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Quality Improvement Initiative Essays

Implementing a Quality Improvement Initiative To Enhance Diabetes Care for African AmericanPatients

Introduction In the previous assignments, I outlined the challenge of diabetes care among African American patients at the physician group facility. So far, it is evident that leveraging data is an important strategy for identifying gaps and areas for improvement in our physician group. This proposal aims to outline a plan for collecting comprehensive medical ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2054

Enhancing LGBTQ+ Inclusivity in Healthcare: A Quality Improvement Initiative

Discrimination and prejudice, overt or subtle, present significant barriers to reducing the efficacy of healthcare provision in this case specifically towards LGBTQ+ and transgender persons. Inclusive and non-discriminatory environments are pivotal in ensuring that those populations classed as marginalized can access much-needed care. This paper will instead attempt to delve into a safety quality issue ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1577
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Quality Improvement Initiative

Introduction Serving a varied and vibrant population with a dedication to outstanding medical services, Elmhurst Hospital Center within New York City remains a guiding light in the constantly changing world of healthcare. A well-planned Quality Improvement (QI) project is central to its aim; it was created to deal with the urgent need of lowering mortality ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3403

Quality Improvement Initiative to Reduce Waiting Time and Crowding at the Emergency Department

The emergency department plays a central role in saving lives, promoting health, and enhancing access through timely interventions, proper diagnosis, care, and treatment. However, the emergency department at the hospital based in Maryland is experiencing significantly long waiting times and crowding. Long waiting times and crowding adversely affect healthcare quality, safety, access, effectiveness, efficiency, and ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1538

Leadership and Quality Improvement Initiatives

The article “How Hospital can Help their Future Leaders Succeed” by Kelly Gooch and Nika Schoonover (2022) clearly illustrates how Management in healthcare organizations when the ratio of workload compared to staffing. This has been attributed to the healthcare industry facing worker shortages, facility closures and lapses, and catalyzing service cuts. This is in line ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1282

Data Analysis and Quality Improvement Initiative Proposal

Quality improvement in healthcare is a fundamental aspect. Increasing the quality of healthcare improves patient outcomes with care. Moreover, it improves the satisfaction of healthcare providers such as nurses with the profession. Therefore, quality improvement innovations are crucial to guarantee high-quality care. Improved safety and quality of care is determined by a supportive working environment ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2854

Quality Improvement Initiative at a Correctional Facility

I work with civilly confined individuals in a maximum security facility. One of the most pressing issues in this facility is the rapid influx of inmates which has massive consequences on prisoners’ health, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has exaggerated the challenges of providing healthcare in the correctional setting due to the inadequate ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1321
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