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Sales Skills Training for Vilexo’s Pharmaceutical Sales Team


Organizations must give their salespeople the skills they need to flourish in their positions and boost revenue in the highly competitive business environment of today. I was entrusted with developing a sales skills course for Vilexo’s sales personnel in the pharmaceutical industry a training designer. The course is intended to address the sales team’s recognized development opportunities as indicated by a training requirements analysis. To provide an efficient and effective training program for Vilexo’s sales people, the goals, structure, venue choice, trainer choice, accessibility concerns, and other elements will be covered.

Training Objectives

Training objectives for the sales skills course should be designed in order to satisfy the training gaps identified in the TNA for Vilexo’s sales professionals (Halawi & Haydar, 2018). One of the main goals is to improve lead conversion rates. The course will address effective lead nurturing techniques, connection development, active listening, and persuasive communication. By providing sales professionals with these skills, the training aims to cut the conversion period from six months to the prior two-month timeframe. Participants will learn how to communicate with prospects, ascertain their wants, address their concerns, and ultimately close more sales.

The second crucial goal is to keep current clients. Through instruction in recognizing and meeting client demands, efficient account management, and providing value-added services, the course will put an emphasis on developing and keeping customer relationships (Hanif et al., 2020). The workshop aims to reduce customer attrition by providing sales people with these abilities. Salespeople will learn how to give customers individualized attention, clearly convey the distinctive advantages of Vilexo’s products, and set them apart from price-based rivals.

The third goal is to address the alleged lack of confidence in fundamental sales abilities. According to Kurzrock (2019), the workshop will put a strong emphasis on developing core sales skills in order to increase the sales team’s overall competence and confidence. Prospecting, lead qualifying, requirements assessments, product presentations, objection resolution, and deal closing are just a few of the fundamental sales strategies that will be covered in training sessions. Participants will develop their confidence and expertise in these essential sales abilities through hands-on activities, role-playing scenarios, and helpful criticism.

Improving product knowledge and recommendation proficiency is the fourth goal (Azeem, 2021). According to surveys, sales agents had trouble giving accurate product benefits and contraindications descriptions as well as recommending acceptable substitutes from Vilexo’s product portfolio. To combat this, the course will offer thorough product knowledge instruction, including in-depth details on advantages, applications, contraindications, and probable negative effects. Participants will also gain knowledge of cross-selling and upselling strategies to efficiently provide appropriate product recommendations based on customer demands, maximizing sales prospects.

The final objective is to improve customer accuracy and responsiveness ,Palese & Usai (2018). Customer concerns have drawn attention to difficulties with sales personnel’ poor reaction times and inaccurate information. The necessity of timely and correct communication, efficient time management, and organizational skills will be emphasized during the course. Salespeople will learn how to handle their workload effectively, prioritize customer requests, and provide precise information about pricing, ordering, and product availability. The sales staff at Vilexo wants to increase responsiveness in order to fortify client relationships, develop trust, and raise client satisfaction levels.

Course structure

Participants will learn about the goals and schedule of the course in Module One. They will obtain knowledge of the fundamentals of successful selling as well as information on the value of sales abilities in generating revenue and market share. The basis for the remainder of the course is laid during this lesson.

The second module focuses on methods for converting leads. Participants will get knowledge of the lead conversion process and sales funnel. They will gain expertise in effective communication, active listening, dealing with objections, developing relationships with prospects, and closing sales quickly.

The importance of customer retention for business success is emphasized in the third module, Customer Retention Strategies. Participants will gain knowledge on how to develop and maintain connections with customers, recognize their needs, create custom solutions, and deliver great customer care and support.

The fourth module addresses developing fundamental sales abilities. Participants will examine their sales skills for improvement, do needs analyses, effectively qualify leads, demonstrate product benefits, confidently handle objections, and learn closing methods and negotiating skills.

Participants will learn about cross-selling strategies and acquire in-depth product knowledge in the fifth module. To increase sales revenue, they will comprehend Vilexo’s product line, precisely define the advantages, warnings, and usage of each product, look for cross-selling chances, and upsell.

Enhancing responsiveness and precision is the main focus of module six. Participants will get knowledge on the value of accurate information and timely customer service. They will create time management and organizational plans, respond to client questions about pricing, ordering, and availability, handle customer complaints, and successfully resolve issues.

Finally, module seven offers real-world application through role-plays and simulations. Participants will put their newly acquired sales skills to use in practical situations, get coaching and feedback to help them become better, and have their final sales skills testing and evaluation performed.

That said, there are a total of thirteen sessions spread out during the course’s six-week period. With a three-hour session length, topics may be explored in-depth and there are opportunities for practice. To encourage continual learning and keep the momentum going, the training will be conducted twice a week.

To this end, based on the stated training demands and the goal of providing efficient sales training within financial limits, the structure and duration were established. Participants will acquire vital sales abilities thanks to the thorough presentation of important topics. Each module’s allotted time provides for in-depth coverage and the development of useful skills. The training’s twice-weekly schedule encourages ongoing study and introspection. Giving participants a week for final assessments and evaluations allows them to demonstrate their improved skills and determines the effectiveness of the program.

Venue Selection

Considering the goal of conducting the sales training course for 40 local sales representatives at Vilexo in the most cost-effective manner, the suggested venue would be the company’s conference room. This option offers several advantages. First and foremost, utilizing an existing conference room within the company premises eliminates the need for additional rental expenses, aligning with the course budget requirements.

Another important consideration while choosing the company conference room according to García-Fernández(2018), is convenience. All sales personnel may easily access the conference room because it is on-site, cutting down on travel time and costs. The sales team’s everyday operations are kept as uninterrupted as possible while ensuring full engagement.

Furthermore, understanding the environment helps create a productive learning environment (Chuang & Huang, 2018). The sales professionals will feel more at ease and at ease using an internal setting, which will improve engagement and learning results. The conference room’s familiarity will ease any initial discomfort or anxiety related to training in a strange place.

Finally, Privacy is another aspect that was considered when choosing the company’s conference room. The venue provides a private setting, free from distractions or interruptions (Yunus & Ernawati, 2018). This ensures a focused learning environment where participants can fully engage in the training activities and discussions.

Course Trainer Selection

Considering the training needs identified and the goal of cost-effectiveness, selecting an in-house trainer for the Sales Skills course at Vilexo is recommended. There are various arguments in favor of this decision. The first benefit of an internal trainer is knowledge with the business and its particular environment (Yu et al.,2018). They have a thorough awareness of Vilexo’s goods, services, and market, which enables them to modify the training materials to solve the particular difficulties the sales staff faces. This familiarity guarantees that the training is pertinent, useful, and in line with the objectives of the business.

Secondly, a sales-related in-house trainer has vital knowledge of the sales procedures and methods pertinent to Vilexo’s sector. They can use their knowledge to impart helpful advice and share examples from the real world that the sales people can relate to (Kafuruki, 2020). This knowledge enhances the training program’s effectiveness.

Additionally, picking an internal trainer supports the goal of conducting the training as cheaply as possible. Travel and consultant fees are common extra expenditures associated with hiring an outside expert. These additional expenses can be avoided by making use of the talent already present within the company, ensuring that the training program stays under budget.

Lastly, an in-house can continue to help and teach the sales staff beyond the initial training course (Yu et al.,2018). To ensure continued improvement, they can provide continuing direction, encouragement, and skill development. The application and retention of the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the training are encouraged by this ongoing support, which helps Vilexo achieve sustained sales development.

Ensuring Accessibility in Sales Skills Training

It is crucial to consider everyone’s accessibility while creating the Sales Skills course for Vilexo’s sales professionals, especially individuals with mobility, vision, or hearing impairments. According to Wu et al., (2020) the choice of an appropriate training location is the first factor to be taken into account when improving accessibility. It is essential to pick a location that is accessible to people with mobility issues. This entails confirming that the location has elevators, wheelchair ramps, and accessible restrooms. The training facility should also have enough capacity to properly accommodate wheelchair users, allowing for simple movement throughout the room.

Besides, training materials will be made available in a variety of forms, with a focus on visual accessibility to make text easier to read, use bold, clear font sizes and bright, contrast colors (Navarrete & Luján-Mora, 2018). On slides and handouts, extra care will be taken to avoid using small or illegible print. To make it easier for people with visual impairments to see smaller print, accommodations like magnifying glasses or screen magnifiers will be made available.

Finally, modifications will be made to guarantee that persons with hearing difficulties can participate fully. Offering written transcripts or captions for any audio or video content utilized in the training could fall under this category (World Health Organization,2018). Presenters and instructors will be urged to talk clearly and face the audience to make it easier for people to understand what they are saying.

Other factors to consider

The overall efficacy and success of the training program are significantly influenced by additional elements. The training methodology to be used is one crucial factor. In order to meet the specified training needs, it is crucial to choose the training techniques that are most suited. Participants’ involvement can be increased and the practical application of new skills made easier by combining interactive workshops, role-playing games, case studies, and group discussions.

In addition, given the length of the training, it could be necessary to offer lunches and drinks to keep participants energized and attentive. Offering breakfast, lunch, and snacks throughout breaks would fall under this category. Alternately, participants might be provided enough break time to get their own food.

Finally, it’s critical to assess whether any handouts or promotional products are required to improve the educational process or act as a reminder of vital ideas. These products could include branded goods or extra training resources. However, it is essential to make sure that these components fit within the budget constraints and are in line with the course objectives.


In conclusion, the Sales Skills course created for Vilexo’s sales staff aims to solve development gaps within the sales team and promote revenue growth. The course seeks to boost sales representatives’ competence and confidence by emphasizing lead conversion, customer retention, fundamental sales abilities, product knowledge, and customer responsiveness. A variety of interactive training techniques are used during the six-week course, which has thirteen sessions. A successful and inclusive training program is made possible by the choice of an appropriate location, a qualified trainer, and considerations for accessibility and other variables. The Sales Skills course lays the groundwork for increased customer satisfaction and sales effectiveness by prioritizing participant requirements and coordinating them with business goals.


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