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Qualities of a Successful Team

Team management plays a vital part in coordinating and administering a group of individuals to perform a task effectively. An organization with coordinating members aids in smooth running and achieving the goals. Defining qualities of a successful team measures the willingness of a group of people to cooperate in achieving a specific goal of the company. The intense impacts of teamwork lead to the success of an organization. The paper explores the qualities of a successful team and factors of team culture, and it further discusses who is responsible for a lousy team.

Effective management of a team involves many qualities, such as strong leadership, whereby the person in charge should be able to encourage the team to achieve goals smoothly. Good communication is a significant cause of a team’s success by providing a conducive environment and climate to work (Mobolade & Akinad, 2021). A positive attitude contributes to individual members’ willingness to support fully, have the confidence to believe in the mission, and ensure its success. Good team management is always making time for fellow teammates (Soni, 2020). Reliability, commitment, and flexibility are significant factors contributing to the team’s success by ensuring that the team members can adapt to new changes and are ready to work. The good qualities of a team have a significant impact on the success of a company or organization. A good team member knows how to manage time and has confidence while performing the task. The leader must act together as a member instead of giving tasks to different teammates and must order equal tasks for members.

Factors of Team Culture

Employee empowerment is one of the essential factors of team culture. The factor encourages trust in employees by employers, appreciation, and power to make decisions on their own. Leadership is critical in building team culture as it affects policies, rules, and procedures governing employees. Effective communication from supportive leadership contributes to change in organizational climates, but caution that collaboration may overload work, cause stress, and cause conflicts between employees (Morris et al., 2020). Team culture is based on the work environment, leadership styles, company policies, and values. Culture entails specific features of people’s behavior, which is essential to have employees who can support teamwork.

Responsibility of Bad Team

A bad team is members’ responsibility to be accountable for their actions. A lousy team results from a lack of accountability, members blaming others for their mistakes, and not taking responsibility. A wrong member shows no interest in team activities and relies on the other member’s decision. A bad team can also be caused by a bad leader who is overly compliant and unwilling to back what they stand for, not supporting their team. Regardless of the setting, culturally responsive practice requires a collective teamwork focus to maximize success in any work relationship (Hopf et al., 2021). Teamwork is positively associated with various positive consequences, such as team performance and resilience (McEwan &Crawford, 2022). Bad team results are due to a lack of teamwork preparation, evaluation, and adjustments of teamwork, which breaks down teamwork execution and has the most impact on team performance. A good team is a result of mismanagement where there are disagreements and better communication. Gaps between teams cause team management barriers, and therefore, lousy team management leads to poor performance in the organization.

In conclusion, a well-managed team and energetic employees are the best components for a firm culture and advantageousness in an organization for its overall success. A successful team needs to have good qualities such as strong leadership and good communication among members. Employee empowerment, leadership, team culture, and effective communication are essential factors of team culture. Team management may play a vital role in the growth of an organization and provides a way to operate, control, coordinate, and attain success. In a good team, the members must pay attention to their duties and work together to ensure good performance. This paper has evaluated team management in organizations and how it affects the culture and performance.


Hopf, S. C., Crowe, K., Verdon, S., Blake, H. L., & McLeod, S. (2021). Advancing workplace diversity through the culturally responsive teamwork framework. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 30(5), 1949-1961.

McEwan, D., & Crawford, K. L. (2022). Why does teamwork execution break down? Experiences of university team sport athletes. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology.

Mobolade, G. O., & Akinade, M. E. (2021). Team building and teamwork in organizations: Implications to managers and employees in workplaces. International Journal of Management, Social Sciences, Peace and Conflict Studies, 11(4), 1.

Morris, J. E., Lummis, G. W., Lock, G., Ferguson, C., Hill, S., & Nykiel, A. (2020). The role of leadership in establishing a positive staff culture in a secondary school. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 48(5), 802–820.

Soni, V. D. (2020). Importance and strategic planning of team management. International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology7(2), 47–50.


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