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Ransomware Essays

Exercises From Pfleeger Cybercrime

Cybercrime may be prevented with a “kill switch” feature. A “kill switch” is an emergency shut-off device that may terminate an operating system or service during a cyberattack. Thus, a “kill switch” disables the dangerous payload or prevents malware from spreading, preventing additional damage. The “kill switch”‘s has pros and cons, and there are various ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 649

A Discourse on Ransomware and the Control Measures for Target Organizations

What is a Ransomware? Ransomware is malware designed by recent programmers with malicious intentions where the malware is designed to encrypt important details from the target computer and demand ransom for decryption. The model is designed to enhance the tactical attacks performed by the previous bank Trojans. As a result, it combines various detailed techniques ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 655
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Outlawing Ransomware Payments

Introduction Ransomware has become another prevalent catastrophe in the civilized world. Increased technology use across all economic sectors has made people vulnerable to cybercrimes. Ransomware is a form of malware that invaders use to encrypt files released after the victim pays some money. The crime has been identified globally as a kidnapping that encompasses control ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2198

The Rise of Ransomware

Abstract Ransomware is one of the most widespread cybersecurity dangers, posing a threat to businesses and IT users all around the world. Ransomware has evolved into serious and painful danger to people, governments, and businesses over the last several decades. Ransomware is a kind of virus that takes control of a user’s files and other ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2545
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