecurity measures because of the increasing prevalence and sophistication of cyber threats globally. This intervention will enable the firm to safeguard its digital assets, maintain its brand image and cultivate customer trust. Since the organization operates in a competitive and ever-evolving business landscape, probable disruptions to its business operations could be detrimental to its existence, particularly with severe financial consequences (McFarlan et al., 2007). Due to these factors, it must strike a balance between operational efficiency and security management. Achieving this balance will help Secom improve its operational efficiency to guarantee long-term sustainability. The company must comply with cybersecurity and data protection regulations and comply with all local and international regulatory requirements. Failure to do so would only hamper Secom’s operations and customers’ trust. The organization’s staff members also need to be educated and trained to follow security policies and procedures since they play an integral role in the effectiveness of security controls (Khando et al., 2021). Necessarily, these facts apply to the problems highlighted in the case study because they will assist Secom in implementing ideal security controls while simultaneously complying with regulatory requirements and balancing the operational needs of the entity.

Decision Criteria

Effectiveness of security measures, compliance with regulatory requirements and cost-effectiveness are the three decision criteria to be considered in Secom’s case. Secom’s digital assets are its lifeline because they house customers’ data and crucial information. As such, the proposed security measures should be adequately effective to safeguard such assets. The protection would form the basis for other functions, contributing to the organization’s operational efficiency. Principally, the security interventions should not impede business operations; instead, they should ensure that the company continues to provide high-quality services to its clients. This approach will promote compliance with regulatory requirements, including cybersecurity and data protection guidelines, to deter reputational and legal risks (Efijemue et al., 2023). Recognition of these risks will also push employees to adhere to organizational security policies and practices, curbing probable risks that could be propagated via insider threats. If upheld successfully, the decision criteria will lead to overall cost-effectiveness, reducing any financial burden Secom may face. The mentioned elements will present a framework for deciding the best measures to integrate in the organization, and balance between operational and security efficiency.

Alternative Solutions


Secom should consider several alternative solutions to its challenges, including implementing a strict access control policy, deploying an intrusion detection system (IDS), security information and event management system (SIEM), cloud-based security solutions, and performing regular security training and awareness programs. Integrating a strict access control policy would limit access to the company’s digital assets to solely authorized staff members (Muhammad et al., 2022). The approach will feature access control mechanisms like biometrics, passwords, and smart cards. Secom might consider deploying an IDS to monitor network traffic. In addition, the system could come in handy when detecting potential security threats or attacks, and alert the system team to respond effectively in real-time. A SIEM system also finds application because it can gather, analyze and correlate security-related data from different sources, enabling the security team to detect and respond to security threats (Muhammad et al., 2023). Finally, the organization could migrate its digital assets and services to a cloud environment with built-in security features, including threat detection, access control and encryption, or educate employees on its security policies and procedures.

Evaluation Criteria: Merits and Demerits

Solution Merit Demerit
Strict Access Control Policy Implementing a strict access control policy would curb access to sensitive data and assets. Only authorized personnel would be allowed to access such information. This intervention would alleviate the underlying risks posed by unauthorized access. In addition, the intervention provides a centralized approach to manage user access and permissions effectively. Ultimately, it can assist the organization in adhering to compliance requirements. Implementing a strict access control policy will be time-consuming since it requires adequate time to set up and manage the system. The other disadvantage is that it could increase support costs as users forget passwords or need additional access. Lastly, a strict access control policy may limit collaboration and information sharing within the company.
Intrusion Detection System The advantage presented by an intrusion detection system is that it provides real-time alerts to probable security threats and attacks. This capability enables the security to act promptly to any concern. Besides, the system will help Secom meet compliance requirements, and identify previously unrecognized vulnerabilities and threats. An intrusion detection system is tied to several demerits, such as the potential to generate many alerts. These alerts could be the source of false positives and alert fatigue. It could also not be effective against more complex attacks, particularly zero-day exploits. The last disadvantage is that it is costly to set up and maintain, contributing to additional operational costs.
Security Information and Event Management System The SIEM system can examine security events from multiple sources because of its centralized log management feature. Such capability is often instrumental in identifying trends and patterns in security events. This outcome ensures there is better threat detection and responses to cyber threats. Overall, the system also plays an influential role in meeting the set compliance requirements. The disadvantage posed by the SIEM system entails being expensive to set up and maintain. It also needs a high level of technological expertise to configure and manage successfully. Lastly, the system could produce many alerts, resulting in alert fatigue.
Cloud-based Security Solution A cloud-based security solution might help Secom access built-in security features, including access control, encryption and threat detection. The solution also supports scalability and flexibility in managing the security controls of an entity. Unlike on-premises security solutions, cloud-based security is cost-effective. Despite the pros, it may raise concerns over compliance and data privacy. In addition, the solution depends on third-party providers, leading to uncertainties around vendor lock-in and service availability. Finally, probable risks may ensue due to data loss and unauthorized access in the cloud environment.
Security Training and Awareness Programs Security training and awareness programs can educate staff members on the company’s security policies and procedures. Since employees are the weakest link, this solution reduces the risk of insider threats. The intervention also increases their awareness of successfully reporting cyber threats to the security team. Compared to other technology-based solutions, security training and awareness can be cost-effective. Security training and awareness programs could be time-consuming because they need significant efforts to plan and execute successfully. Further, the intervention might be ineffective against complex cyber attacks or insider threats. Ultimately, the solutions need continuous updates and maintenance to ensure security training remains relevant to the evolving technological sphere.

Best Alternative Solution

The best solution for Secom to implement would be integrating a security information and event management system (SIEM). This intervention will present a comprehensive security solution that balances security and operational needs. It covers both physical and digital security, while being adequately flexible to consider the different stakeholders’ needs. Furthermore, the solution will align with Secom’s business goals, including improving security, averting threats and enhancing operational efficiency throughout its organizational structure. SIEM system will also solve the firm’s challenges by presenting a centralized system that enables better monitoring and management of security threats, while at the same time integrating the industry’s best practices to guarantee utmost protection (Brotby, 2009). Another justification for this solution is that it offers a scalable and modular intervention, which could be adjusted to adhere to the changing needs of Secom’s stakeholders and clients. It is critical for the entity to have a flexible and scalable system that can grow to meet its needs. Thereupon, the SIEM system will align with Secom’s business goals, solve the challenges, and offer scalable and flexible solutions as it evolves with technology.

Solution Implementation

Action Plan

Secom’s CIO will oversee the implementation process alongside a team. The team will comprise experts from IT, physical security, operations and other departmental heads. External vendors and consultants will be sought to assist with specific elements of the implementation process. The process will begin by installing the novel security architecture, such as the installation of new security technologies, as well as the integration of preexisting systems. Afterwards, policies and procedures will be developed to support the new system and guarantee compliance with standards and regulations. This phase will require employee training and the implementation of awareness programs to ensure that staff members comprehend the new security protocol and are capable of operating the new system successfully. Consequently, the implementation will occur at all Secom locations, the project plan will have timeliness, and milestones will be communicated to all stakeholders. Efforts will be made to ensure regular updates and status reports and minimal disruptions to business operations. Therein, the new solutions will help the company meet its security objectives and maintain customer trust and confidence.

A structured project management strategy will be used during the implementation process. Emphasis will be on risk management, stakeholder management and quality assurance to ensure efficient transition to the new security architecture. Testing and validation procedures will be performed during the implementation process. Its significance would be to ascertain that new systems are operational as intended and adhere to the organizational needs (Brotby, 2009). The structures and phased strategy will optimize stakeholder engagement, project management and risk management. In the long term, following the action plan will result in a successful implementation that will deliver value to Secom’s customers and stakeholders. Integrating the SIEM system, which is a hybrid solution, will balance the benefits of cloud-based security with on-premise security. Since the solution offers a centralized view of security events, the organization will effectively monitor its network for potential cyber threats. In this regard, Secom will maximize the benefits of SIEM system solutions and maintain control over security infrastructure and data.

The Implementation of SIEM System and Results

Secom’s IT department will be mandated to implement the SIEM system and configure the existing security infrastructure. The reason for configuring the system would be to ensure it collects and analyzes security data from different sources across the network. Notable ones will include intrusion detection systems, and firewalls, among other security devices in the firm. The SIEM system will be deployed on-premise, and the company will decide whether or not to integrate it with cloud-based security solutions. However, before being rolled out across the entire network, a pilot project will be launched in a small test environment to evaluate the company’s capability to maintain control over its security infrastructure and data. The implementation of the hybrid solution system will also require Secom to train its staff members, beginning with critical areas before gradually expanding to cover the entire network. Thus, the SIEM system will provide the organization with a comprehensive and effective security solution to detect and respond to security threats.


Overall, Secom’s case study demonstrated modern businesses’ challenges in dealing with cyber threats and balancing operational needs. In response to the problems, the text offered various interventions, such as recruiting more personnel, outsourcing their security operations, investing in new technologies and hiring experts. After considering the merits and demerits of the solutions, the ideal recommendation is to implement a hybrid solution, primarily utilizing the SIEM system. Unlike others, it combined investing in new technologies, outsourcing, and employee training. SIEM system would also enable Secom to benefit from external security providers while controlling the underlying functions. This way, it will be easier to respond to security threats because of knowledgeable staff members with cybersecurity awareness. Essentially, despite challenges linked to the SIEM system, such as increased investment costs, the advantages outweigh the demerits because Secom will be better placed to manage its cybersecurity and improve its operational efficiency.


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