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Psychological Tests for Personality Assessment

The Rorschach Inkblot Test

The practical aspect of psychology requires examination within a restricted environment to prove the theoretical aspect of the topic of study. “The Rorschach inkblot test” incorporates a set of ten inkblot cards of different colors, which the test taker uses to conclude the images portrayed by the cards.

The test was established by Hermann Rorschach, a Swiss psychologist, in the early nineteenth century and emerged from Rorschach’s childhood game called klecksography (Cherry et al., 2020). The game encompassed inkblots, poems, his favorite game, and his friends. The development of this test was to enhance Rorschach’s interest that will help examine the personality of human beings.

The test is best administered in a psychiatric setting where most patients are being taken for treatment. In the course of Rorschach’s encounter with Schizophrenia cases, the patients responded better when given the blots than other patients. Hermann’s enhancement of this test contributes to people’s wellness and changes their perception of many issues, especially when judgment is involved.

The test is of great benefit to patients since it helps in speeding up their recovery process. In addition, the test is applied to guage the different personalities of humans and how far their level of imagination can be established. Rorschach used this test in the psychiatric hospital he worked in to help schizophrenia patients recuperate (Mondal et al., 2021). The test is seen to work, and through its application on the patients, a better response is monitored, and a great distinction is seen between schizophrenia patients and other patients.

“The Rorschach Inkblot test” examines the different areas of knowledge on a range of personalities in individuals, which helps measure their progress. To add on that, the test aids in managing stress, helps to cope with patients of different disorders as well as improves interpersonal relationships. Experts question whether the test works due to the disadvantages it portrays. The test lacks reliability since the examiner is the decision maker. The test is inappropriate and lacks validity when diagnosing disorders.

The Thematic Apperception test

“The Thematic apperception test” is an examination used to determine patients’ emotions and core personalities. Twenty cards are usually used to depict how human beings respond to issues using their interpersonal skills. Half of the cards are presented, the examiner gets responses from their clients on how they feel about the cards presented before them, and a conclusion is drawn afterward.

The test was developed by Morgan and Murray, who presented it as an act of storytelling in 1935 (Morgan, 2020). The essence of this test was to ensure that individuals enhanced their interpersonal relationships and portrayed their attitudes on a presented issue. The test considers how humans are expected to take charge of their emotions and dominate conflicting issues.

The test would be best administered in a psychiatric setting which is a suitable environment for its application. In such a setting, the examiner and the patients will have successful sessions since both parties will be involved. The examiner will gauge the patient’s progress by the responses are given since it measures how efficiently individuals deal with their emotions.

“The Thematic apperception test” is incredibly beneficial because it provides a platform for humans to express themselves. Since the test involves telling an imaginative story on the cards presented, great expression is involved, and from this, the examiner can determine the scores. Murray came up with the test to establish a relationship between individuals in the case of a patient and an examiner (Biermann &Andersen, 2022). Therefore, the test dramatically contributes to the recovery of patients, and examiners get to interact with different situations, making them experts in handling issues of different kinds.

The test portrays much information regarding the personality of individuals; therapists and other examiners can enlighten themselves on a range of issues and learn how to solve them. In addition, individuals can freely express themselves, which boosts their confidence and self-esteem. The downside to this test is the lack of standardization, which means that the examiner is the determinant of the patient’s score or performance, which may be biased.


Biermann, A. (2022). Using the Thematic Apperception Test as a Tool for Measuring Attachment in Clinical Settings (Doctoral dissertation, Indiana State University).

Cherry, K., & Gans, S. (2020). Rorschach Inkblot Psychological Test. Edited by Steven Gans, Verywell Mind, Verywell Mindp. 17.

Mondal, A., & Kumar, M. (2021). Rorschach inkblot test and psychopathology among patients who have schizophrenia: A correlational study. Industrial Psychiatry Journal30(1), 74.

Morgan, W. G. (2020). Origin and history of an early TAT card: Picture C. Journal of personality assessment74(1), 88–94.


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